# Privacy Protection Guidelines for Mini Program Users

Debugging tools

初始值Hattori API

# Interface Dxplaination

# Interface name


# Functional description

  • This interface is used to query user privacy protection guidelines for third-party Mini Program development, and can also be used to query which privacy there are._Key can be configured

  • If you encounter problems during use, you canOpen Platform Service Provider ZonePosting exchanges.

# Calling mode

# HTTPS call

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/component/getprivacysetting?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN 

# Third Party Invocation

  • The calling method and parameters are the same as HTTPS, only the calling token is different

  • The permission set id to which this interface belongs is: 18

  • After the service provider has been authorized with one of the permission sets, it can do so by usingauthorizer_access_TokenCalling on behalf of the merchant

# Request parameters

attribute type Required Introductions
access_Token string yes Interface invokes the certificate, which is URL Parameters, non Body Parameters. useauthorizer_access_Token
privacy_ver number yes 1 indicates the current network version, that is, the content returned by the interface is the current network version of the2 represents the development version, that is, pass 2 then the content returned by the interface is the development version. The default is 2.

# Return parameters

attribute typeIntroductions
errcode number Return code
errmsg string Error message
code_exist number Whether the code exists, 0 Does not exist, 1 existence If not recently.Through the commit interfaceUpload the code, it will appear code_Exist = 0.
privacy_list array The type of user information detected by the code (privacy_key)
setting_list array Configuration of user information to collect
attribute type Introductions
privacy_key string The official optional values refer to the explaination belowThis field also supports customization. The same description applies to information collected by the sdk.
privacy_text string Please specify the purpose for which this information was collected. Such as privacy_Key = Location (location information), then privacy_Text fills in the purpose of collecting location information. There is no need to add "for" or "for" these words, the Mini Program display format is for xxx, so the developer only need to fill in the purpose directly. The same description applies to information collected by the SDK.
update_time number Update time
owner_setting object Collector (Developer) Information Configuration
attribute type Introductions
contact_phone string The phone number of the information collector (developer), and at least one of the four contact methods should be filled in
contact_email string The email address of the information collector (developer) and at least one of the four contact methods
contact_qq string The qq number of the information collector (developer), at least one of the four kinds of linkage methods should be filled in
contact_WeChat string The WeChat account of the information collector (developer), at least one of the four contact methods should be filled in.
store_expire_timestamp string The storage period refers to how long the developer collects user information and stores it. If you do not fill it in, it will be displayed as [the developer promises that, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations, the developer shall keep your information for the shortest time necessary for the purpose of processing], if you fill in the number + days, such as "30 days," otherwise an error of 87072 will appear.
ext_file_media_id string If the developer does not use the standardized user privacy protection guidelines provided by WeChat, you can also upload a self-defined user privacy protection guidelines, which can be uploaded through the uploadPrivacySetting interface to obtain media_id
Notice_method string Notification means that when the developer collects information changes, the user is notified through this method. Here the service provider needs to fill in according to the actual situation, such as through the pop-up window or announcement or other means.
store_region number Storage area
privacy_desc object Description of user Information types in Chinese and English
attribute type Introductions
privacy_desc_list array
attribute type Introductions
privacy_key string
privacy_desc string
sdk_privacy_info_list array The Mini Program refers to the information of the third party sdk
attribute type Introductions
sdk_name string Name of SDK
sdk_biz_name string Principal name of the sdk provider
sdk_list array Information Collected by SDK and Its Use
attribute type Introductions
privacy_key string The official optional values refer to the explaination belowThis field also supports customization. The same description applies to information collected by the sdk.
privacy_text string Please specify the purpose for which this information was collected. Such as privacy_Key = Location (location information), then privacy_Text fills in the purpose of collecting location information. There is no need to add "for" or "for" these words, the Mini Program display format is for xxx, so the developer only need to fill in the purpose directly. The same description applies to information collected by the SDK.

# Other Notes

1, the development version refers to the user privacy protection guide content that has been configured through the setprivacysetting interface, but has not been released to the current network, and has not been officially effective version.

2, the current network version refers to the user privacy protection guidelines that have already taken effect in the current network version of the Mini Program.

3, if you do not pass the privacy_Send an empty json, otherwise it will be wrong.

# Call Example

Example Dxplaination: HTTPS requests

# Sample Request Data


# Return Data Example

    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "code_exist": 1,
    "privacy_list": [
    "setting_list": [
            "privacy_key": "EXIDNumber",
            "privacy_text": "To register membership information xxx,"
            "privacy_label": ""
            "privacy_key": "UserInfo",
            "privacy_text": "To show your xxxx,"
            "privacy_label": ""
    "update_time": 1641548861,
    "owner_setting: {
        "contact_phone": "",
        "contact_email": "melody4444@qq.com",
        "contact_qq " : "11111111",
        "contact_WeChat": "",
        "store_expire_timestamp": "10,000 days,"
        "ext_file_media_id": "",
        "notice_method": "Pop-Up 222"
    "privacy_Desc": {
        "privacy_desc_list": [
                "privacy_key": "UserInfo",
                "privacy_Desc": "User information (WeChat nickname, avatar)"
                "privacy_key": "Location",
                "privacy_Desc": "Location Information"
                "privacy_key": "Address",
                "privacy_Desc": "Address"
                "privacy_key": "Invoice",
                "privacy_Desc": "Invoice Information"
                "privacy_key": "RunData",
                "privacy_Desc": WeRun campaign data
                "privacy_key": "Record",
                "privacy_Desc": "Microphone"
                "privacy_key": "Album",
                "privacy_Desc": "Selected Photo or Video Message"
                "privacy_key": "Camera",
                "privacy_Desc": "Camera."
                "privacy_key": "PhoneNumber",
                "privacy_Desc": "Cell number."
                "privacy_key": "Contact",
                "privacy_Desc": "Address Book (Write Only) Permissions"
                "privacy_key": "DeviceInfo"
                "privacy_Desc": "Equipment Information"
                "privacy_key": "EXIDNumber",
                "privacy_Desc": "ID number."
                "privacy_key": "EXOrderInfo"
                "privacy_Desc": "Order Information"
                初始值_key": "EXUserPublishContent",
                "privacy_Desc": "Published Content"
                "privacy_key": "EXUserFollowAcct",
                "privacy_Desc": "Accounts You Follow"
                "privacy_key": "EXUserOpLog",
                "privacy_Desc": "Operation Log"
                "privacy_key": "AlbumWriteOnly",
                "privacy_Desc": "Album (Write Only) Permissions"
                "privacy_key": "LicensePlate",
                "privacy_Desc": "License plate number."
                "privacy_key": "BlueTooth",
                "privacy_Desc": "Bluetooth."
                "privacy_key": "CalendarWriteOnly",
                "privacy_Desc": "Calendar (write only) permissions"
                "privacy_key": "Email",
                "privacy_Desc": "Mailbox"
                "privacy_key": "MessageFile",
                "privacy_Desc": "Selected File"
                "privacy_key": "ChooseLocation",
                "privacy_Desc": "Selected Location Information"
                "privacy_key": "Accelerometer",
                "privacy_Desc": "Acceleration sensor."
                "privacy_key": "Compass",
                "privacy_Desc": "Magnetic Field Sensor"
                "privacy_key": "DeviceMotion",
                "privacy_Desc": "Orientation Sensor"
                "privacy_key": "Gyroscope",
                "privacy_Desc": "Gyroscope Sensor"
                "privacy_key": "Clipboard",
                "privacy_Desc": "Shear Plate"
    "sdk_privacy_info_list": [
            "sdk_name": "Testing the sdk,"
            "sdk_biz_name": "wheat company limited,"
            "sdk_list": [
                    "privacy_key": "Custom,"
                    "privacy_text": "To show your beauty,"
                    "privacy_label": "Avatar Info"

# Error code

Error code Error code Solutions
0 ok ok