# Quick Registration Enterprise Mini Program

Interface should be called on the server side, seeHattori API

# Interface Dxplaination

# Interface name


# Functional description

On the quick registration Mini Program detailed introduction as well as the use of steps, frequently asked questions, please seeQuick Registration Small Business IntroductionThis article is an interface document for quickly registering Mini Program

# Note

  • Create task logic serial, after the end of a single task can use the same information to issue a second task, please pay attention to avoid task blocking

# Calling mode

# HTTPS call

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/component/fastregisterweapp?action=create&component_access_token=TOKEN 

# Request parameters

attribute type Required Introductions
access_Token string yes Third Party Platform Interface Invocation Vouchercomponent_access_TokenThis parameter is URL Parameters, non Body Parameters.
name string yes Business name (must be consistent with the registration information of the industrial and commercial department)If it is "individual industrial and commercial household without the main name," then fill in "individual household + legal person name," such as "individual household Zhang San"
code string yes Enterprise code
code_type number yes Enterprise Code Type 1: Uniform Social Credit Code (18 Bit) 2: Organization Code (9 position xxxxxx 3: Business License Registration Number(15 position)
legal_persona_wechat string yes Corporate WeChat
legal_persona_name string yes Name of legal person (bank card)
component_phone string no Third Party Contact Phone

# Return parameters

attribute type Introductions
errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message

# Other Notes

# II. Query Create Task Status

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/component/fastregisterweapp?action=search&component_access_token=TOKEN

POST Examples of data:

  "name": "tencent", // Name of business
  "legal_persona_wechat": "123", // Corporate WeChat
  "legal_persona_初始值 "pony" // Name of legal person

Dxplaination of parameters:

初始值 describe
name Name of business
初始值_persona_wechat Corporate WeChat
legal_persona_name Name of legal person (bank card)
parameter type Default value Required Introductions
TOKEN string yes Third-Party Platform Tokens
name string yes Business name (must be consistent with the registration information of the industrial and commercial department)
legal_persona_wechat string yes Corporate WeChat
legal_persona_name string yes Name of legal person (bank card)

Return result example:

    "errcode":0,  // Status Code, 0 Success, Other Failure
    "errmsg":"OK"  // Error message

Note: This interface only provides the results of the current task query, it is not recommended to rely too much on this interface to query the created Mini Program. The successful status of the Mini Program can be checked and queried on a third-party server.

# III. Push of Registration Audit Events

The audit results are received by the authorization event URL Push relevant notifications.

Example of Data

    <AppId><![CDATA[Third-party platform appid]]></AppId>
    <appid>Create appid Mini Program</appid>
    <auth_code>Xxxxx Third Party Authorization Code</auth_code>
    <name><![CDATA[Name of business]]></name>
    <code><![CDATA[Enterprise code]]></code>
    <legal_persona_wechat><![CDATA[Corporate WeChat]]></legal_persona_wechat>
    <legal_persona_name><![CDATA[Name of legal person]]></legal_persona_name>
    <component_phone><![CDATA[Third Party Contact Phone]]></component_phone>

status return meaning
100001 The template message that has been issued has not been confirmed and has exceeded time (24h), and the body certificate has not been checked.
100002 The template message that has been issued has not been confirmed and has timed out (24h), and face recognition verification has not been carried out.
100003 The template message that has been issued has not been confirmed by the legal person and has timed out (24h)
101 Business Data Return: "Business has been deactivated"
102 Business data return: "Business does not exist or business information is not updated"
103 Industrial and commercial data return: "The name of the legal representative of the enterprise is inconsistent"
104 Industrial and Commercial Data Return: "The ID card number of the legal representative of the enterprise is inconsistent"
105 The ID number of the legal representative, the industrial and commercial data has not been updated, please 5-15 Try it after a working day.
1000 Industry and Commerce Data Return: "Inconsistent Enterprise Information or Legal Representative Information"
1001 The number of Mini programs created by the main body reaches the maximum limit
1002 Main violations hit the blacklist
1003 The number of administrator accounts reached the maximum limit
1004 Administrators hit the blacklist for violation
1005 The number of mobile phone accounts reached the maximum limit.
1006 Admin mobile phone number violation hit the blacklist
1007 Administrator ID card number to create the maximum number of accounts
1008 Administrator ID card violation hit the blacklist
-1 The name of the enterprise and the legal person are not consistent

Suggestion: You can use the four fields of the enterprise name, enterprise code, legal person WeChat, and legal person name requested by the interface as the unique identifier for each task to distinguish each task.

# Call Example

Example Dxplaination: Creating an Mini Program interface

# Sample Request Data

  "name": "tencent", // Name of business
  "code": "123", // Enterprise code
  "code_type": 1, // Type of Enterprise Code (1: Uniform Social Credit Code, 2: organization code, 3: business license registration number)
  "legal_persona_wechat": "123", // Corporate WeChat
  "legal_persona_name": "candy", // Name of legal person
  "component_phone": "1234567" //Third Party Contact Phone

# Return Data Example

  "errcode": 0, // Status Code, 0 Success, Other Failure
  "errmsg": "OK" // Error message

Example Dxplaination: Query Create Task Status

# Sample Request Data

  "name": "tencent", 
  "legal_persona_wechat": "123", 
  "legal_persona_name": "melody" 

# Return Data Example


# Error code

Error code Error code Solutions
0 ok ok
-1 system error The system is busy, please wait for the developer to try again
89249 task running The appid has a positive task in progress, since the last task 24h Try again later
89247 Inner error  retry after some while Internal system error
86004 invalid wechat Invalid WeChat account
61070 name  idcard  wechat name not in accordance The name of the legal person is inconsistent with the WeChat ID
89248 invalid code type The enterprise code type is invalid, please select the correct type to fill in
89250 task not found The task was not found.
89251 legal persona checking The template message has been sent to wait for the face verification of the legal person.
89252 front checking Corporate & Enterprise Information Consistency Check
89253 lack of some params Missing parameters
89254 lack of some component rights Third-party permission set is incomplete, please add permission set and try again
89255 enterprise code invalid The code parameter is invalid, please check the code length and content is correctAttention to code_The value of type is different, and the code length is different.