# Get the set QR code rules

Debugging tools

Interface should be called on the server side, seeHattori API

# Interface Dxplaination

# Interface name


# Functional description

The interface is used to get the QR code rules that have been set

# Note

# Call Dxplaination

  • The interface is used to obtain the set two-dimensional code rules, which is suitable for obtaining the set two-dimensional code rules of "scan ordinary two-dimensional code to open a Mini Program," and also suitable for obtaining the set two-dimensional code rules of "scan service number two-dimensional code to open a Mini Program."
  • If you are getting the QR code rules set by scan ordinary QR codes to open Mini Program, you do not need any input parameters to use Mini Program's authorizer_access_Token can be called.
  • If it is to obtain the two-dimensional code rules that have been set by "sweep service number to open Mini Program," you need to send appid, get_type、prefix_list、page_num、page_Size and other parameters, details can see the documentation below.

# Service Number Call Dxplaination

  • To call the interface to get the QR code rules set by scan the service number QR code to open Mini Program, the service provider must first obtain the service number and set the permission set id A permission set of 3 is granted to the service provider, otherwise an error of 61007 will occur.
  • The service number must be associated with the Mini Program before the interface can be invoked. If the service number is not already associated with the Mini Program, you can do so by(linkMiniprogram)The interface is associated.

# Calling mode

# HTTPS call

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/wxopen/qrcodejumpget?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN 

# Third Party Invocation

  • The calling method and parameters are the same as HTTPS, only the calling token is different

  • The permission set id of this interface is: 3, 18

  • After the service provider has been authorized with one of the permission sets, it can do so by usingauthorizer_access_TokenCalling on behalf of the merchant

# Request parameters

attribute type Required Introductions
初始值_Token string yes Interface invokes the certificate, which is URL Parameters, non Body Parameters. useauthorizer_access_Token
appid string no Appid of Mini Program. You need to pass this parameter to get the QR code rule already set by "scan service number QR code open Mini Program".
get_type number no The default value is 0. 0: Query Recently Added 10000 Article (large number recommended with 1 or 2)1: prefix query2: pagination query, returned in new order. You need to pass this parameter to get the QR code rule already set by "scan service number QR code open Mini Program".
prefix_list array no Prefix query, get_type=1 Must pass, most pass 200 A prefix. You need to pass this parameter to get the QR code rule already set by "scan service number QR code open Mini Program".
page_num number no Page number,get_type=2 Will pass, from 1 Start. You need to pass this parameter to get the QR code rule already set by "scan service number QR code open Mini Program".
page_size number no Number of pages, get_type=2 Will pass, the greatest for 200。 You need to pass this parameter to get the QR code rule already set by "scan service number QR code open Mini Program".

# 初始值

attribute typeIntroductions
errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message
rule_list array List of QR Code Rules
attribute type Introductions
prefix string QR code rules, explaination, service number QR code rules have been filtered not show.
path string Mini Program function page.
state number Release Flag Bit, 1 Indicates unreleased, 2 Indicates that it has been released.
open_version number Test range.
Get the QR code rule set by "scan ordinary QR code open Mini Program" to return this parameter.
1 indicates the development version (configuration is only available to the developer)2 indicates the experience version (configuration is effective for administrators and experiencers))3 is the official version (the configuration is valid for developers, administrators, and experimenters).
In particular, regardless of whether the ordinary QR code rule is released, the developer/Experiencer/The Administrator is scanning debug_url The corresponding two-dimensional code, according to the open_version To decide whether to open the development, trial, or official
debug_url array The test link (optional) may be filled in no more than 5 A complete link to the QR code for testing, which must conform to the completed QR code rules. Get the QR code rule set by "scan ordinary QR code open Mini Program" to return this parameter.
qrcodejump_open number Have you opened the QR Code Jump Link Settings
list_size number Number of QR Code Rules
qrcodejump_pub_quota number Number of posts this month.
total_count number QR code rule total data volume for pagination query

# Call Example

Example Dxplaination: Get the QR code rules that have been set by "scan ordinary QR code to open the Mini Program"

# Sample Request Data

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/wxopen/qrcodejumpget?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

# Return Data Example

  "errcode": 0,
  "errmsg": "ok",

  "rule_list": [
      "prefix": "https://WeChat.qq.com/qrcodejump,
      "open_version": 1,
      "state": 1,
      "permit_sub_rule": 1,
      "path": "pages / index / index ",
      "debug_url": [
        "https: //WeChat.qq.com/qrcodejump?a = 2
      "prefix": "https://WeChat.qq.com/qrcodejumptest",
      "open_version": 1,
      "state": 1,
      "permit_sub_rule": 1,
      "path": "pages/index/index",
      "debug_url": [
        "https: //WeChat.qq.com/qrcodejumptest?a = 2

  "qrcodejump_open": 0,
  "list_size": 2,
  "qrcodejump_pub_quota": 20,

Example Dxplaination: Get the QR code rules set by "scan the service number QR code to open the Mini Program"

# Sample Request Data

  "appid": "wx444444"


# Return Data Example

  "errcode": 0,
  "errmsg": "ok",

  "rule_list": [
      "prefix": "https://WeChat.qq.com/qrcodejump,
      "state": 1,
      "path": "pages/index/index"
      "prefix": "https://WeChat.qq.com/qrcodejumptest",
      "state": 1,
      "path": "pages/index/index"

  "qrcodejump_open": 0,
  "list_size": 2,
  "qrcodejump_pub_quota": 20,
  "total_count": 10

# Error code

Error code Error code Solutions
40001 invalid credential  access_Token isinvalid or not latest Obtain access_Token time AppSecret Error, or access_Token Invalid. Please take the developer more seriously. AppSecret Of the correctness, or to see if you are working for the appropriate Official Account message template Call interface