# Sign up for a trial Mini Program

Debugging tools

Interface should be called on the server side, seeHattori API

# Interface Dxplaination

# Interface name


# Functional description

This interface is used to quickly create a trial Mini Program. If you encounter problems during use, you canOpen Platform Service Provider ZonePosting exchanges.

# Note

  • For vendors to better understand the use of this interface, be sure to read theIntroduction to the Business of Trial Mini Program

  • In the business introduction document of the trial Mini Program, the interface use logic will be described in detail, there is a corresponding user authorization page interaction example diagram, the rules of the template message received by the user, and so on.

# Calling mode

# HTTPS call

初始值 https://api.weixin.qq.com/wxa/component/fastregisterbetaweapp?access_token=ACCESS_初始值 

# Request parameters

attribute type Required Introductions
access_Token string yes Interface invokes the certificate, which is URL Parameters, non Body Parameters. usecomponent_access_Token
name string yes Mini Program name, nickname semi-automatic setting, mandatory suffix "experience Mini Program." And this parameter will be checked for keywords, and an error will be reported if the brand keyword is hit. If you encounter a large brand customer to use a trial Mini Program, it is recommended that users change their name first, and then modify it into a brand name after certification. Supports only 4-30 characters
openid string yes WeChat user openid (not WeChat ID), after the successful creation of the trial Mini Program will be set to the user by default as the Mini Program administrator.
The way to get openid please check outOfficial Account message template to get openid
H5 Get openidMini Program to get openidWeb Application Get openid

# Return parameters

attribute type Introductions
errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message
unique_id string The unique identifier of the request, which is used to associate the WeChat user with the subsequent appid
authorize_url string User authorization confirmation url, need to send the url to the user, Mini Program administrator in WeChat open and enter the authorization page to complete the authorization to create a Mini Program

# Other Notes

# Message Push Rules

Since the interface involves the user's authorization confirmation operation, it is an asynchronous operation process, so the user's operation state platform will push the relevant information to the [authorization event reception] URL】。

Create Trial Mini Program Successfully/Failed Notification Data Example

    <AppId><![CDATA[Third-party platform appid]]></AppId>
    <appid>Create appid Mini Program<appid>
    <name><![CDATA[Name of the Mini Program]]></name>

status meaning
0 Ok, Mini Program created successfully
3 overdue Unconfirmed, user timeout
-1 system Error, System Error, System Error
750001 The applicant's WeChat and the authorized person's WeChat are not the same user.
750004 create_The token is not valid, that is, the identity contained in the token is not the same as the actual identity used.
750011 Failed to obtain permission set list. Please check if the third party's permission set has been published network-wide and then try again.
750002 Mini Program authorization to a third party failed, please check whether the third party's permission set has been released to the whole network and then try again.
-2000001 Platform system internal error, please go to the community feedback
-2000002 Platform system internal error, please go to the community feedback
-2000003 The same ticket does not support repeated creation of Mini Programs

# Call Example

Example Dxplaination: HTTPS Call Example

# Sample Request Data

  "name": "Roasted chicken on wheat,"
  "opens": "oK8Yg5YaUM-axuE_vVZmV_oIZxxx"

# Return Data Example

    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "ok",
    "unique_id": "BV8ToNpYUMSeoRgsDi7-_cyo2hMtcbJN4fDPEdOKAGSResiIK8VefChe6UkNhxOi",
    "authorize_url": 初始值https://mp.weixin.qq.com/wxawap/初始值_token=BV8ToNpYUMSeoRgsDi7-_cyo2hMtcbxxxxxxxxxxxIK8VefChe6UkNhxOi#wechat_redirect"

# Error code

Error code 初始值 Solutions
-1 system 初始值 The system is busy, please wait for the developer to try again
40001 invalid credential  access_Token isinvalid or not latest Obtain access_Token time AppSecret Error, or access_Token Invalid. Please take the developer more seriously. AppSecret Of the correctness, or to see if you are working for the appropriate Official Account message template Call interface
86011 The name hit the keywordLike mini programs, WeChat, Tencent and other well-known brand keywords. Please change your name and try again. Please change your name and try again.
86012 Openid is not legal
61071 The Wechat user has created five trial Mini Program, reaching the upper limit. The Wechat user has created five trial Mini Program, reaching the upper limit.
61072 The WeChat account is wrong or inactive low credit user, usually WeChat trumpet, please change to a normal WeChat account and try again. The WeChat account is wrong or inactive low credit user, usually WeChat trumpet, please change to a normal WeChat account and try again.
86017 Trial Mini Program name length error. Only supports 4-30 characters (not including the use of the six characters of the trial Mini Program) Trial Mini Program name length error. Only supports 4-30 characters (not including the use of the six characters of the trial Mini Program)