# Trial Mini Program Quick Authentication

Debugging tools

Interface should be called on the server side, seeHattori API

# Interface Dxplaination

# Interface name


# Functional description

The interface is used to quickly authenticate the trial Mini Program through the face recognition of the enterprise legal person. If you encounter problems during use, you canOpen Platform Service Provider ZonePosting exchanges.

# Note

# Important reminder:

1, after the trial Mini Program completes the certification, it will not remove the [trial Mini Program], and the service provider needs to adjust the interface of the [set name] to reset the name. Moreover, if the name is changed after the release is online, the user needs to re-authenticate the name.

2, when the Mini Program has been completed after the positive, still can not scan the code to log in mp.wechat.qq.com, you need to go to the "Mini Program assistant" to complete the mailbox account password registration, before you can log in normally mp ha. Please check the operation detailshttps://kf.qq.com/touch/sappfaq/200617VbQzaa200617aq67ru.html

  1. Before calling this interface support, be sure to readIntroduction to Trial Mini ProgramDocumentation on the trial Mini Program quick authentication interface logic introduction section.

  2. The relevant messages will be pushed to the [authorized event to receive] after the person becomes a regular employee. URL], detailed explaination to see the later introduction

# 初始值

# HTTPS call

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/wxa/verifybetaweapp? access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN 

# Third Party Invocation

  • The calling method and parameters are the same as HTTPS, only the calling token is different

  • The permission set id to which this interface belongs is: 81

  • After the service provider has been authorized with one of the permission sets, it can do so by usingauthorizer_access_TokenCalling on behalf of the merchant

# Request parameters

attribute type RequiredIntroductions
access_Token string yes Interface invokes the certificate, which is URL Parameters, non Body Parameters. useauthorizer_access_Token
verify_info object yes Information Needed for Corporate Certification
attribute type Required Introductions
enterprise_name string yes Business name (must be consistent with the registration information of the business department))If it is "individual industrial and commercial household without the main name," then fill in "individual household + legal person name," such as "individual household Zhang San"
code string yes Enterprise code
code_type number yes Enterprise Code Type 1: Uniform Social Credit Code (18 Bit) 2: Organization Code (9 position xxxxxx 3: Business License Registration Number(15 position)
legal_persona_wechat string yes Corporate WeChat
legal_persona_name string yes Name of legal person (bank card)
component_phone string yes Third Party Contact Phone
legal_persona_idcard string yes Corporate identity card number

# Return parameters

attribute type Introductions
errcode number Error code
errmsg string 初始值

# Other Notes

# 1. Dxplaination of the rules:

(1) No support for overseas entities and individual entities, only support for enterprises and individual households (including individual industrial and commercial households without the name of the entity)

2、 Create a positive task logic is serial, after the end of a single task can use the same information to issue a second task, please pay attention to avoid task blocking

3、 If the Mini Program has been normalized (i.e. not a trial Mini Program), the interface can no longer be called

4、 If the task fails, you can re-tune the interface to send the template message to the legal person. If the template message has been issued, but the legal person has not been processed but has not timed out, the interface will report an error 89251

5、 When the legal person sweeps the face successfully, but the administrator fails to turn positive, you can continue to adjust the interface to issue template messagesAt this point, the legal person still receives the template message of sweeping face, and does not directly skip the legal person sweeping face directly to the administrator.

State description Whether the tunable interface reissues the template message Click on the status of the template message
Template message has been issued, pending legal confirmation Can'tInterface will report 89251 error Users can click on the template message at any time to enter the
The template message has been sent, and the legal person has not confirmed for more than 24 hours. Interface can be adjusted to re-issue template messages The user clicks on the template message indicating that the link is invalid
Template message has been issued, legal person real name authorization failed Ditto Users can re-enter the template message for authorization
Template message has been sent, corporate sweep failed Ditto The user clicks on the template message to go directly to the failure page
Template message has been sent, pending administrator confirmation Can't Users can click on the template message at any time to enter the
Template message has been sent, more than 24 hours management has not confirmed Interface can be adjusted to re-issue template messages The user clicks on the template message indicating that the link is invalid
Template message sent, conversion failed Ditto The user clicks on the template message to go directly to the failure page

# 2, the message push instructions

Since the interface involves the user's authorization confirmation operation, it is an asynchronous operation process, so the user's operation state platform will push the relevant information to the [authorization event reception] URL】。

1, the template message after the success of the push

2、 Push After Positive Success

3、 Positive failure will push (failure includes timeout), can be distinguished by status and msg fields

Trial Mini Program Quick Authentication Data Example

    <AppId><![CDATA[Third-party platform appid]]></AppId>
    <appid>Appid Mini Program<appid>
    <name><![CDATA[Name of business]]></name>
    <code><![CDATA[Enterprise code]]></code>
    <legal_persona_wechat><![CDATA[Corporate WeChat]]></legal_persona_wechat>
    <legal_persona_name><![CDATA[Name of legal person]]></legal_persona_name>
    <component_phone><![CDATA[Third Party Contact Phone]]></component_phone>

# 2.1, the enumeration value of status

Status code msg State description
0 ok Small Program Positive Success (refers to the Mini Program administrator to confirm the positive successThis is not about corporate success.
89251 legal person 初始值 The template message has been sent to wait for the face verification of the legal person.
100001 The template message that has been issued has not been confirmed and has exceeded time (24h), and the body certificate has not been checked.
100002 The template message that has been issued has not been confirmed and has timed out (24h), and face recognition verification has not been carried out.
100003 The template message that has been issued has not been confirmed by the legal person and has timed out (24h)
100004 The real name authentication information and the legal person's name are inconsistent
101 After the legal person sweeps the face, the industrial and commercial data returns: "The enterprise has been canceled"
102 After the legal person sweeps the face, the industrial and commercial data returns: "The enterprise does not exist or the enterprise information is not updated."
103 After the legal person sweeps the face, the business data returns: "the name of the legal representative of the enterprise is inconsistent"
104 After the legal person sweeps the face, the industrial and commercial data returns: "the identity card number of the legal representative of the enterprise is inconsistent"
105 After the legal person sweeps the face, the legal representative's ID card number, the industrial and commercial data has not been updated, please 5-15 Try it after a working day.
1000 After the legal person sweeps the face, the industrial and commercial data returns: "The enterprise information or the legal representative information is inconsistent"
89252 Template message has been sent, to be confirmed by the Mini Program administrator

# 3. Rules for template messages received by users

1、 Enterprise legal person receives face recognition confirmation template message

2、 Mini Program administrator to validate the template message (if 1 fails, 2 will not receive the template message)

# Call Example

Example Dxplaination: HTTPS requests

# Sample Request Data

    "verify_info": {
        "enterprise_name": The "testing company,"
        "code": "8585858589999",
        "code_type": 3,
        "legal_persona_wechat": "Melody20136xxx"
        "legal_persona_name": "Painted little xxx,"
        "component_phone": "158173xxxxx"
        "legal_persona_idcard: "440881199xxx"

# Return Data Example

    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "ok"

# Error code

Error code Error code Solutions
初始值 task running The appid has a positive task in progress, since the last task 24h Try again later
89248 invalid code type The enterprise code type is invalid, please select the correct type to fill in
86004 invalid wechatInvalid WeChat account
1004 The WeChat user violated the blacklist
61070 初始值  idcard  wechat name not in accordanceThe name of the legal person is inconsistent with the WeChat ID
89255 enterprise code invalid The code parameter is invalid, please check the code length and content is correctAttention to code_The value of type is different, and the code length is different.
1006 Mobile phone number violation hit the blacklist
1003 The appid administrator bound account number reached the upper limit, can not be positive, you can go to the public platform security assistant to unbind after retry The appid administrator bound account number reached the upper limit, can not be positive, you can go to the public platform security assistant to unbind after retry
1007 The appid controller body card binding account number reached the upper limit, can not be positive
初始值 The appid controller handset number of binding account reached the upper limit, can not be positive, you can go to the public platform security assistant to unbind after retry The appid controller handset number of binding account reached the upper limit, can not be positive, you can go to the public platform security assistant to unbind after retry
1001 The number of Mini programs created by the enterprise body reaches the upper limit and cannot be converted
1002 Main violations hit the blacklist
91021 Is not a trial Mini Program, can not adjust this interface Is not a trial Mini Program, can not adjust this interface
61069 invalid adminThe ID number is incorrect. Fill in the ID number information needs to correspond with the real name information of WeChat
86019 The company information and the legal person personal information do not match, please check and try again. The company information and the legal person personal information do not match, please check and try again.