# Git Version Management

Weixin DevTools is integrated with the "Git" version management panel to make it easier and faster for developers to manage the code version, simplify some common "Git" operations, and reduce the learning cost of code version management.

You can click the "Version Management" button on the toolbar to enter the "Git" version management interface in the opened project window.

# Submitting Changes to Work Area

In the "Work Area", you can see the changes and comparisons of the current working directory, and add files to the staging area by simply checking the box in front of them. You can also discard the changes by right clicking on the Work Area or the file. To submit the changes, enter the title and details, and click Submit. You can also use common Gitmoji symbols by right clicking on the title bar.

# Viewing History

Click history or a branch to see the latest submission record for the current branch. Each submission record includes changes and directory tree details. After expanding the directory tree, right-click on the file to save the full contents of the submitted version of the file or to check out the version of the file.

# Viewing File Revisions

Right-click on the directory tree file of the submission record to view all the changes of a file before submission, and view the file contents directly to facilitate troubleshooting.

# Checking Out and Creating Branch

To check out a branch, right-click on the branch and select Check Out. To create a branch, right-click on the submission record or branch name and select Create a Branch.

# Pull, Push, and Grab

The Pull, Push, and Grab buttons on the toolbar make it easy to perform various operations on a remote repository. Some remote repositories may require identity verification or proxy configuration, which can be set in the Network and Authentication on the Settings page.

# Network and Authentication Settings

If proxy configuration or user identity verification is required to connect to a remote repository, you can set it in Network and Authentication in Settings.

# User Settings

The user name can be configured on the Settings page. When the configuration is completed, this user name and email address will be used for the next submission.

# Submodule

If a project contains submodules, you can view the information on each submodule under the submodule list. More operations on submodules are not supported currently.

# Initializing "Git" Repository

If the "Git" repository is not found under the project folder, you can initialize a repository as indicated and select whether to submit all files immediately and automatically generate a ".gitignore" file template.