# RC Build (Pre-Release Version) Update Log

The pre-release version incorporates features with significant changes, and shows an acceptable stability in internal trials

# 1.02.1905151 Windows 64, Windows 32, and macOS

# 2019.05.15

  1. A Added the feature to display a warning when ext.json exists in a non-third-party Mini Program.
  2. U Optimized the menu bar to remove the options of Move the Simulator Left/Right under Interface. Feedback Details
  3. F Fixed the inability to call the sync API when the network simulation was offline.
  4. F Fixed the inability to select the panel port No. in the security settings.
  5. F Fixed the incorrect value returned by getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect. Feedback Details
  6. F Fixed the problem that Weixin Work Mini Program mode appeared in third-party Mini Programs.
  7. F Fixed the failure to display debugger button. Feedback Details
  8. F Fixed the abnormal display when zooming in the simulator.
  9. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when only code compression or obfuscation was enabled. Feedback Details
  10. F Fixed plug-ins to solve the problem that the screen went white when tapping the md documentation for preview.
  11. F Fixed the inability to select code on the redirected page. Feedback Details
  12. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred when importing a project after webpage debugging.
  13. F Fixed the failure to display the wxml panel style file path.
  14. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred in the debugger when switching the network simulation.
  15. F Fixed the loss of background image in the installation package in macOs.
  16. F Fixed the problem that the ignore feature of enhanced compilation did not take effect during preview and upload.
  17. F Fixed the unwanted uploading of code when extAppid was invalid.
  18. F Fixed the automatic addition of unnecessary wxss files in the DevTools. Feedback Details
  19. F Fixed the failure of the DevTools to work in case of upload exception.

# 2019.05.08 Update Description

  1. A Added built-in ES6+ to enhance language escape capability. Details
  2. A Added Task Notification Center.
  3. A Added a new command cleanAppCache in the console.
  4. A Added version number recommendation upon upload.
  5. A Added quick start templates for Cloud Base and cloud call.
  6. A Added a plug-in to act as the protection mechanism upon DevTools withdrawal.
  7. A Added the prompt that Media Asset Management will no longer be maintained.
  8. A Added experience rating where the verification rule of "compatibility with iPhone X" is supported.
  9. A Added sitemap linked with Weixin DevTools to allow the console to display whether the current page is indexed. Details
  10. A Added uploadWithSourceMap settings in project.config.json. Details
  11. A Added the feature to enable code protection by default.
  12. A Added general settings.
  13. A Added the option to set whether a project is opened by default when the DevTools is launched.
  14. A Added cover-view support for the Mini Program.
  15. A Added cover-view support in full screen.
  16. A Added a plug-in to restore the sourcemap of developers.
  17. A Added network to display images in the Mini Program.
  18. A Added a quick update mechanism for nightly.
  19. U Optimized the task progress box and notification center to allow the text to be copied.
  20. U Optimized the layout to remove the withdraw button on the interface of the pop-up simulator/debugger (withdrawal means closing the window).
  21. U Optimized the simulator to reduce the minimum margin.
  22. U Optimized the display of the task status bar.
  23. F Fixed the unwanted output of stack after packoption.ignore was configured. Feedback Details
  24. F Fixed the problem that fs.appendFile did not support passing in ArrayBuffer.
  25. F Fixed the problem that no error message was returned after 10 failed login attempts due to timeout when mp.weixin.qq.com host had been configured.
  26. F Fixed the problem that sitemap.json in the Mini Program project would be overwritten if sitemapLocation was not specified in app.json.
  27. F Fixed the problem that error "appLaunch with an already exist webviewId" occurred occasionally.
  28. F Fixed the problem that wx.showKeyboard flashed across the Mini Game simulator when it popped up.
  29. F Fixed the loss of history caches of "Project Remarks" in the submitted versions. Feedback Details
  30. F Fixed the problem that the memory displayed was 0 when showSystemInfo was entered in the console.
  31. F Fixed the lagging of appservice when files could not be downloaded via wx.downloadFile due to the proxy.
  32. F Fixed the inability to obtain the duration of the background audio in backgroundAudioManager in Weixin DevTools. Feedback Details
  33. F Fixed the failure of some toolbar buttons to adapt to the language switch.
  34. F Fixed the failure of DevTools to reload when the simulator popped up for the first time.
  35. F Fixed the problem that the TabBar in the simulator went blank after multiple taps.
  36. F Fixed the incorrect compileType in the Weixin Work Mini Program mode.
  37. F Fixed the problem that duplicate project lists existed when appid in project.config.json was manually modified to an empty string.
  38. F Fixed the problem that the status bar kept indicating that a file was being compiled in the developer mode.
  39. F Fixed the failure to report system errors during the slow compilation of multiple project files.
  40. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred in the Mini Programs configured with functionpages during physical device debugging in Windows.
  41. F Fixed the problem that app.js was initialized twice during subpackage debugging.
  42. F Fixed the inability to recursively create directories by makeDirSync in Weixin DevTools. Feedback Details
  43. F Fixed the problem that an error occurred in the project during Windows nightly small package update.
  44. F Fixed the inability to read the ignore in packOptions during physical device debugging.
  45. F Fixed the inability to display the size of the code package when it exceeded the maximum value.
  46. F Fixed the problem that the option to open the last modified project in the settings did not take effect.
  47. F Fixed the problem that no message about size exceeding limit was returned during preview and upload.
  48. F Fixed the inability to skip domain name verification when API downloadFile was called.
  49. F Fixed the problem that Home and Back buttons were displayed in the web debugging mode.
  50. F Fixed the network panel to remove the base64 request.
  51. F Fixed the failure to enter proxy settings.
  52. F Fixed the failure of page reflow after several switches between portrait and landscape in webview.
  53. F Fixed the failure to synchronize the cloud environment list after AppID was changed in the project details.
  54. F Fixed the inability to open the projects with 「'」 in the path. Feedback Details
  55. F Fixed the problem that BackgroundAudioManager.onPlay ran earlier than onCanPlay. Feedback Details
  56. F Fixed earlier versions of the base library of Weixin DevTools to solve the problem that error "vd_version_info not found" was returned when a new plug-in was released online.
  57. F Fixed the unwanted spreading of usingComponents in app.json to a independent subpackage. Feedback Details
  58. F Fixed the problem that plug-in reference information remained after the plugins field in app.json was deleted.
  59. F Fixed the inability to block certain requests when the simulation was offline. Feedback Details
  60. F Fixed the inability to adapt the simulator size to the rotation automatically.

# 2019.04.09

  1. U Optimized the interactive experience of background audio
  2. F Fixed the problem that HTTP calls could not be uploaded. Feedback Details
  3. F Fixed the issue with the tabBar font color to make the RGB format inconsistent with that in client.
  4. F Fixed the problem that tabBar was covered by the mask.
  5. F Fixed the inability to call Weixin Work API in App.onLaunch.
  6. F Fixed wx.getBackgroundAudioManager to make it inconsistent with that in client. Feedback Details
  7. F Fixed navigationStyle: custom to rectify the issue where the page with the web-view component did not have the top navigation bar.
  8. F Fixed the problem that --upload-desc would truncate the content after the space when the command line is called for upload. Feedback Details
  9. F Fixed local proxy in proxy settings to rectify the issue where a space is added before text when the focus disappeared.
  10. F Fixed the problem that the proportion of base library is displayed only after the first preview.

# 2019.03.25

  1. F Fixed the inability of file modification to trigger compilation after 1.02.1903211 was installed by overwriting the existing version.
  2. F Fixed the problem that two Weixin Work simulator plug-ins existed in 1.02.1903211.
  3. F Fixed the white page during Official Account web debugging in 1.02.1903211.
  4. F Fixed the incorrect width of simulator at startup in 1.02.1903211.

# 2019.03.21

  1. A Added cloud function local debugging documentation.
  2. A Added Weixin Work simulator plug-in documentation.
  3. A Added support for calling CLI/HTTP to close the project window and exit the Weixin DevTools. Details
  4. A Added a Mini Program to support pageOrientation: "landscape".
  5. A Added page configuration in subpackage configuration to automatically generate relevant page structure. Feedback Details
  6. A Added physical device debugging to debug functionalPage.
  7. A Added geographic location index in the cloud console. Documentation
  8. U Fixed the lagging problem when compiling large-scale Mini Program projects.
  9. U Optimized TS version of code structure which allows quick start.
  10. F Fixed the inability to open the Settings window when the background music player was enabled.
  11. F Fixed wx.connectSocket to rectify the issue of abnormal control of the maximum number of connections at a timeout.
  12. F Fixed wx.connectSocket to rectify the issue where there was no error callback if the connection cannot be established.
  13. F Fixed web-view to rectify the issue where the entire problem could not be displayed in the landscape mode. Feedback Details
  14. F Fixed the problem that a custom property error was reported when wxss started with a non-numeric character.
  15. F Fixed the problem that incorrect windowHeight is returned when calling wx.getSystemInfo in the custom tabBar.
  16. F Fixed the issue of custom analysis test failure. Feedback Details
  17. F Fixed the problem that a pull-down prompt appeared when a user whose appid did not enable Cloud Base tried to create a project with a Cloud Base template.
  18. F Fixed the problem that two status bars appeared when authorization settings were opened from the pop-up simulator. Feedback Details
  19. F Fixed the problem that wx.chooseMessageFile was invalid after tabBar switch.
  20. F Fixed the problem that the wxml panel could not parse style when notes were added after keyframe in the wxss file. Feedback Details
  21. F Fixed the problem that wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClient failed after the simulator popped up. Feedback Details
  22. F Fixed the problem that no identical logs could be displayed in wxs. Feedback Details
  23. F Fixed the problem that no error message was displayed in wxs. Feedback Details
  24. F Fixed the problem that other tabBar pages would be displayed first when tabBar was adjusted. Feedback Details
  25. F Fixed the problem that an error was reported when building mqtt package with npm.
  26. F Fixed the issue of abnormal size of the project list window.
  27. F Fixed the problem that the upload time is displayed incorrectly. Feedback Details