# Weixin Work Mini Program Development

Weixin Work Mini Programs are developed via the Weixin Work Mini Program simulator plug-ins, making it easy for developers to develop and debug Mini Programs and upload code in Weixin DevTools.

# Tips for Developers

Before using the Weixin Work Mini Program plug-ins, developers need to learn about the Weixin Work Mini Program by referring to the documentation.

# Runtime Environment

Download and install Weixin DevTools 1.02.1903211 or above. Click here to download.

# How to Use

  1. Add Weixin Work Mini Program plug-ins

    Developers who develop a Weixin Work Mini Program for the first time can log in to Weixin DevTools, and click Plug-ins in the toolbar to go to the plug-in management interface, where they can add, remove, and perform other operations on the Weixin Work Mini Program plug-ins.

    After adding a plug-in or removing an existing plug-in, you need to restart Weixin DevTools to ensure that the features work normally.

  2. Develop Weixin Work Mini Programs

    After installing the Weixin Work Mini Program plug-ins, you can start developing Weixin Work Mini Programs. Before development, read the documentation to learn about the Weixin Mini Program APIs that are supported in the Weixin Work Mini Program developer mode and Weixin Work-specific APIs.

    When debugging a Weixin Work Mini Program, you need to switch the developer mode of Weixin DevTools to the Weixin Work Mini Program mode, and select your company to debug code.

    We provide a test company account for developers who do not have a company. The test company's corpid is always ww17f8d10783494584, and secret is always i5t-rh8bXeNCgihcYPrG9ZPpWkivzPJ69sv570osk6I, which will be used during the debugging of the code2session API.

    If a developer belongs to multiple companies, he/she can switch between different accounts via Select Company in the Simulation Operations of the DevTools simulator.

# Support by DevTools

In Weixin Work Mini Program developer mode, developers can use most of the existing features in Weixin DevTools. The following features are not available for now: Cloud Base, Auto Preview, Physical Device Debugging, and Cloud Test.