# BannerAd.onError(function callback)

Listens on the banner ad error event.

# Parameters

# function callback

The callback function for the banner ad error event.

# Parameters

# Object res
Property Type Description Minimum Version
errMsg string Error message
errCode number Error code 2.2.2

Valid values of errCode

Value Description Minimum Version
1000 Backend API call failed
1001 Parameter error
1002 Invalid ad unit
1003 Internal error
1004 No suitable ad
1005 Ad component under review
1006 Ad component rejected
1007 Ad component banned
1008 Ad unit disabled

# Error Codes and Solutions

The error code is obtained via onError. During debugging, you can capture information based on unusual return values. If an exception occurs after the Mini Program is launched, you can search the error log in the "O&M Center". You can also add appropriate monitoring information for unusual return values.

Code Exception Cause Solution
1000 Call failed due to a backend error This error is not caused by the developer's abnormal operation. Ignore the error, and it will be automatically recovered after a period of time.
1001 Parameter error Incorrect usage You can go to developers.weixin.qq.com and refer to the specific tutorial. (There are tutorials for Mini Programs and Mini Games, which can be switched to on the right side of the Design column in the top options.)
1002 Invalid ad unit The spelling may be incorrect or the ad ID of another app may be used. Go to mp.weixin.qq.com to confirm the advertising space ID.
1003 Internal error This error is not caused by the developer's abnormal operation. Ignore the error, and it will be automatically recovered after a period of time.
1004 No suitable ad The ad does not appear every time. Maybe it is not appropriate to the user. This is a normal event and the developer must adjust styles for compatibility.
1005 Ad component under review Your ad is still under review and cannot be displayed. Go to mp.weixin.qq.com to confirm the review status. The developer must adjust styles for compatibility.
1006 Ad component rejected Your ad failed to pass the review and cannot be displayed. Go to mp.weixin.qq.com to confirm the review status. The developer must adjust styles for compatibility.
1007 Ad component banned Your ad has been banned and cannot be displayed for the duration of the ban. Go to mp.weixin.qq.com to confirm that the Mini Program ad is banned.
1008 Ad unit disabled The capability of this ad space to display ads has been disabled. Go to mp.weixin.qq.com to enable the appropriate ad space to display ads again.