# wx.addCard(Object object)

Start from base library version 2.5.0. Please remaining backward compatible.

Adds cards and offers in batch. It can be used only in Mini Programs or cultural interaction Mini Games that complete verification. For more documents, see API Documentation for WeChat Cards & Offers.

# Parameters

# Object object

Attribute Type Default Required Description
cardList Array.<Object> Yes The list of cards and offers to be added
success function No The callback function for a successful API call
fail function No Callback function for failed API call
complete function No Callback function used when API call completed (always executed whether call succeeds or fails)

object.cardList is composed as follows

Attribute Type Default Required Description
cardId string Yes The ID of the card or offer
cardExt Object Yes The extended parameter of the card or offer. It must be passed as a JSON-serialized string.

cardExt is composed as follows

Attribute Type Default Required Description
code string No The code of the card or offer claimed by the user. It is required only when the card or offer uses a custom code mode. Details
openid string No The openid of the claimer. It can be claimed only by the current user. It is required when the bind_openid field is true, and cannot be specified when the bind_openid field is false.
timestamp number Yes A timestamp. It adopts the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)+8 in sec.
nonce_str string No A random string. It is set and passed by the developer to enhance security. If it is not specified, the request may be resent. Its value is a random string that contains up to 32 characters comprised of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. The value of nonce_str must be dynamically generated for each addition request. Duplicate values may cause claim failure.
fixed_begintimestamp number No The time when the card or offer is claimed from a third-party system, which is a UTC+8 timestamp in sec. It is specially used when the validity time of the card or offer is DATE_TYPE_FIX_TERM, to identify the actual effective time of the card or offer. Using this API can solve the inconsistency between the start time in a merchant's system and the time when the card or offer is claimed on WeChat.
outer_str string No A parameter of a claiming channel. It identifies the value of the channel for the current claim.
signature string Yes A signature. The merchant signs parameters in the API list as required using SHA-1. For details, see Cards and Offers Signing

# object.success callback function

# Parameters
# Object res
Property Type Description
cardList Array.<Object> The list of added cards and offers

res.cardList is composed as follows

Property Type Description
code string Encrypted code. It is a string obtained after the code of the card or offer claimed by the user is encrypted. To decrypt the code, see Code Decryption API
cardId string The ID of the card or offer claimed by the user
cardExt string The extended parameter of the card or offer. See description above for the composition of this parameter.
isSuccess boolean Indicates whether the card or offer is successfully claimed

# Description of cardExt

cardExt is the extended parameter of cards and offers. Its value is a JSON string.

# Sample Code

  cardList: [
      cardId: '',
      cardExt: '{"code": "", "openid": "", "timestamp": "", "signature":""}'
    }, {
      cardId: '',
      cardExt: '{"code": "", "openid": "", "timestamp": "", "signature":""}'
  success (res) {
    console.log(res.cardList) // The results of card and offer addition