# wx.getShareInfo(Object object)

Start from base library version 1.1.0. Please remaining backward compatible.

Gets forwarding details.

# Parameters

# Object object

Property Type Default Value Required Description Minimum Version
shareTicket string Yes shareTicket
timeout number No Timeout time in ms 1.9.90
success function No The callback function for a successful API call
fail function No The callback function for a failed API call
complete function No The callback function used when the API call completed (always executed whether the call succeeds or fails)

# object.success callback function

# Parameters
# Object res
Property Type Description Minimum Version
errMsg string Error message
encryptedData string The complete encrypted forwarding data, including sensitive data. For details, see Decryption Algorithm for Encrypted Data
iv string The initial vector of the encryption algorithm. For details, see Decryption Algorithm for Encrypted Data
cloudID string The Cloud ID corresponding to sensitive data. It is returned only in Mini Programs for which Cloud Base is enabled. The open data can be directly obtained via cloud call. See details. 2.7.0

# Sample Code

There are two ways to get sensitive data. One is to use the [Decryption Algorithm for Encrypted Data] ((open-ability/signature#decryption algorithm for encrypted data)). The acquired open data has the following json structure (in which, openGId is the unique identifier of the current group):

 "openGId": "OPENGID"

# Tips