# LogManager wx.getLogManager(Object object)

Start from base library version 2.1.0. Please remaining backward compatible.

Obtains the log manager object.

# Parameters

# Object object

Property Type Default Value Required Description Minimum Version
level number 0 No Values: 0 (Default) or 1. The former indicates the App and Page lifecycle functions and function calls under the wx namespace are written to the log, while the latter means these items are not written. 2.3.2

# Return Values

# LogManager

# Sample Code

const logger = wx.getLogManager({level: 1})
logger.log({str: 'hello world'}, 'basic log', 100, [1, 2, 3])
logger.info({str: 'hello world'}, 'info log', 100, [1, 2, 3])
logger.debug({str: 'hello world'}, 'debug log', 100, [1, 2, 3])
logger.warn({str: 'hello world'}, 'warn log', 100, [1, 2, 3])