# wx.showKeyboard(Object object)

Displays the keyboard.

# Parameters

# Object object

Attribute Type Default Required Description
defaultValue string Yes The default value displayed in the keyboard input box
maxLength number Yes The maximum length of text in the keyboard
multiple boolean Yes Indicates whether it is multi-line input
confirmHold boolean Yes Indicates whether to hide the keyboard when the Confirm button is tapped
confirmType string Yes The type of the Confirm button at the lower right corner of the keyboard, which has an effect on the text content of the button.
success function No The callback function for a successful API call
fail function No The callback function for a failed API call
complete function No Callback function used when API call completed (always executed whether call succeeds or fails)

Valid values of object.confirmType

Value Description Minimum Version
done Completed
next Next
search Search
go Go to
send Send