# RenderingContext
The drawing context of the canvas object.
- You can use the Canvas.getContext('2d') API to get the CanvasRenderingContext2D object. Most of the properties and methods defined by HTML Canvas 2D Context are implemented.
- You can use the Canvas.getContext('webgl') API to get the WebGLRenderingContext object. All the properties, methods, and constants defined by WebGL 1.0 are implemented.
# Availability of 2D APIs
2D properties and APIs that are not supported on iOS/Android:
- globalCompositeOperation does not support the following values: source-in, source-out, destination-atop, lighter, and copy. If any of these values is used, an error is reported, and you may get different results than expected.
- isPointInPath
# Availability of WebGL APIs
Types of compressed textures on different platforms
- PVR format on iOS
- ETC1 format on Android