# Render

# Canvas

API 说明
wx.createCanvas Create a canvas object The first time when it is called, it creates an on-screen canvas. After that it creates off-screen canvases when called.

# Canvas

API 说明
Canvas.getContext Acquire canvas object's drawing context
Canvas.toDataURL Return the drawing content on the canvas in a data URI format
Canvas.toTempFilePath Save the current canvas as a temporary file and generate the corresponding temporary file path.
Canvas.toTempFilePathSync Canvas.toTempFilePath 的同步版本
RenderingContext You can acquire the CanvasRenderingContext2D object via the Canvas.getContext('2d') interface. CanvasRenderingContext2D implements most attributes and methods defined by HTML Canvas 2D Context. You can acquire the WebGLRenderingContext object via the Canvas.getContext('webgl') interface.
WebGLRenderingContext implements all attributes, methods and constants defined by WebGL 1.0.

# Font

API 说明
wx.getTextLineHeight Acquire the height of the text in one row
wx.loadFont Load custom font files

# Frame

API 说明
wx.setPreferredFramesPerSecond Rendering frame rate can be modified. The default rendering frame rate is 60 frames per second. After modification, the callback frequency of the requestAnimationFrame will change.
cancelAnimationFrame Cancel an animation frame request that was added to the plan through previously calling the requestAnimationFrame method
requestAnimationFrame Execute when next redrawing is carried out.

# Image

API 说明
wx.createImage Create an image object
Image Image object
API 说明
wx.createBannerAd Create a banner ad component. Use the SDKVersion of the returned object of wx.getSystemInfoSync() to determine whether the base library version number is 2.0.4 or above before using the API again. Meanwhile, the developer tools do not currently support debugging this API. Debugging can be carried out directly on a physical device.
wx.createRewardedVideoAd Create rewarded video advertisements component. Use the SDKVersion of the returned object of wx.getSystemInfoSync() to determine whether the base library version number is 2.0.4 or above before using the API again. Meanwhile, the developer tools do not currently support debugging this API. Debugging can be carried out directly on a physical device.

# BannerAd

API 说明
BannerAd.destroy Destroy banner ad
BannerAd.hide Hide banner ad
BannerAd.offError 取消监听banner ad error event
BannerAd.offLoad 取消监听banner ad loading event
BannerAd.offResize 取消监听banner ad dimension change event
BannerAd.onError 监听banner ad error event
BannerAd.onLoad 监听banner ad loading event
BannerAd.onResize 监听banner ad dimension change event
BannerAd.show Display banner ads.

# RewardedVideoAd

API 说明
RewardedVideoAd.load Hide rewarded video advertisements
RewardedVideoAd.offClose 取消监听User presses Close Ad button event
RewardedVideoAd.offError 取消监听Rewarded video error event
RewardedVideoAd.offLoad 取消监听Rewarded video advertisement loading event
RewardedVideoAd.onClose 监听User presses Close Ad button event
RewardedVideoAd.onError 监听Rewarded video error event
RewardedVideoAd.onLoad 监听Rewarded video advertisement loading event
RewardedVideoAd.show Display rewarded video advertisements. Rewarded video advertisements will enter the screen from the bottom.

# Debug

API 说明
wx.setEnableDebug Set to turn debug switch on/off, this switch is also valid in the official version.

# Device

# Accelerometer

API 说明
wx.onAccelerometerChange 监听Acceleration data event. Frequency depends on the interval parameter of wx.startAccelerometer(). wx.stopAccelerometer() can be used to stop monitoring.
wx.startAccelerometer Start monitoring acceleration data.
wx.stopAccelerometer Stop monitoring acceleration data.

# Battery

API 说明
wx.getBatteryInfo Obtain device battery. The synchronizing API, wx.getBatteryInfoSync, is unavailable on iOS.
wx.getBatteryInfoSync wx.getBatteryInfo 的同步版本

# Clipboard

API 说明
wx.getClipboardData Obtain system clipboard content
wx.setClipboardData Set system clipboard content

# Compass

API 说明
wx.onCompassChange 监听Compass data change event (frequency: 5 times/second). Monitoring automatically starts after the API is called and can be stopped by wx.stopCompass.
wx.startCompass Start monitoring compass data
wx.stopCompass Stop monitoring compass data

# Gyroscope

API 说明
wx.onGyroscopeChange Monitor gyroscope data. Frequency depends on the interval parameter of wx.startGyroscope(). Users can use wx.stopGyroscope() to stop monitoring.
wx.startGyroscope Start monitoring gyroscope data
wx.stopGyroscope Stop monitoring gyroscope data

# Device Motion

API 说明
wx.onDeviceMotionChange 监听Device direction change event. Frequency depends on the interval parameter of wx.startDeviceMotionListening(). Users can use wx.stopDeviceMotionListening() to stop monitoring.
wx.startDeviceMotionListening Start monitoring device direction changes
wx.stopDeviceMotionListening Stop monitoring device direction changes

# Network

API 说明
wx.getNetworkType Acquire network type
wx.onNetworkStatusChange 监听Network status change event

# Orientation

API 说明
wx.offDeviceOrientationChange 取消监听Screen orientation switch event
wx.onDeviceOrientationChange 监听Screen orientation switch event

# Performance

API 说明
wx.onMemoryWarning 监听Insufficient memory warning event

# Screen

API 说明
wx.getScreenBrightness Acquire screen brightness
wx.setKeepScreenOn Whether Settings maintain "always on" status or not. Effective only in the current Mini Program, it will no longer be in effect once the Mini Program exits.
wx.setScreenBrightness Set screen brightness

# Vibrate

API 说明
wx.vibrateLong Make the phone vibrate for a long period of time (400 ms)
wx.vibrateShort Make the phone vibrate for a short period of time (15 ms). Only valid on iPhone 7/7 Plus and above and Android models

# File

API 说明
wx.getFileSystemManager Obtain the only file system manager globally

# FileSystemManager

API 说明
FileSystemManager.access Judge whether the file/directory exists
FileSystemManager.accessSync FileSystemManager.access 的同步版本
FileSystemManager.appendFile Add content at the end of the file
FileSystemManager.appendFileSync FileSystemManager.appendFile 的同步版本
FileSystemManager.copyFile Copy file
FileSystemManager.copyFileSync FileSystemManager.copyFile 的同步版本
FileSystemManager.getFileInfo Obtain information of the local temporary file or cache file under this Mini Program
FileSystemManager.getSavedFileList Obtain the saved local cache file list under this Mini Program
FileSystemManager.mkdir Create directory
FileSystemManager.mkdirSync FileSystemManager.mkdir 的同步版本
FileSystemManager.readdir Read the file list in the directory
FileSystemManager.readdirSync FileSystemManager.readdir 的同步版本
FileSystemManager.readFile Read local file content
FileSystemManager.readFileSync FileSystemManager.readFile 的同步版本
FileSystemManager.removeSavedFile Delete the saved local cache file under this Mini Program
FileSystemManager.rename Rename file. Then the file can be moved from oldPath to newPath
FileSystemManager.renameSync FileSystemManager.rename 的同步版本
FileSystemManager.rmdir Delete directory
FileSystemManager.rmdirSync FileSystemManager.rmdir 的同步版本
FileSystemManager.saveFile Save the temporary file locally. This API will move the temporary file. Therefore, after the API is called, tempFilePath will no longer be available.
FileSystemManager.saveFileSync FileSystemManager.saveFile 的同步版本
FileSystemManager.stat Obtain the file Stats object
FileSystemManager.statSync FileSystemManager.stat 的同步版本
FileSystemManager.unlink Delete a file
FileSystemManager.unlinkSync FileSystemManager.unlink 的同步版本
FileSystemManager.unzip Decompress file
FileSystemManager.writeFile Write file
FileSystemManager.writeFileSync FileSystemManager.writeFile 的同步版本

# Stats

API 说明
Stats.isDirectory Judge whether the current file is a directory
Stats.isFile Judge whether the current file is a normal file

# Location

API 说明
wx.getLocation Obtain the current location and speed. When the user exits the Mini Program, this API cannot be called.

# Media

# Audio

API 说明
wx.createInnerAudioContext Create the InnerAudioContext object of the inner audio context
wx.getAvailableAudioSources Acquire currently supported audio input source
wx.setInnerAudioOption Set the playback options for InnerAudioContext, which will be available in the current Mini Program after being set.

# InnerAudioContext

API 说明
InnerAudioContext.destroy Destroy current instance
InnerAudioContext.offCanplay 取消监听Event in which audio enters the playable status. Smooth play is not guaranteed
InnerAudioContext.offEnded 取消监听"Audio naturally plays till the end" event
InnerAudioContext.offError 取消监听Audio play error event
InnerAudioContext.offPause 取消监听Audio pause event
InnerAudioContext.offPlay 取消监听Audio play event
InnerAudioContext.offSeeked 取消监听"Audio completes jump operation" event
InnerAudioContext.offSeeking 取消监听"Audio performs jump operation" event
InnerAudioContext.offStop 取消监听Audio stop event
InnerAudioContext.offTimeUpdate 取消监听Audio play progress update event
InnerAudioContext.offWaiting 取消监听Audio loading event. Triggered when the audio data is insufficient and needs to stop to load
InnerAudioContext.onCanplay 监听Event in which audio enters the playable status. Smooth play is not guaranteed
InnerAudioContext.onEnded 监听"Audio naturally plays till the end" event
InnerAudioContext.onError 监听Audio play error event
InnerAudioContext.onPause 监听Audio pause event
InnerAudioContext.onPlay 监听Audio play event
InnerAudioContext.onSeeked 监听"Audio completes jump operation" event
InnerAudioContext.onSeeking 监听"Audio performs jump operation" event
InnerAudioContext.onStop 监听Audio stop event
InnerAudioContext.onTimeUpdate 监听Audio play progress update event
InnerAudioContext.onWaiting 监听Audio loading event. Triggered when the audio data is insufficient and needs to stop to load
InnerAudioContext.pause Pause. The audio will continue playing from where it was paused
InnerAudioContext.play Play
InnerAudioContext.seek Jump to the specified position
InnerAudioContext.stop Stop. The audio will start playing from the beginning if it was stopped.

# Image

API 说明
wx.chooseImage Select image from local album or take photo with camera.
wx.previewImage Preview the image in full screen on a new page. During the preview, users can save or send the image to their friends.
wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum Save image to system album.

# Recorder

API 说明
wx.getRecorderManager Acquire globally unique recording manager RecorderManager

# RecorderManager

API 说明
RecorderManager.onError 监听Recording error event
RecorderManager.onFrameRecorded 监听"Specified frame size of file is recorded" event. If frameSize is set, it calls back this event.
RecorderManager.onInterruptionBegin 监听Recording is occupied and interruption starts event. The following scenarios trigger this event: WeChat voice chat, WeChat video chat. After this event is triggered, recording pauses. The pause event is triggered after this event
RecorderManager.onInterruptionEnd 监听Recording interruption ends event. After receiving the interruptionBegin event, all recordings in the Mini Program will stop. Only after receiving this event can recording be started again.
RecorderManager.onPause 监听Recording pause event
RecorderManager.onResume 监听Recording continue event
RecorderManager.onStart 监听Recording start event
RecorderManager.onStop 监听Recording end event
RecorderManager.pause Pause recording
RecorderManager.resume Continue recording
RecorderManager.start Start recording
RecorderManager.stop Stop recording

# Video

API 说明
wx.createVideo Create a video

# Video

API 说明
Video.destroy Destroy video
Video.exitFullScreen Video exits full screen
Video.offEnded 取消监听Video end event
Video.offError 取消监听Video error event
Video.offPause 取消监听Video pause event
Video.offPlay 取消监听Video play event
Video.offTimeUpdate 取消监听Video playback progress update event
Video.offWaiting 取消监听Video buffer event
Video.onEnded 监听Video end event
Video.onError 监听Video error event
Video.onPause 监听Video pause event
Video.onPlay 监听Video play event
Video.onTimeUpdate 监听Video playback progress update event
Video.onWaiting 监听Video buffer event
Video.pause Pause video
Video.play Play video
Video.requestFullScreen Video enters full screen
Video.seek Video jump
Video.stop Stop video

# Midas Payment

API 说明
wx.requestMidasPayment Launch Midas payment
midasCancelPay For Mini Games with virtual payment activated, if the order number with game coins deducted is within valid period, this order can be canceled through the interface
midasGetBalance It enables you to view a user's remaining game coins for the Mini Game with virtual payment activated
midasPay It enables you to deduct a user's remaining game coins for the Mini Game with virtual payment activated. There is a possibility that the API calling times out or a system failure is returned but the game coins are deducted. In the case, use the same bill_no to repeatedly call the API until system failure is not returned and deduction will not be made repeatedly. Alternatively, call the payment canceling API to cancel this deduction.
midasPresent It enables you to gift a user the game coins for the Mini Game with virtual payment activated.

# Network

# Download

API 说明
wx.downloadFile When downloading file resources to a local directory, the client will directly initiate an HTTP GET request, and the local temporary path of the file will be returned. Read Related Instructions before use.
Note: Specify a reasonable Content-Type field in the header responded by the server to ensure the client processes the file type correctly.

# DownloadTask

API 说明
DownloadTask.abort Interrupt download task
DownloadTask.onProgressUpdate 监听Download progress change event

# Request

API 说明
wx.request Initiate HTTPS network requests. Read Related Instructions before use.

# RequestTask

API 说明
RequestTask.abort Interrupt request task

# Upload

API 说明
wx.uploadFile To upload local resources to the developer server, the client initiates a HTTPS POST request in which the value of content-type is multipart/form-data. Read Related Instructions before use.

# UploadTask

API 说明
UploadTask.abort Interrupt upload task
UploadTask.onProgressUpdate 监听Upload progress change event

# Websocket

API 说明
wx.closeSocket Disable WebSocket connection
wx.connectSocket Create a WebSocket connection. Read Related Instructions before use.
wx.onSocketClose 监听WebSocket connection disabling event
wx.onSocketError 监听WebSocket error event
wx.onSocketMessage 监听"WebSocket receives messages from the server" event
wx.onSocketOpen 监听WebSocket connection enabling event
wx.sendSocketMessage To send data through WebSocket, users first need to call wx.connectSocket, and then callback wx.onSocketOpen.

# SocketTask

API 说明
SocketTask.close Close WebSocket connection
SocketTask.onClose 监听WebSocket connection disabling event
SocketTask.onError 监听WebSocket error event
SocketTask.onMessage 监听"WebSocket receives messages from the server" event
SocketTask.onOpen 监听WebSocket connection enabling event
SocketTask.send Send data via WebSocket connection

# Open API

# Access Token

API 说明
auth.getAccessToken Get Mini Program access_token

# Anti Addiction

API 说明
wx.checkIsUserAdvisedToRest Determine whether the user needs rest according to the time spent on game play

# Authorize

API 说明
wx.authorize Initiate authorization requests to users in advance. Immediately after the call, a pop-up is shown to ask the user whether agree to authorize the Mini Program to use a function or get some user data, but the corresponding interface is not actually called. If the user has previously agreed to authorize, there will be no pop-up and success is returned directly. For more instructions, see User Authorization.

# OpenData Context

API 说明
wx.getOpenDataContext Acquire open data domain
wx.onMessage Monitor messages sent by the main domain

# OpenDataContext

API 说明
OpenDataContext.postMessage Send message to open data domain

# Customer Message

API 说明
wx.openCustomerServiceConversation Enter a customer service session; it can only be called after the user has triggered at least one touch event. The background access method is the same as that of the Mini Program. See Customer Service Message Access for more

# Data

API 说明
wx.getFriendCloudStorage Pull the managed data of all playmates of the current user. This interface can only be used under an open data domain
wx.getGroupCloudStorage In the case that a Mini Game is opened via the group sharing card, the game data of the group playmates can be obtained by calling the interface. This interface can only be used under an open data domain.
wx.getSharedCanvas Only open-data domains can be called, to obtain sharedCanvas shared by the main domain and open-data domain
wx.getUserCloudStorage Get the data corresponding to key in the current user managed data. This interface can only be used under an open data domain
wx.removeUserCloudStorage Delete the data corresponding to key in the user managed data.
wx.setUserCloudStorage Perform data write on user-managed data, allowing simultaneous writing of multiple sets of KV data.
storage.removeUserStorage The Mini Game can delete key-value data uploaded to WeChat by this interface
storage.setUserStorage Report the background interface of user data. The Mini Game reports key-value data to user's CloudStorage through this interface.

# Feedback

API 说明
wx.createFeedbackButton Create "Go to Feedback" button

# FeedbackButton

API 说明
FeedbackButton.destroy Destroy feedback button
FeedbackButton.hide Hide feedback button
FeedbackButton.offTap 取消监听Monitor feedback button click event
FeedbackButton.onTap 监听Monitor feedback button click event
FeedbackButton.show Display feedback button

# Game Club

API 说明
wx.createGameClubButton Create game hub button. After the game hub button is clicked, it jumps to the Mini Game's game hub. For more information about game hubs, see Game Hub User Guide

# GameClubButton

API 说明
GameClubButton.destroy Destroy game hub button
GameClubButton.hide Hide game hub button
GameClubButton.offTap 取消监听Monitor game hub button click event
GameClubButton.onTap 监听Monitor game hub button click event
GameClubButton.show Display game hub button

# Login

API 说明
wx.checkSession The user login status obtained through the wx.login interface has a certain timeliness. The longer the user does not use the Mini Program, the more likely the user login state will fail. Otherwise, if the user has been using the Mini Program, the user login state is always valid. The specific timeliness logic is maintained by WeChat and is transparent to developers. Developers only need to call the wx.checkSession interface to check whether the current user login status is valid. After the login status is expired, developers can call wx.login again to get new user login status. A successful call indicates the current session_key is not expired, and a failed call indicates the session_key is expired. See the Mini Program Login for more instructions.
wx.login Call the interface to get the login credentials (code) and then exchange the user login state information, including the user's unique identity (openid) and the session key (session_key) of the login. The encryption and decryption communication of user data depends on the session key. See the Mini Program Login for more instructions.
code2accessToken To check login credentials, acquire a temporary login credential code via the wx.login() interface, then pass it to the developer server and call the interface to complete the login process. See the Mini Program Login for more instructions.

# Miniprogram Navigate

API 说明
wx.navigateToMiniProgram Open another Mini Program associated with the same Official Account (note: it must be under the same Official Account and not the same Open Account). It can only be called after the user has triggered at least one touch event.

# QR-Code

API 说明
wxacode.createQRCode Obtain the Mini Program QR code, suitable for service scenarios that require a small number of codes. Mini Program QR codes generated by this API are permanently valid and limited in quantity. For details, see Obtain QR Code.
wxacode.get Obtain the Mini Program code, suitable for service scenarios that require a small number of codes. Mini Program QR codes generated by this API are permanently valid and limited in quantity. For details, see Obtain QR Code.
wxacode.getUnlimited Obtain the Mini Program code, suitable for service scenarios that require a large number of codes. **Mini Program QR codes generated by this API are permanently valid and currently not limited in quantity. ** For details, see Obtain QR Code.

# Security Check

API 说明
security.imgSecCheck Detect whether a photo contains illegal content. Examples of application scenarios: (1) Intelligent detection of pornographic images: detection of photos taken and uploaded by users on tool-type apps related to photo-taking (such as Meipai or picture recognition apps), detection of product pictures on e-commerce platforms, detection of pictures in media users' articles; (2) Sensitive face recognition: users' profile photos, detection of pictures in media users' articles, detection of pictures uploaded by social media users. Frequency limitation: a single appId can be called up to 1,000 times per minute or 100,000 times per day
security.msgSecCheck Check whether a text segment contains illegal content. Examples of application scenarios: illegal text detection of users' personal profiles, detection of articles published by media and news users and comments, detection of materials edited and uploaded by game users (such as questions and answers submitted by users on Q&A games). Frequency limitation: a single appId can be called up to 2,000 times per minute or 1,000,000 times per day.

# Setting

API 说明
wx.createOpenSettingButton Create "Go to Settings" button
wx.getSetting Retrieve the user's current settings. Only permissions that the Mini Program has requested from the user will be shown in the return value.
wx.openSetting Call up Mini Program Settings interface on the client to return the result of user settings. Only permissions that the Mini Program has requested from the user will be shown in the Settings interface.
Note: This interface will soon be abandoned. Please use the <button> component to use this feature.

# OpenSettingButton

API 说明
OpenSettingButton.destroy Destroy "Go to Settings" button
OpenSettingButton.hide Hide "Go to Settings" button
OpenSettingButton.offTap 取消监听Monitor "Go to Settings" button click event
OpenSettingButton.onTap 监听Monitor "Go to Settings" button click event
OpenSettingButton.show Display "Go to Settings" button

# User Info

API 说明
wx.createUserInfoButton Create user information button
wx.getUserInfo Get user information.

# UserInfoButton

API 说明
UserInfoButton.destroy Destroy user information button
UserInfoButton.hide Hide user information button.
UserInfoButton.offTap 取消监听Monitor user information button clicking event
UserInfoButton.onTap 监听Monitor user information button clicking event
UserInfoButton.show Display user information button

# Werun

API 说明
wx.getWeRunData Retrieving user's WeRun step counts over the last 30 days requires calling the wx.login interface first.

# Performance

API 说明
wx.getPerformance Acquire performance manager
wx.triggerGC Accelerate the triggering of JavaScriptCore Garbage Collection (trash recycling). The GC occasion is controlled by JavaScriptCore. The immediate triggering of GC after calling is not guaranteed.

# Performance

API 说明
Performance.now It enables you to acquire the timestamp of the current time (in milliseconds)

# Share

API 说明
wx.getShareInfo Retrieve forwarding details
wx.hideShareMenu Hide the forward button
wx.offShareAppMessage 取消监听Monitor the event triggered when the user taps the "Forward" button in the upper right menu
wx.onShareAppMessage 监听Monitor the event triggered when the user taps the "Forward" button in the upper right menu
wx.shareAppMessage Drag to forward and enter the Select from Contacts interface.
wx.showShareMenu Display the forward button of the current page
wx.updateShareMenu Update forwarding attributes

# Storage

API 说明
wx.clearStorage Clear local data cache
wx.clearStorageSync wx.clearStorage 的同步版本
wx.getStorage Asynchronously acquire the contents of a specified key from the local cache
wx.getStorageInfo Asynchronously acquire the relevant information of the current storage
wx.getStorageInfoSync wx.getStorageInfo 的同步版本
wx.getStorageSync wx.getStorage 的同步版本
wx.removeStorage Remove the specified key from the local cache
wx.removeStorageSync wx.removeStorage 的同步版本
wx.setStorage Storing data in the specified key in the local cache will override the original contents corresponding to the key.
wx.setStorageSync wx.setStorage 的同步版本

# Subpackages

API 说明
wx.loadSubpackage Trigger sub-package loading; see Sub-package Loading for details

# LoadSubpackageTask

API 说明
LoadSubpackageTask.onProgressUpdate 监听The sub-package loading progress change event

# System

# Life Cycle

API 说明
wx.exitMiniProgram Exit current Mini Game
wx.getLaunchOptionsSync Return Mini Program startup parameters
wx.offHide 取消监听Mini Game hidden to background event. This event will be triggered by locking the screen, pressing the Home key, displaying at the top of Chat, etc.
wx.offShow 取消监听Mini Game returns to foreground event
wx.onHide 监听Mini Game hidden to background event. This event will be triggered by locking the screen, pressing the Home key, displaying at the top of Chat, etc.
wx.onShow 监听Mini Game returns to foreground event

# System Event

API 说明
wx.offAudioInterruptionBegin 取消监听"Audio interruption begins due to system occupancy" event. The following scenarios will trigger this event: alarms, phone calls, FaceTime calls, WeChat Voice Calls, and WeChat Video Calls. Once this event is triggered, all audios in the Mini Program will be paused.
wx.offAudioInterruptionEnd 取消监听"Audio interruption ends" event. After onAudioInterruptionBegin event is received, all audios in the Mini Program will be paused until the receipt of this event
wx.offError 取消监听Global error event
wx.onAudioInterruptionBegin 监听"Audio interruption begins due to system occupancy" event. The following scenarios will trigger this event: alarms, phone calls, FaceTime calls, WeChat Voice Calls, and WeChat Video Calls. Once this event is triggered, all audios in the Mini Program will be paused.
wx.onAudioInterruptionEnd 监听"Audio interruption ends" event. After onAudioInterruptionBegin event is received, all audios in the Mini Program will be paused until the receipt of this event
wx.onError 监听Global error event

# System Info

API 说明
wx.getSystemInfo Acquire system information
wx.getSystemInfoSync wx.getSystemInfo 的同步版本

# Touch Event

API 说明
wx.offTouchCancel 取消监听Touch point fail event
wx.offTouchEnd 取消监听Touch point end event
wx.offTouchMove 取消监听Touch point move event
wx.offTouchStart 取消监听Start touch event
wx.onTouchCancel 监听Touch point fail event
wx.onTouchEnd 监听Touch point end event
wx.onTouchMove 监听Touch point move event
wx.onTouchStart 监听Start touch event
Touch Touch object indicates a touch point on a touch-controlled device. Usually refers to an operation by a finger or pen on a touchscreen device or touchpad.

# Timer

API 说明
clearInterval The timer set by the setInterval() method can be cancelled.
clearTimeout The timer set by the setTimeout() method can be cancelled.
setInterval Set a timer. Execute the registered callback function according to a set period (in milliseconds)
setTimeout Set a timer. When the set time is reached, the registered callback function is executed

# UI

# Interaction

API 说明
wx.hideLoading Hide loading prompt box
wx.hideToast Hide message prompt box
wx.showLoading Display loading prompt box, and it needs to call wx.hideLoading actively to close the prompt box
wx.showModal Display the modal dialog box
wx.showToast Display message prompt box

# Keyboard

API 说明
wx.hideKeyboard Hide keyboard
wx.offKeyboardComplete 取消监听Monitor keyboard retraction event
wx.offKeyboardConfirm 取消监听The event for when the user taps "Confirm" button on the keyboard
wx.offKeyboardInput 取消监听Keyboard input event
wx.onKeyboardComplete 监听Monitor keyboard retraction event
wx.onKeyboardConfirm 监听The event for when the user taps "Confirm" button on the keyboard
wx.onKeyboardInput 监听Keyboard input event
wx.showKeyboard Display keyboard
wx.updateKeyboard Update keyboard. Only valid when the keyboard is pulled up
API 说明
wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect Get the layout location information for the menu buttons
wx.setMenuStyle Dynamically set the style of the menu pulled up by upper right corner button.

# Statusbar

API 说明
wx.setStatusBarStyle When showStatusBarStyle is included in the configuration, the status bar appears on the top of the screen This interface can edit the status bar style.

# Window

API 说明
wx.offWindowResize 取消监听The window size change event
wx.onWindowResize 监听The window size change event

# Update

API 说明
wx.getUpdateManager Acquire globally unique version update manager for managing Mini Program updates. For the update mechanism of Mini Programs, refer to the Operating Mechanism document.

# UpdateManager

API 说明
UpdateManager.applyUpdate When a new version of a Mini Program is downloaded (i.e. get the onUpdateReady callback), the Mini Program is forced to restart and uses the new version
UpdateManager.onCheckForUpdate 监听Request the update results checking event to the WeChat background. WeChat automatically checks updates when Mini programs are cold start, without being triggered by developers.
UpdateManager.onUpdateFailed 监听The Mini Program update failure event When there is a new version of a Mini Program, clients will actively trigger downloads (without triggered by developers), and conduct callbacks after downloads fail (possibly due to network reasons, etc.)
UpdateManager.onUpdateReady 监听Mini Programs have a version update event. Clients actively trigger downloads (without triggered by developers), and conduct callbacks after downloads succeed.

# Worker

API 说明
wx.createWorker Create a [Worker thread] (Multi-thread Worker). Currently a maximum of one Worker can only be created, so please call Worker.terminate before creating the next Worker.

# Worker

API 说明
Worker.onMessage 监听The event of the message sent by the main thread/worker thread to the current thread
Worker.postMessage The message sent to the main thread/worker thread
Worker.terminate End the current worker thread. The method can only be called on the worker object on the main thread.