# LivePusherContext

LivePusherContext Example, you can use the wx.createLivePusherContext Get.

LivePusherContext And unique within the page live-pusher Component binding, the corresponding live-pusher Component.

# method

# LivePusherContext.start()

Start pushing the flow while turning on camera preview

# LivePusherContext.stop()

Stop the push stream while stopping the camera preview

# LivePusherContext.pause()

Suspend push-off

# LivePusherContext.resume()

Recovery push-off

# LivePusherContext.switchCamera()

Switch back and forth cameras

# LivePusherContext.snapshot(Object object)


# LivePusherContext.toggleTorch()

Switch flashlights

# LivePusherContext.playBGM(Object object)

Play background music

# LivePusherContext.stopBGM()

Stop background

# LivePusherContext.pauseBGM()

Pause background

# LivePusherContext.resumeBGM()

Restore the background sound

# LivePusherContext.setBGMVolume(Object object)

Set the background volume

# LivePusherContext.setMICVolume(Object object)

Set microphone volume

# LivePusherContext.startPreview()

Open camera preview

# LivePusherContext.stopPreview()

Turn off camera preview

# LivePusherContext.sendMessage(Object object, Object object)

Send SEI message

# sample code

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