# wx.previewImage(Object object)

with Promise style call: Supported

Mini Program plugin: Support, need to Mini Program base library version no less than 1.9.6

Preview the picture in full screen on the new page. Preview the process of the user can save pictures, send to friends and other operations.

# parameter

# Object object

attribute type Default values Required Introductions Minimum version
urls Array.&ltstring&gt yes A list of links to images that need to be previewed. 2.2.3 Support for cloud file ID.
showmenu boolean true no Displays long press menu 2.13.0
current string urls The first one. no Link to currently displayed picture
referrerPolicy string no-referrer no origin: Send the full referrer no-referrer: Do not send. Format fixed to https://servicewechat.com/{appid} /{version}/page-frame.htmlWhere {appid} For Mini Program appid,{version} Is the version number of the Mini Program, which is 0 Represents a development version, a trial version, and a review version with a version number of devtools Represented as developer tools and the rest as official versions 2.13.0
success function no Interface calls the successful callback function
fail function no Interface calls failed callback functions
complete function no Callback function at the end of an interface call (both successful and unsuccessful calls are executed)

# sample code

  current: '', // Http link for current picture
  urls: [] // List of images to preview http links