# Query Freight Template

# Interface call request specification

Http request method: POST

# Request Parameter Sample


# Return Package Example

    "errcode" : 0,
    "errcode" : "",
            "name": "Xinjiang and Tibet do not include mail,"
            " send_time":7,
                "province_name":" Beijing, " 
                "city_name":" Beijing, " 
                "county_Name ":" "
            "all_condition_free_detail " :
                       "address_Infos ":
                               "province_Name ":" Anhui Province " ,
                               "city_Name ":" City " ,
                               "province_Name ":" Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region "
                               "province_Name ":" Tibet Autonomous Region "

# Request Parameter Dxplaination

parameter type Is it necessary to fill out Introductions

# Return parameter specification

parameter type Introductions
Errcode string Error code
errmsg string Error message
template_list[].template_id number Shipping Template ID
template_list[].name string Shipping Template Name
template_list[].valuation_type nunber Billing method
template_list[].send_time number Delivery time
template_list[].address_info object Shipping Address
template_list[].delivery_type number Distribution mode
template_list[].delivery_id[] array List of courier companies
template_list[].shipping_method number Whether or not the package
template_list[].all_condition_free_detail object Terms of Service Details
template_list[].all_freight_calc_method object Specific billing methods for designated areas
template_list[].create_time number Create time
template_list[].update_time number Update time
template_list[].is_default number Is the default template
template_list[].not_send_area object Non Shipping Area

# object-address_info

parameter type Introductions
province_name string province
city_name string city
county_name string Districts and counties

# object-all_condition_free_detail

parameter type Introductions
condition_free_detail_list[].address_infos object Postal area, address_info
condition_free_detail_list[].min_piece number Minimum package
condition_free_detail_list[].min_weight number Minimum package weight
condition_free_detail_list[].min_amount number Minimum Postage Rate
condition_free_detail_list[].valuation_flag number Is the billing option set?
condition_free_detail_list[].amount_flag number Amount set

# object-all_freight_calc_method

parameter type Introductions
freight_calc_method_list[].address_info object Specify region, same as address_info
freight_calc_method_list[].is_default number Default Freight
freight_calc_method_list[].delivery_id string Courier company
freight_calc_method_list[].first_val_amount number First freight to meet the weight, unit kg
freight_calc_method_list[].first_price number The amount of the first freight, in units
freight_calc_method_list[].second_val_amount number Renewal unit weight, unit kg
freight_calc_method_list[].second_price number Increase in Amount per Unit of Renewal, Unit Points

# object-not_send_area

parameter type Introductions
address_info object No shipping area, same address_info

# Enumerate the value -valuation_type

Enumeration value describe
1 By piece
2 By weight

# Enumeration value - send_time

Enumeration value describe
1 4 hours
2 8 hours
3 12 hours.
4 16 hours
5 20 hours
6 24 hours
7 48 hours
8 3 days
9 5 days
10 7 days
11 10 days
12 12 days
13 14 days
14 16 days
15 20 days
16 25 days
17 30 days
18 35 days
19 45 days

# Enumerate the value-delivery_type

Enumeration value describe
1 express delivery

# Enumeration values - shipping_method

Enumeration value describe
1 shipping included
2 Conditional Delivery
3 No Postage

# Return code

Return code Type of error
-1 System exception
-2 Token is too long