# Get order list
# Interface call request specification
Http request method: POST
# Request Parameter Sample
"start_create_time": "2020-03-25 12:05:25",
"end_create_time": "2020-04-25 12:05:25",
"status": 20,
"page": 1,
"page_size": 10,
"source": 1 //Optional, default 1
# Return Package Example
"errcode": 0,
"status": 20,
"create_time": "2020-03-25 13:05:25",
"update_time": "2020-03-25 14:05:25",
"order_detail " :
"product_Infos ":
"product_id": 234245,
"sku_cnt": 10,
"on_aftersale_sku_cnt": 10,
"finish_aftersale_sku_cnt": 0,
"Title": "Fitness Ring,"
"thumb_img": " http://img10.360buyimg.com/n1/s450x450_jfs/t1/85865/39/13611/488083/5e590a40E4bdf69c0/55c9bf645ea2b727.jpg",
"attr_key": "Choose a color,"
"attr_value": "Red and blue host."
"beats_price": 2000
"pay_method": "WeChat Pay"
"prepay_id": "42526234625",
"transaction_id": "131456479687",
"prepay_time": "2020-03-25 14:04:25"
"pay_time": "2020-03-25 14:05:25"
"product_price": 20000,
"order_price": 10500,
"freight": 500,
"discounted_price": 10000
"is_discounted": true
"delivery_method": "Express,"
"delivery_time": "2020-03-25 16:05:25",
"waybill_id": "134654612313",
"delivery_id": "STO",
"product_Infos ":
"product_id": 234245,
"user_Name ":" Mr. Chen " ,
"postal_code": "2435245",
"province_name": "Guangdong,"
"city_name": "Guangzhou,"
"county_name": "Haizhu District"
"detail_info": "Tai Tong"
"national_code": "234234",
"tel_number": "24534252"
"shipping_method": "ShippingMethod_Express",
"aftersale_detail " :
"aftersale_order_list": [
"aftersale_order_id": 1234
"on_aftersale_order_cnt": 1
"openid": 'xxxxx';
"customer_notes": "Fat Shun Fung"
"merchant_notes": "Insufficient stock, cancel"
"total_in a": 20
# Request Parameter Dxplaination
Be careful start_create_time&end_create_time and start_update_time&end_update_time Fill in at least a pair of parameters
parameter | type | Is it necessary to fill out | Introductions |
start_create_time | string | no | Order Creation Time Search Start Time |
end_create_time | string | no | Search end time of order creation time |
start_update_time | string | no | Order Update Time Search Start Time |
end_update_time | string | no | End Time of Search for Order Update Time |
status | number | yes | Order status |
page | number | yes | Page number (1 minimum) |
page_size | number | yes | Number of pages(Not exceeding 10,000) |
source | number | no | 1: Mini Stores, 2: CPS with goods |
# Return parameter specification
parameter | type | Introductions |
Errcode | string | Error code |
errmsg | string | Error message |
orders[].order_id | number | Order ID |
orders[].create_time | string | Create time |
orders[].create_time | string | Update time |
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].product_id | number | Mini Store Internal Product ID |
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].sku_id | number | Mini Store interior skuID |
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].thumb_img | string | sku small diagram |
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].sku_cnt | number | Number of sku |
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].on_aftersale_sku_cnt | number | Is after-sales/Number of sku in refund process |
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].finish_aftersale_sku_cnt | number | After-sales completed/Number of sku refunded |
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].sale_price | number | Sale Price in Units |
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].sku_attrs[].attr_key | string | Attribute key (for attribute customization) |
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].sku_attrs[].attr_value | string | Property values (for property customization) |
orders[].order_detail.pay_info.pay_method | string | Payment method (currently only "WeChat Pay") |
orders[].order_detail.pay_info.prepay_id | string | Pre-payment ID |
orders[].order_detail.pay_info.transaction_id | string | Payment Order Number |
orders[].order_detail.pay_info.prepay_time | string | Time of advance payment |
orders[].order_detail.pay_info.pay_time | string | Payment Time |
orders[].order_detail.price_info.product_price | number | Product amount (unit: points) |
orders[].order_detail.price_info.order_price | number | Order Amount (Unit: Minutes) |
orders[].order_detail.price_info.freight | number | Freight (in cents) |
orders[].order_detail.price_info.discounted_price | number | Preferential amount (unit: points) |
orders[].order_detail.price_info.is_discounted | bool | Is there a discount (false: no discount/True: there is a discount) |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_method | string | Express (currently only "express") |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_time | string | Delivery time |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_product_info.waybill_id | string | Tracking number |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_product_info.delivery_id | string | Courier company number |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_product_info.product_infos[].product_id | number | Shipped merchandise store internal merchandise ID |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_product_info.product_infos[].sku_id | number | Shipped goods store internal skuID |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_product_info.product_infos[].product_cnt | number | Quantity of goods shipped |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.username | string | Name of consignee |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.postal_code | string | postal code |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.province_name | string | GB receiving address first level address |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.city_name | string | GB receiving address secondary address |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.county_name | string | GB Receiving Address Third-level Address |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.detail_info | string | Detailed shipping address information |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.national_code | string | Address Country Code |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.Tel_number | string | Consignee mobile phone number |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.express_fee.shipping_method | string | Distribution mode |
order.order_detail.delivery_info.pickup_address.province_name | string | Address from the first level GB address (from the order to have the information) |
order.order_detail.delivery_info.pickup_address.city_name | string | Address from the second level of GB address (from the order to have this information) |
order.order_detail.delivery_info.pickup_address.county_name | string | Address from the GB third level address (from the order to have the information) |
order.order_detail.delivery_info.pickup_address.detail_info | string | Lift address details (lift orders only have this information) |
order.order_detail.delivery_info.pickup_address.house_number | string | Address Number (This information is only available on order, may be empty) |
order.order_detail.delivery_info.pickup_address.Tel_number | string | From the merchant contact number (from the order only have this information) |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.express_fee.distance | number | Offline from the lift, the city distribution distance |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.offline_delivery_time | number | Offline Delivery Time |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.offline_pickup_time | number | Offline pickup time |
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.ship_done_time | number | Delivery completion time |
orders[].aftersale_detail.aftersale_order_list[].aftersale_order_id | number | After-sales single ID (After-sale interface can be used for inquiry after opening) |
orders[].aftersale_detail.on_aftersale_order_cnt | number | Number of sales in the process |
orders[].openid | string | User openid for logistics assistant interface |
orders[].ext_info.customer_notes | string | User Notes |
orders[].ext_info.merchant_notes | string | Merchant Remarks |
total_A | number | Total orders |
# Enumerations-shipping_method
Enumeration value | describe |
"ShippingMethod_Express" | express delivery |
"ShippingMethod_SameCity" | Same city distribution |
"ShippingMethod_Pickup" | Self mention |
# Enumerate - status
Enumeration value | describe |
10 | Outstanding |
15 | Group activities Pay success Waiting for the group |
16 | Pay success Waiting for the merchant to receive orders (Same city distribution Offline self-lifting) |
17 | Successful payments pending write-off |
20 | Awaiting shipment |
21 | Partial shipment |
30 | Pending receipt |
100 | complete |
200 | After the sale of all goods, the order is cancelled |
250 | User Active Cancellation or Pending Payment Overtime Cancellation |
# Return code
Return code | Type of error |
-1 | System exception |
-2 | Token is too long |
9401020 | Wrong parameter |