# Get order list

# Interface call request specification

Http request method: POST

# Request Parameter Sample

    "start_create_time": "2020-03-25 12:05:25",
    "end_create_time": "2020-04-25 12:05:25",
    "status": 20,
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 10,
    "source": 1 //Optional, default 1

# Return Package Example

    "errcode": 0,
            "status": 20,
            "create_time": "2020-03-25 13:05:25",
            "update_time": "2020-03-25 14:05:25",
            "order_detail " :
                "product_Infos ":
                        "product_id": 234245,
                        "sku_cnt": 10,
                        "on_aftersale_sku_cnt": 10,
                        "finish_aftersale_sku_cnt": 0,
                        "Title": "Fitness Ring,"
                        "thumb_img": " http://img10.360buyimg.com/n1/s450x450_jfs/t1/85865/39/13611/488083/5e590a40E4bdf69c0/55c9bf645ea2b727.jpg",
                               "attr_key": "Choose a color,"
                               "attr_value": "Red and blue host."
                        "beats_price": 2000
                    "pay_method": "WeChat Pay"
                    "prepay_id": "42526234625",
                    "transaction_id": "131456479687",
                    "prepay_time": "2020-03-25 14:04:25"
                    "pay_time": "2020-03-25 14:05:25"
                    "product_price": 20000,
                    "order_price": 10500,
                    "freight": 500,
                    "discounted_price": 10000
                    "is_discounted": true
                    "delivery_method": "Express,"
                    "delivery_time": "2020-03-25 16:05:25",
                        "waybill_id": "134654612313",
                        "delivery_id": "STO",
                        "product_Infos ":
                                "product_id": 234245,
                        "user_Name ":" Mr. Chen " ,
                        "postal_code": "2435245",
                        "province_name": "Guangdong,"
                        "city_name": "Guangzhou,"
                        "county_name": "Haizhu District"
                        "detail_info": "Tai Tong"
                        "national_code": "234234",
                        "tel_number": "24534252"
                            "shipping_method": "ShippingMethod_Express",
            "aftersale_detail " : 
                "aftersale_order_list": [
                        "aftersale_order_id": 1234
                "on_aftersale_order_cnt": 1
            "openid": 'xxxxx';
                "customer_notes": "Fat Shun Fung"
                "merchant_notes": "Insufficient stock, cancel"
    "total_in a": 20

# Request Parameter Dxplaination

Be careful start_create_time&end_create_time and start_update_time&end_update_time Fill in at least a pair of parameters

parameter type Is it necessary to fill out Introductions
start_create_time string no Order Creation Time Search Start Time
end_create_time string no Search end time of order creation time
start_update_time string no Order Update Time Search Start Time
end_update_time string no End Time of Search for Order Update Time
status number yes Order status
page number yes Page number (1 minimum)
page_size number yes Number of pages(Not exceeding 10,000)
source number no 1: Mini Stores, 2: CPS with goods

# Return parameter specification

parameter type Introductions
Errcode string Error code
errmsg string Error message
orders[].order_id number Order ID
orders[].create_time string Create time
orders[].create_time string Update time
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].product_id number Mini Store Internal Product ID
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].sku_id number Mini Store interior skuID
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].thumb_img string sku small diagram
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].sku_cnt number Number of sku
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].on_aftersale_sku_cnt number Is after-sales/Number of sku in refund process
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].finish_aftersale_sku_cnt number After-sales completed/Number of sku refunded
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].sale_price number Sale Price in Units
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].sku_attrs[].attr_key string Attribute key (for attribute customization)
orders[].order_detail.product_infos[].sku_attrs[].attr_value string Property values (for property customization)
orders[].order_detail.pay_info.pay_method string Payment method (currently only "WeChat Pay")
orders[].order_detail.pay_info.prepay_id string Pre-payment ID
orders[].order_detail.pay_info.transaction_id string Payment Order Number
orders[].order_detail.pay_info.prepay_time string Time of advance payment
orders[].order_detail.pay_info.pay_time string Payment Time
orders[].order_detail.price_info.product_price number Product amount (unit: points)
orders[].order_detail.price_info.order_price number Order Amount (Unit: Minutes)
orders[].order_detail.price_info.freight number Freight (in cents)
orders[].order_detail.price_info.discounted_price number Preferential amount (unit: points)
orders[].order_detail.price_info.is_discounted bool Is there a discount (false: no discount/True: there is a discount)
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_method string Express (currently only "express")
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_time string Delivery time
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_product_info.waybill_id string Tracking number
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_product_info.delivery_id string Courier company number
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_product_info.product_infos[].product_id number Shipped merchandise store internal merchandise ID
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_product_info.product_infos[].sku_id number Shipped goods store internal skuID
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.delivery_product_info.product_infos[].product_cnt number Quantity of goods shipped
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.username string Name of consignee
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.postal_code string postal code
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.province_name string GB receiving address first level address
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.city_name string GB receiving address secondary address
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.county_name string GB Receiving Address Third-level Address
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.detail_info string Detailed shipping address information
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.national_code string Address Country Code
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.address_info.Tel_number string Consignee mobile phone number
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.express_fee.shipping_method string Distribution mode
order.order_detail.delivery_info.pickup_address.province_name string Address from the first level GB address (from the order to have the information)
order.order_detail.delivery_info.pickup_address.city_name string Address from the second level of GB address (from the order to have this information)
order.order_detail.delivery_info.pickup_address.county_name string Address from the GB third level address (from the order to have the information)
order.order_detail.delivery_info.pickup_address.detail_info string Lift address details (lift orders only have this information)
order.order_detail.delivery_info.pickup_address.house_number string Address Number (This information is only available on order, may be empty)
order.order_detail.delivery_info.pickup_address.Tel_number string From the merchant contact number (from the order only have this information)
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.express_fee.distance number Offline from the lift, the city distribution distance
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.offline_delivery_time number Offline Delivery Time
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.offline_pickup_time number Offline pickup time
orders[].order_detail.delivery_info.ship_done_time number Delivery completion time
orders[].aftersale_detail.aftersale_order_list[].aftersale_order_id number After-sales single ID (After-sale interface can be used for inquiry after opening)
orders[].aftersale_detail.on_aftersale_order_cnt number Number of sales in the process
orders[].openid string User openid for logistics assistant interface
orders[].ext_info.customer_notes string User Notes
orders[].ext_info.merchant_notes string Merchant Remarks
total_A number Total orders

# Enumerations-shipping_method

Enumeration value describe
"ShippingMethod_Express" express delivery
"ShippingMethod_SameCity" Same city distribution
"ShippingMethod_Pickup" Self mention

# Enumerate - status

Enumeration value describe
10 Outstanding
15 Group activities Pay success Waiting for the group
16 Pay success Waiting for the merchant to receive orders (Same city distribution Offline self-lifting)
17 Successful payments pending write-off
20 Awaiting shipment
21 Partial shipment
30 Pending receipt
100 complete
200 After the sale of all goods, the order is cancelled
250 User Active Cancellation or Pending Payment Overtime Cancellation

# Return code

Return code Type of error
-1 System exception
-2 Token is too long
9401020 Wrong parameter