# Introduction to Custom Trading Components

After calling the component in the Mini Program, the scene in the WeChat ecosystem can be accessed on the original interface, functions and transaction links. The transaction and management in the scene are realized by calling the interfaces of product upload, order generation and status synchronization. WeChat will continue to iterate the interface function.

# Function introduction

  • Available on video number, Official Account message template Such as the scene to achieve product display and other functions with goods
  • Orders are automatically synchronized to the "Mini Program Orders" function

# Scope of application

Details of the scope of application pleaseClick to view

Applicable Mini Program categories:

Business self-management, IT technology, tourism, e-commerce platform, life services, real estate and other categories.

More open categories are still expanding.

Scope of application:

Mini Program developers for domestic non-individual subject (that is, enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households) developers

Applicable criteria:

No serious violations (including but not limited to illegal crime, fraud, unlicensed business, infringement, risk trading, sales of prohibited goods, sales without qualification goods, fake and other types of violations)

Businesses that already have Mini Programs can access the components themselves or with the help of service providers, If you don't have a Mini Program, you can apply to register the Mini Program first. After you have the little program, access the component by yourself or with the help of the service provider.