# Inquiry order details

# 1. Query order details by order ID

# Interface Dxplaination

Support alliance developers to query order details based on order ID

# Request address

POST https://api.weixin.qq.com/union/promoter/order/info?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

# Request parameters

attribute type Default values Required Introductions
access_token string yes Interface calling credential
orderIdList Array.&ltstring&gt yes order id list

# Return value

attribute type Introductions
Errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message
OrderList Array.&ltObject&gt List of orders

OrderList Structure

attribute type Introductions
orderId string Order ID
payTime number Payment timestamp in s
confirmReceiptTime number Confirm receipt timestamp in s, 0 if not
shopName string Shop Name
shopAppid string shop Appid
productList Array.&ltObject&gt List of products
customizeInfo string Custom Information
customUserId string Custom user parameters
userNickName string User Name

productList Structure

attribute type Introductions
productId string Product SPU ID
skuId string sku ID
title string Product Name
thumbImg string Product thumbnail url
price string Total Price of Product Transaction with Unit
productCnt number Number of transactions
ratio number The percentage of commission, the unit is 1 / 10,000
commissionStatus string Commission Status
commissionStatusUpdateTime string Commission status update timestamp in s
profitShardingSucTime string Settlement time, when the subcommission status is settled, the unit is s
commission string Sub-commission amount, with unit
estimatedCommission number Estimated Commission Amount in Cents
categoryStr string Category names separated by commas
promotionInfo &ltObject&gt Promotion information

promotionInfo Structure

attribute type Introductions
promotionSourcePid string Promotion position id
promotionSourceName string Promotion bit name

# Return Data Example

    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "ok",
    'orderList': [
            "orderId": "1952315038682581",
            "payTime": 1612355317,
            "shopName": "XXX Mini Store,"
            "productList": [
                    "productId": "4085505",
                    "title": "Body care,"
                    "thumbImg": "https://snsdy.tc.qq.com/161/20304/snscosdownload/SZ/reserved/xxx",
                    "price": "0.20",
                    "ratio": 9000,
                    "commissionStatus": "SETTLEMENT_CANCELED",
                    "commission": "0",
                    "categoryStr": "11",
                    "promotionInfo": {
                        "promotionSourcePid": "oqt8u5E4_3XcsaMicK_E2gNyvBfM_1290469201",
                        "promotionSourceName": "xxx"
                    "customizeInfo": "customizeInfo"

# Error code

value Introductions
200002 Not incoming orderIdList or orderIdList Exceeding the ceiling 200

# 2. Pull order details according to order payment time and order sub-commission status

# Interface Dxplaination

Query, filter order list

# Request address

GET https://api.weixin.qq.com/union/promoter/order/search?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

# Request parameters

attribute type Default values Required Introductions
access_token string yes Interface calling credential
page number 1 no Page number, starting with 1
pageSize number 10 no Paging Size, Maximum 200
startTimestamp string no Start timestamp in seconds
endTimestamp string no End timestamp in seconds
commissionStatus string no Commission Status
sortByCommissionUpdateTime string 0 no Whether to sort and filter orders by time of commission status update, 1: Yes, 0: No
startCommissionUpdateTime string no Start time stamp of status update in seconds
endCommissionUpdateTime string no End of Status Update Timestamp in seconds

# GET Data example

  "page": 1

commissionStatus Enumeration of

value type Introductions
SETTLEMENT_PENDING string Pending settlement
SETTLEMENT_CANCELED string Cancellation of settlement

# Return value

attribute type Introductions
Errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message
OrderList Array.&ltObject&gt List of orders
pageSize number Paging Size
totalNum number Total orders

OrderList Structure

attribute type Introductions
orderId string Order ID
payTime number Payment timestamp in s
confirmReceiptTime number Confirm receipt timestamp in s, 0 if not
shopName string Shop Name
shopAppid string shop Appid
productList Array.&ltObject&gt List of products
customizeInfo string Custom Information
customUserId string Custom user parameters
userNickName string User Name

productList Structure

attribute type Introductions
productId string Product SPU ID
skuId string sku ID
title string Product Name
thumbImg string Product thumbnail url
price string Total Price of Product Transaction with Unit
productCnt number Number of transactions
ratio number The percentage of commission, the unit is 1 / 10,000
commissionStatus string Commission Status
commissionStatusUpdateTime string Commission status update timestamp in s
profitShardingSucTime string Settlement time, when the subcommission status is settled, the unit is s
commission string Sub-commission amount, with unit
estimatedCommission number Estimated Commission Amount in Cents
categoryStr string Category names separated by commas
promotionInfo &ltObject&gt Promotion information
customizeInfo string Custom Information

promotionInfo Structure

attribute type Introductions
promotionSourcePid string Promotion position id
promotionSourceName string Promotion bit name

# Return Data Example

    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "ok",
    'orderList': [
            "orderId": "1952315038682581",
            "payTime": 1612355317,
            "shopName": "XXX Mini Store,"
            "productList": [
                    "productId": "4085505",
                    "title": "Body care,"
                    "thumbImg": "https://snsdy.tc.qq.com/161/20304/snscosdownload/SZ/reserved/xxx",
                    "price": "0.20",
                    "ratio": 9000,
                    "commissionStatus": "SETTLEMENT_CANCELED",
                    "commission": "0",
                    "categoryStr": "11",
                    "promotionInfo": {
                        "promotionSourcePid": "oqt8u5E4_3XcsaMicK_E2gNyvBfM_1290469201",
                        "promotionSourceName": "xxx"
                    "customizeInfo": "customizeInfo"
            "orderId": "1952881854014581",
            "payTime": 1612354844,
            "shopName": "XXX Mini Store,"
            "productList": [
                    "productId": "4085505",
                    "title": "Body care,"
                    "thumbImg": "https://snsdy.tc.qq.com/161/20304/snscosdownload/SZ/reserved/xxx",
                    "price": "0.20",
                    "ratio": 9000,
                    "commissionStatus": "SETTLEMENT_PENDING",
                    "commission": "-",
                    "categoryStr": "11",
                    "promotionInfo": {
                        "promotionSourcePid": "oqt8u5E4_3XcsaMicK_E2gNyvBfM_1290469201",
                        "promotionSourceName": "xxx"
            "orderId": "1540485153563887",
            "payTime": 1612346038,
            "shopName": "xxx",
            "productList": [
                    "productId": "6363741",
                    "title": "Box cutter,"
                    "thumbImg": "https://store.mp.video.tencent-cloud.com/161/20304/snscosdownload/SZ/reserved/xxx",
                    "price": "1.00",
                    "ratio": 500,
                    "commissionStatus": "SETTLEMENT_PENDING",
                    "commission": "-",
                    "categoryStr": "Box cutter,"
                    "promotionInfo": {
                        "promotionSourcePid": "oqt8u5NJAsZ4TN0eNVDN5J_1KUOs_1497740816",
                        "promotionSourceName": "xxx"
            "orderId": "1140092624903333",
            "payTime": 1612345602,
            "shopName": "xxx",
            "productList": [
                    "productId": "6363741",
                    "title": "Box cutter,"
                    "thumbImg": "https://store.mp.video.tencent-cloud.com/161/20304/snscosdownload/SZ/reserved/xxx",
                    "price": "1.00",
                    "ratio": 500,
                    "commissionStatus": "SETTLEMENT_PENDING",
                    "commission": "-",
                    "categoryStr": "Box cutter,"
                    "promotionInfo": {
                        "promotionSourcePid": "oqt8u5NJAsZ4TN0eNVDN5J_1KUOs_1497740816",
                        "promotionSourceName": "xxx"
            "orderId": "1952328751053581",
            "payTime": 1612333478,
            "shopName": "XXX Mini Store,"
            "productList": [
                    "productId": "4085505",
                    "title": "Body care,"
                    "thumbImg": "https://snsdy.tc.qq.com/161/20304/snscosdownload/SZ/reserved/xxx",
                    "price": "0.20",
                    "ratio": 9000,
                    "commissionStatus": "SETTLEMENT_PENDING",
                    "commission": "-",
                    "categoryStr": "11",
                    "promotionInfo": {
                        "promotionSourcePid": "oqt8u5E4_3XcsaMicK_E2gNyvBfM_1290469201",
                        "promotionSourceName": "xxx"
            "orderId": "1952872372026581",
            "payTime": 1612233926,
            "shopName": "XXX Mini Store,"
            "productList": [
                    "productId": "4085505",
                    "title": "Body care,"
                    "thumbImg": "https://snsdy.tc.qq.com/161/20304/snscosdownload/SZ/reserved/xxx",
                    "price": "0.20",
                    "ratio": 9000,
                    "commissionStatus": "SETTLEMENT_PENDING",
                    "commission": "-",
                    "categoryStr": "11",
                    "promotionInfo": {
                        "promotionSourcePid": "oqt8u5E4_3XcsaMicK_E2gNyvBfM_1290469201",
                        "promotionSourceName": "xxx"
            "orderId": "1508732341607753",
            "payTime": 1612233673,
            "shopName": "XXX Mini Store,"
            "productList": [
                    "productId": "4085505",
                    "title": "Body care,"
                    "thumbImg": "https://snsdy.tc.qq.com/161/20304/snscosdownload/SZ/reserved/xxx",
                    "price": "0.20",
                    "ratio": 9000,
                    "commissionStatus": "SETTLEMENT_PENDING",
                    "commission": "-",
                    "categoryStr": "11",
                    "promotionInfo": {
                        "promotionSourcePid": "oqt8u5E4_3XcsaMicK_E2gNyvBfM_1290469201",
                        "promotionSourceName": "xxx"
            "orderId": "1976456848299426",
            "payTime": 1611893169,
            "shopName": "XXX Mini Store,"
            "productList": [
                    "productId": "5622638",
                    "title": "Garbage bags,"
                    "thumbImg": "https://snsdy.tc.qq.com/161/20304/snscosdownload/SZ/reserved/xxx",
                    "price": "9.90",
                    "ratio": 200,
                    "commissionStatus": "SETTLEMENT_PENDING",
                    "commission": "-",
                    "categoryStr": "Black,"
                    "promotionInfo": {
                        "promotionSourcePid": "oqt8u5NJAsZ4TN0eNVDN5J_1KUOs_1497740816",
                        "promotionSourceName": "xxx"
            "orderId": "1508676280185753",
            "payTime": 1611578393,
            "shopName": "XXX Mini Store,"
            "productList": [
                    "productId": "12432937",
                    "title": "Storage box,"
                    "thumbImg": "https://store.mp.video.tencent-cloud.com/161/20304/snscosdownload/SZ/reserved/xxx",
                    "price": "1.00",
                    "ratio": 8000,
                    "commissionStatus": "SETTLEMENT_PENDING",
                    "commission": "-",
                    "categoryStr": "1",
                    "promotionInfo": {
                        "promotionSourcePid": "oqt8u5E4_3XcsaMicK_E2gNyvBfM_1290469201",
                        "promotionSourceName": "xxx"
            "orderId": "1508813362517753",
            "payTime": 1611576663,
            "shopName": "XXX Mini Store,"
            "productList": [
                    "productId": "12432937",
                    "title": "Storage box,"
                    "thumbImg": "https://store.mp.video.tencent-cloud.com/161/20304/snscosdownload/SZ/reserved/xxx",
                    "price": "1.00",
                    "ratio": 8000,
                    "commissionStatus": "SETTLEMENT_PENDING",
                    "commission": "-",
                    "categoryStr": "1",
                    "promotionInfo": {
                        "promotionSourcePid": "oqt8u5E4_3XcsaMicK_E2gNyvBfM_1290469201",
                        "promotionSourceName": "xxx"
    "pageSize": 10,
    "totalNum": 133