The following interfaces are available to Mini Program developers for receiving, querying, and handling complaints from Mini Program users. The whole process of small procedures transaction complaints is as follows:

Transaction complaint handling capabilities include:

  1. [Receive complaints push](#Receive complaints push)

  2. [Inquiry Complaint Form Information](#Inquiry Complaint Form Information)

  3. [Businesses respond to complaints](#Businesses respond to complaints)

  4. [Business supplement voucher](#Business supplement voucher)

  5. [Business submit processing certificate](#Business submit processing certificate)

# Complaint Information Push

If there are new complaints, complaint progress changes, complaint information update, the platform will push the complaint information to the Mini Program developer configured message server.View message server configuration

Field name Field explaination
appid Mini Programs appid
Event Type
option_type Notification Event Type: First complaint initiated/Complaints Progress Update
complaint_order_id Complaint Form Number
status Complaint Status
create_time Time of complaint initiation
expire_time Complaints Current Status Expiration Date
type The type of complaint issue is enumerated as follows:
//Shipment problem
611: Delivery not on time
612: Merchant refuses to deliver
613: Fewer/Wrong hair
614: Logistics information is not updated for a long time
//Customer Service Questions
621: Customer service does not reply
622: Customer Service Abuse/Harass/intimidate
//Commitments not fulfilled
631: Giveaway promise not fulfilled
632: Logistics commitments not met
633: Other
//Product issues
641: Description does not match
642: Damaged goods
643: Other
order_id The number of the complaint
out_trade_No Merchant Order Number
phone_number Complainant's Contact Information
open_id Complainant openid
customer_material_content Complaint details - text
customer_material_media_id_list Details of complaints - Photo
pay_time Transaction Time of the Complained Order
total_cost Amount of Order Complained about
product_name Description of the Goods Subject to Complaint
history Complaint progress, time Schedule change time, content Schedule change text, media_id_list Progress Change Picture

# Enquiry Complaint Form Details



Return Result Examples

    errcode: 0,
    errmsg: "ok",
    complaintOrder: {
        complaintOrderId: 'sadfasdf',//Order id
        openId: 'dfasefasefase', //openId
        createTime: 123124124, //Time of complaint initiation
        phoneNumber: 156222222, //Contact information
        type: 12,  //Classification of complaints
        status: 1,//Order Status, Enumeration Values
            content: '', //Content of complaint
            mediaIdList: ['fsadfasdfsaf'] //List of Companies
        orderId: '2342', //WeChat Pay Order Number
        outTradeNo: 'sdfsfd',   //Merchant Order Number
        productName: -'SDF', //Product Name
        payTime: 123123',   //Payment Time
        totalCost: 1213,    //Transaction amount
        expireTime: 1231231 //The current status of the complaint expires, 0 is not exist
    // Progress of complaints
        itemType: 1, //Complaint node status
        time: 1233234234,  //time
        phoneNumber: 123123, //Mobile phone number
        content: '', //content
        mediaIdList: ['asdfasdf']  //Picture cdn list
    returnBill: {
        returnId: '23234234234',    //Return id 
        waybillId: 'adfasdf', //Waybill number
        orderStatus: 4 //Waybill Status

# Return Parameter Meaning

Order details

parameter Introductions
complaintOrderId Order id
openid User's openid
createTime Time of complaint initiation
phoneNumber Contact information
type Classification of complaints, enumeration values: 611 -- Shipment was not made at the agreed time, 612 -- the merchant refused to deliver the goods, 613 -- New York/Wrong hair, 614 -- logistics information is not updated for a long time, 621 -- customer service does not reply, 622 -- New York/Harass/Intimidation, 631 -- Gift promises not fulfilled, 632 -- Logistics commitments not fulfilled, 633 -- Other, 641 -- The description does not match, 642 -- damaged goods, 643 -- Other
customerMaterial.content Content of complaint
customerMaterial.mediaIdList Complaint content picture cdn
orderId WeChat Pay Order Number
outTradeNo Merchant Order Number
productName Product Name
payTime Payment Time
totalCost Transaction amount
status Complaint status, enumeration values refer to the following table
returnId Return id, generated by interface
orderStatus Waybill status, enumeration values refer to the following table

Complaint Status Enumeration

value Introductions
101 Platform customer service processing
103 Platform customer service processing
104 Platform customer service processing
105 Platform customer service processing
106 To be supplemented by merchants
107 Platform customer service processing
108 Both sides to supplement the voucher
109 Platform customer service processing
112 Complaint closed
115 Complaint closed
116 Complaint closed
201 Pending processing
202 Merchant timeout did not respond, pending user confirmation
203 Responded, pending user confirmation
204 Responded, pending user confirmation
205 Complaint closed
206 The platform has been judged as commercial responsibility, to be uploaded to the processing certificate
207 Platform customer service verification certificate
208 Overtime did not upload the certificate
209 Complaints closed
305 Platform customer service processing
307 Platform customer service processing
308 The platform has been determined as business responsibility, to be returned by the user
309 The platform has been determined as business responsibility, to be returned by the user
310 Platform customer service processing
311 Sign-off exception

Complaint Status Enumeration

value Introductions
0 Orders pending
1 Items solicited
2 In transport
3 In dispatch
4 Signed
5 abnormal
6 Signature on behalf of
7 Failure to collect
8 Failure to sign
10 No orders placed
11 Cancelled
12 Deleted
13 In return
14 Returned items
15 Capacity cancellation
99 Unconfirmed status

Progress of complaints

parameter Introductions
itemType Type of each node, enumeration value Refer to the following table
time time
phoneNumber Mobile phone number
mediaIdList List of CDN Resources
blameResult itemType For (31) 32), determine whether the description of the return, The corresponding copy is to be returned by the user, and the corresponding document is 0 to be uploaded.

ItemType Legal value:

value describe
1 Users initiate complaints
2 User Supplementary Message
3 Business supplementary message
7 User Supplementary Credentials
8 Business supplement voucher
11 Customer Service Support
13 Platform customer service processing
14 To be replenished by user
16 To be supplemented by merchants
18 Platform requires both sides to supplement the voucher
26 Platform to verify and handle abnormal vouchers, complaints closed, please contact the user to solve the problem, protect the user experience
30 The platform has verified that this complaint is not the responsibility of the merchant. The complaint is closed.
31 The platform has verified that the complaint is the responsibility of the merchant, waiting to upload the processing certificate (blameResult is 0)/The platform has verified this complaint as the responsibility of the merchant, pending user returns (blameResult is 1)
32 The platform has verified that the complaint is the responsibility of the merchant, waiting to upload the processing certificate (blameResult is 0)/The platform has verified this complaint as the responsibility of the merchant, pending user returns (blameResult is 1)
33 The platform has verified that this complaint is not the responsibility of the merchant. The complaint is closed.
36 Platform has verified the processing voucher, the complaint is closed
37 Platform to verify and handle abnormal vouchers, complaints closed, please contact the user to solve the problem, protect the user experience
101 The merchant did not respond to complaints
104 The user acknowledges the result of the processing and the complaint is closed
107 The merchant has not submitted the complaint handling voucher for overtime, and the platform customer service is in the process.
108 User timeout did not confirm the merchant response results, the complaint is closed
109 The merchant responded to the complaint
110 Submit a complaint handling certificate
111 User Supplement Certificate Timeout
112 Merchant supplement voucher timeout
113 The two sides supplement certificate timeout

# Businesses respond to complaints

Request method: post

Sample request parameter:

    content = "", //Content of the response
    complaintOrderId = "", //Odd Numbers
    mediaIdList = [], //Id of picture
    bussiHandle// Operation 1 is to agree to the settlement and 2 is to refuse the settlement

Meaning of the request parameter:

parameter type Required Introductions
content string Content and mediaIdList choose one of the two that is required. The content of the response (image array or content selection is required)
complaintOrderId number yes Odd Numbers
mediaIdList Array Content and mediaIdList choose one of the two that is required. Picture id list, refer to this
bussiHandle number yes Action: 1 is to agree to the settlement, 2 is to refuse the settlement

Return Example

   "errcode": 0 // 0: Success 

# Business supplement voucher

Request method: post

Sample request parameter:

    content = "",
    complaintOrderId = "", //Odd Numbers
    mediaIdList = [], // ID list of pictures
parameter type Required Introductions
content string Content and mediaIdList choose one of the two that is required. The content of the response (image array or content selection is required)
complaintOrderId number yes Odd Numbers
mediaIdList Array Content and mediaIdList choose one of the two. Picture id list, refer to this

Return Examples Correctly

   "errcode": 0 // 0: Success 

# Merchant submit refund voucher

Request method post

Sample request parameter:

    content = "",
    complaintOrderId = "", //Odd Numbers
    mediaIdList = [], // ID list of pictures
parameter type Required Introductions
content string Content and mediaIdList choose one of the two that is required. The content of the response (image array or content selection is required)
complaintOrderId number yes Odd Numbers
mediaIdList Array Content and mediaIdList choose one of the two that is required. Id of picture list Picture id list, refer to this

Return Examples Correctly

   "errcode": 0 // 0: Success 