API Description

Edits the remark information of device. Either the device ID or the complete UUID, Major, and Minor can be used to specify the device.

API Request Format

HTTP request method: POST (use the HTTPS protocol) https://api.weixin.qq.com/shakearound/device/update?access_token=ACCESS_TOKENPOST data format: jsonPOST data example:
		"comment": "test"


Parameter Required Description
access_token Yes The credential for calling the API
device_identifier Yes The specified device ID
device_id Yes Device ID. If UUID+major+minor is entered, device ID is optional. If both are entered, device ID is preferred.
UUID, major, minor Yes If device ID is entered, this parameter is optional. If device ID is left empty, all the three parts of the parameter are required.
comment Yes Remarks for the device, with a maximum length of 15 Chinese characters (30 English characters).


Example of JSON packet returned for a successful request:

    "data": {
    "errcode": 0,
    "errmsg": "success."