1. Redirect from the Wi-Fi Connection Successful Page to Mini Program
2. Redirect from the Merchant Homepage to Mini Program
3. "Query Store Wi-Fi Information" API
# 1. Redirect from the Wi-Fi Connection Successful Page to Mini Program
Set the Wi-Fi Connection Successful Page API
Scenario: Set the Mini Program to be redirected to. By tapping Done after connecting to the Wi-Fi network, users can go to the configured Mini Program.
Note: Users can only be redirected to Mini Programs linked with the Official Account.
API Call
API Request Format
Protocol: HTTPS
HTTP request method: POST
Request URL:
POST data format: JSON
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Description |
access_token | Yes | The credential for calling the API |
POST data | Yes | JSON data |
"shop_id": 429620,
"finishpage_url": "",
"wxa_user_name": "gh_966b66e00888",
"wxa_path": "pages/index/index",
"finishpage_type": 1
Field | Required | Description |
shop_name | Yes | Store name |
finishpage_url | No | URL of the Wi-Fi connection successful page. This field is effective when finishpage_type is set to 0. |
wxa_user_name | No | The original ID of the Mini Program redirected to from the Wi-Fi connection successful page. This field is effective when finishpage_type is set to 1. The Mini Program must be linked with the Official Account. |
wxa_path | No | Path to the Mini Program redirected to from the Wi-Fi connection successful page. When finishpage_type is set to 1, this field is effective and must be URL-encoded. |
finishpage_type | No | The page redirected to from the Wi-Fi connection successful page. 0: HTML5; 1: Mini Program. |
# 2. Redirect from the Merchant Homepage to Mini Program
After connecting to a Wi-Fi network, a user can go to the preset Mini Program by tapping the greeting message on the "Chats" screen in Weixin to get information or services.
Note: Users can only be redirected to the Mini Programs linked with the Official Account.
API Call
API Request Format
Protocol: HTTPS
HTTP request method: POST
Request URL:
POST data format: JSON
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Description |
access_token | Yes | The credential for calling the API |
POST data | Yes | JSON data |
"shop_id": 2200766,
"template_id": 2,
"struct": {
"wxa_user_name": "gh_5cb1b4334f3a",
"wxa_path": "index.html?query=abc"
Field | Required | Description |
shop_id | Yes | Store ID |
template_id | Yes | 2: Linked Mini Program (Store Mini Programs are supported) |
struct | Yes | The original ID of the Mini Program redirected to from the Wi-Fi connection successful page. This field is effective when finishpage_type is set to 1. The Mini Program must be linked with the Official Account. |
wxa_user_name | Yes | The original ID of the account |
wxa_path | Yes | The path of a Mini Program page |
# 3. "Query Store Wi-Fi Information" API
API Request Format
Protocol: HTTPS
HTTP request method: POST
Request URL:
POST Data format: JSON
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Description |
access_token | Yes | The credential for calling the API |
POST data | Yes | JSON data |
"errcode": 0,
"data": {
"shop_name": "Nanshan Store",
"ssid": " WX123",
"ssid_list": [
"ssid_password_list": [
"ssid": "WX123",
"password": "123456789"
"ssid": "WX456",
"password": "21332465dge"
"password": "123456789",
"protocol_type": 4,
"ap_count": 2,
"template_id": 1,
"homepage_url": "",
"bar_type": 1,
Field | Required | Description |
shop_name | Yes | Store name |
ssid | Yes | The SSID of the wireless network device. This field is left empty if no device is added. If there are more than one SSID, the first one is displayed. |
ssid_list | Yes | The list of SSIDs of wireless network devices, which is returned in an array format. |
ssid_password_list | Yes | A list of SSIDs and passwords (in array format). The password field is only available to password-based devices. |
password | Yes | The password of the device. It is returned when the device type is password-based device. |
protocol_type | Yes | The type of device in the store. 0: No device added; 4: Password-based device; 31: Portal-based device. |
ap_count | Yes | Total number of devices in the store |
template_id | Yes | Merchant homepage (bar) template type. 0: Default page; 1: Custom HTML5; 2: Redirect to Mini Program. |
homepage_url | Yes | URL of the merchant homepage (bar) |
bar_type | Yes | Text for the pinned entry on top: 0: Welcome to + Official Account name; 1: Welcome to + Store name; 2: Connected to + Official Account name + Wi-Fi; 3: Connected to + Store name + Wi-Fi. |
finishpage_url | Yes | URL of the Wi-Fi connection successful page. This field is effective when finishpage_type is set to 0. |
sid | Yes | Merchant ID, corresponding to the poi_id of the store. You are recommended to link it when adding a store. For details, see "Weixin Store APIs". |
poi_id | Yes | Store ID (applicable to Weixin Cards & Offers and Weixin Store). See the Weixin Store documentation for details. A store ID corresponds to a shop_id. |
homepage_wxa_user_name | Yes | The original ID of the Mini Program redirected to from the merchant homepage (bar). This field is effective when template_id is set to 2. |
finishpage_wxa_user_name | Yes | The original ID of the Mini Program redirected to from the Wi-Fi connection successful page. This field is effective when finishpage_type is set to 1. |
inishpage_wxa_path | Yes | Path to the Mini Program redirected to from the Wi-Fi connection succesful page. When finishpage_type is set to 1, this field is effective and must be URL-encoded. |
finishpage_type | Yes | The page redirected to from the Wi-Fi connection successful page. 0: HTML5; 1: Mini Program. |