To meet the needs of user channel promotion analysis and user account linking, Weixin Official Accounts Platform provides an API for generating QR codes with parameters. You can use this API to obtain multiple QR codes with different scene values. After a user scans the QR code, the relevant event will be pushed to the Official Account.

QR codes are divided into the following two types:

  1. Temporary QR codes, whose maximum expiration time is 30 days (i.e. 2,592,000 seconds) upon generation. You can generate a huge number of temporary QR codes, link them with accounts, and use them in business scenarios that do not require permanent storage of QR codes.
  2. Permanent QR codes, which never expire. You can generate a maximum of 100,000 permanent QR codes and use them to link with accounts and collect the information of user sources.

When a user scans a QR code with a scene value, the following two events may be pushed:

If the user has not followed the Official Account, they can follow it, and then Weixin will push the Official Account following event with the scene value to the developer.

If the user has followed the Official Account, they can scan the QR code to start a chat, and then Weixin will also push the scan event with the scene value to the developer.

To get a QR code with parameters, create a QR code ticket, and then exchange it for a QR code from the specified URL.

Creating a QR code ticket

During creation, a developer-set parameter (scene_id) is required to describe the process of creating a ticket for a temporary or permanent QR code.

Temporary QR code request description

HTTP request method: POST
POST data format: json
POST data example: {"expire_seconds": 604800, "action_name": "QR_SCENE", "action_info": {"scene": {"scene_id": 123}}}

Or you can use the following POST data to create a QR code parameter as a string:
{"expire_seconds": 604800, "action_name": "QR_STR_SCENE", "action_info": {"scene": {"scene_str": "test"}}}

Permanent QR code request description

HTTP request method: POST
POST data format: json
POST data example: {"action_name": "QR_LIMIT_SCENE", "action_info": {"scene": {"scene_id": 123}}}

Or you can use the following POST data to create a QR code parameter as a string:
{"action_name": "QR_LIMIT_STR_SCENE", "action_info": {"scene": {"scene_str": "test"}}}


Parameter Description
expire_seconds The validity period of the QR code, in seconds. The maximum value is 2592000 (that is, 30 days). If this field is left empty, the validity period is 30 seconds by default.
action_name The type of the QR code. QR_SCENE is a temporary integer parameter value. QR_STR_SCENE is a temporary string parameter value. QR_LIMIT_SCENE is a permanent integer parameter value. QR_LIMIT_STR_SCENE is a permanent string parameter value.
action_info The details of the QR code
scene_id The ID of the scene value. For a temporary QR code, it is a 32-bit non-zero integer. For a permanent QR code, the value ranges from 1 to 100000.
scene_str The ID of the scene value in string format. It ranges from 1 to 64.

Response Description

The JSON return result for a successful request:

Parameter Description
ticket The ticket of the QR code. It is used to exchange for the QR code within the effective time.
expire_seconds The validity period of the QR code, in seconds. The maximum value is 2592000 (that is, 30 days).
url The URL obtained by resolving the QR code image. Developers can generate the required QR code image based on this URL.

Exchanging the ticket for the QR code

Developers can exchange the ticket for the QR code image. Note that this API can be called without login.

Request Description

HTTP GET Request (use the HTTPS protocol)
Note: The ticket must be URL-encoded.

Response Description

If the ticket is correct, the HTTP response code 200 is returned. The QR code is displayed as an image. You can directly display or download the image.

An example of HTTP header is as follows:
Date:Wed, 16 Oct 2013 06:37:10 GMT
Expires:Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:37:10 +0800

If the ticket is incorrect/invalid, the HTTP response code 400 is returned.