This API is used to obtain the Official Account's follower list, which consists of a batch of OpenIDs (an OpenID is an encrypted Weixin ID that is unique to each user for each Official Account). You can fetch the list multiple times. A maximum of 10,000 follower OpenIDs can be fetched at a time.

API Request Format

HTTP request method: GET (use the HTTPS protocol)
Parameter Required Description
access_token Yes The credential for calling the API
next_openid Yes The first OpenID to be fetched. If it is left empty, the list is fetched from the beginning.


The JSON packet returned for a successful request:

Parameter Description
total Total number of the Official Account followers
count Number of the OpenIDs to be fetched. Maximum is 10,000.
data List data (list of OpenIDs)
next_openid The OpenID of the last user in the fetched list.

The JSON packet returned for a failed request (in this case, the error is caused by an invalid AppID):

{"errcode":40013,"errmsg":"invalid appid"}


When the number of the Official Account followers exceeds 10,000, you can fetch the list multiple times by entering the value of next_openid.

When the API is called, the next_openid value in the response for the previous request is used as the next_openid value in the current request.


The Official Account A has 23,000 followers. If you want to obtain the list of all followers, call this API multiple times using the following request URLs: Response:
} Response:
} Response: (When all the followers are returned, the next_openid returned is null):