# wx.miniapp.bindPhone (Object object)

iOS >= 1.0.9,Android >= 1.0.5

Call the interface to bind the phone number while the system login state is in effect.

# Front preparation

use button Component Specification open-typesms-type Trigger interface to send SMS verification code to the user.

# parameter

# Object object

attribute type Default value Required Introductions
phoneNumber string yes Phone number
verifyCode string yes Product Code: 6-digit character string
success function no Interface calls a successful callback function
fail function no Interface to call a failed callback function
complete function no The callback function at the end of an interface call

# object.fail callback

# parameter
# Object res
attribute type Introductions
errCode number Error code. 0: The request was successful
errMsg string Error message

**res.errCode **

errCode Introductions
-1 system error
10001011 System login status invalid
10001006 Verification code error
10001023 The phone number already exists, Binding failure
-700000 Front End Error, errMsg Will give detailed hints

# sample code

wx.miniapp.bindPhone ({
	phoneNumber: 'xxx',  // Phone number
	verifyCode: 'xxx',  // verification code
	success(res) {
		// Binding success	