# iPad (Beta)
iOS App Support Configuration Open iPad Ability. The ability is in the beta stage, some of the ability is not stable, please fully test before online use. In order to make App Support IPad, Developer Submission App Store It needs to be configured in the Apple backend.
Note: If you support the iPad, you can't cancel it. May lead to subsequent if the auditor found iPad function problems, resulting in iPhone can not be reviewed.
# Instructions
- The developer needs to configure in project.miniapageconfig “Enable iPad (Beta)” 。 The built IPA will support the iPad/IPhone models. It only supports iPhone when not enabled, and runs on iPad using compatibility mode.

- iPad Icon configuration. The developer must configure “Main icon(IPad and iPad Mini)” as well as “Main icon(iPad Pro)”

Screen adaptation can refer toMini Program adapter document
Screen rotation, when "resizable" is configured in apagejson: True, iPad supports horizontal screen (Portrait, Upside Down、Landscape Left、Landscape Right), otherwise only support vertical screen (Portrait, Upside Down)
Does not support advertising extensions SDK