# wx.miniapp.chooseFile

iOS >= 1.2.8Android >= 1.1.10

Pull the System Files selection box to select the file

Note: this interface does not support debugging in WeChat developer tools, does not support debugging in mobile application assistant, need to build the installation package installed on the phone for testing

# parameter

attribute type Default value Required Introductions
allowsMultipleSelection boolean false no Is it allowed to select multiple files

# Return parameter

attribute type Introductions
tempFiles Array List of selected files
tempFiles [].path string A temporary path to a local file, as in wxfile://tmp_xxxxx.jpg
tempFiles [].name string Local File Name
tempFiles [].size number Local Temporary File Size, Unit B

# JSAPI Examples of code

    success(res) {
        const tempFiles  = res.tempFiles 
        console.log('wx.miniapp.chooseFile success', tempFiles )
    fail(err) {
        console.log('wx.miniapp.chooseFile fail', err)