# wx.miniapp.shareWebPageMessage

Share web pages to WeChat


1, the interface needs to apply and initialize WeChat open Capabilities, requires the client to configure the relevant

2, the interface does not support theMobile App AssistantDebugging, developers need to build Apk or ipa Install to the phone before debugging

# Precautions before Access

# parameter

Easy for developers to understand, wx.miniapageshareImageMessage Parameters andWeChat Open Platform opensdk Sharing interfaceConsistent parameters

attribute type Default value Required Introductions
title string - yes Web Page Title
description string - yes Web Description
thumbPath string - yes Share thumbnails, support code package image resource path or local temporary, cache, user fileGraph of a network is not supported
webpageUrl string - yes share webpage url
scene number - yes 0 = Share to Session, 1 = Share to WeChat Moments, 2 = Share to Favorites

# JSAPI Examples of code

    title: Title of the page,
    description: Description of the page,
    thumbPath: '/pages/thumb.png',
    WebpageUrl:  'www.qq.com',
    scene: 0, 
    success(res) {
            title: "Success: Sharing Web Pages,"
    fail() {
            title: "Failure: Sharing Web Pages,"