# API a general overview

  • Current multiterminal SDK The version of the Alignment Mini Program base library is 3.2.5, the base library version is greater than the 3.2.5 Mini Program JSAPI Not yet supported in multi-terminal mode, interface documentation for other common interfaces can be viewed Mini Program API Document Center, If associated with the application API To make a difference, click to jump to the corresponding interface document
  • Support: Refers to whether it is applicable to multiple frameworksBecause the Mini Program and the same source API, "no" means that it only supports the use of Mini programs in the environment, not applicable to the use of multi-end frameworks
  • If the test does not meet expectations, check first. SDK Is already up to date, and whether the extension is configured SDK , if self-examination is still unable to locate the problem, contactLittle Community HelperMake reference
  • As the developer's App Not yet supported to be used in the API, can be contactedLittle Community HelperFeedback on requirements

In the chart

yes[1]: Expressed support, but API There are differences between the returned content and the Mini Program

no[1]: Indicated no support, the reason being that there were alternative

Types of support

  1. Support, but API The return content is different.
  2. Support, but there are differences in interaction behavior
  3. Support, but stop the maintenance

Reasons not supported

  1. There are other alternatives
  2. Not yet supported, will be supported later
  3. Not yet supported, will be supported later, but API Meaning will vary.
  4. WeChat unique interaction process, the follow-up will not support
  5. Abandoned, will not be supported later
  6. Specific systems. API, the follow-up will not support


  • Click here to view[Included in the base SDK JSAPI](https://dev.weixin.qq.com/docs/framework/dev/sdk/sdk.html#_2-1-1-% E5%9F%BA%E7%A1%80-sdk-%E5%B7%B2%E7%BB%8F%E5%8C%85%E5%90%AB%E7%9A%84-jsapi-%E5%A6%82%E4%B8%8B)
  • Click here to viewJSAPI Correspondence dependent extend SDK

# Basics

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
[wx.env ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/wx.env .html) Environmental variables yes
wx.canIUse Determine whether the application's APIs, callbacks, parameters, components, etc. are available in the current version yes
wx.base64ToArrayBuffer will Base64 Character string to ArrayBuffer object yes[3]
wx.arrayBufferToBase64 will ArrayBuffer Object is transferred to Base64 Character string yes[3]

# system

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.getSystemInfo Access to system information yes[1]
wx.openSystemBluetoothSetting Jump System Bluetooth Settings Page no[2]
wx.openAppAuthorizeSetting Skip System Authorization Management Page yes
wx.getAppAuthorizeSetting Obtain App Authorization settings yes
[wx.getWindowInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/system/wx.getWindowInfo .html) Get Window Information yes
wx.getSystemSetting Get Device Settings yes
wx.getSystemInfoSync wx.getSystemInfo The synchronized version of the yes[1]
wx.getSystemInfoAsync Asynchronous access to system information yes[1]
[wx.getDeviceInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/system/wx.getDeviceInfo .html) Get Equipment Base Information yes
wx.getAppBaseInfo Obtain App Basic information yes[1]

# To update

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.updateWeChatApp Update the client version no[4]
wx.getUpdateManager Get a globally unique version update manager for managing Mini Program updates no[4]

# life cycle

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.getLaunchOptionsSync Get the parameters when the app starts yes[1]
wx.getEnterOptionsSync Get the parameters at the start of this application yes[1]

# Application-Level Events

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.onUnhandledRejection Listen to unprocessed Promise Rejection Event yes
wx.onThemeChange Listening System Theme Change Event yes
wx.onPageNotFound The page you want to open does not exist. yes
wx.onLazyLoadError Listen to Asynchronous Component Load Failure Callback yes
wx.onError Listen for Application Error Events yes
wx.onAudioInterruptionEnd Listen for Audio Interrupt End Event yes
wx.onAudioInterruptionBegin Listen Audio Interrupted because System Occupied Start Event yes
wx.onAppShow Application Cut Foreground Event yes
wx.onAppHide 初始值 yes
wx.offUnhandledRejection Unlisten unprocessed Promise Rejection Event yes
wx.offThemeChange Unlisten System Subject Change Event yes
wx.offPageNotFound The page you want to open does not exist. yes
wx.offLazyLoadError Unlisten application asynchronous component load failure callback yes
wx.offError Unlisten Application Error Event yes
[wx.offAudioInterruptionEnd ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/app/app-event/wx.offAudioInterruptionEnd .html) Unlisten audio interrupt end event yes
wx.offAudioInterruptionBegin Cancel Listen Audio was interrupted because it was occupied by the system Start Event yes
wx.offAppShow Unlisten Application Cut Foreground Event yes
wx.offAppHide Cancel Listening App Cut Background Event yes

# debugging

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.setEnableDebug Set whether to turn on the debug switch yes
wx.getRealtimeLogManager Get the Live Log Manager object yes[2], but the log only takes effect locally. There is no system yet to query
wx.getLogManager Get the Log Manager object yes[2], but the log only takes effect locally. There is no system yet to query

# performance

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.reportPerformance Small speed measurement report no[2]
wx.preloadWebview Preload the next page WebView no[2]
wx.preloadSkylineView What is needed to preload the next page Skyline Operating environment no[2]
[wx.preloadAssets ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Base/performance/wx.preloadAssets .html) Preload the media source file for the view layer, Currently supported: font, image no[2]
wx.getPerformance Get information about current application performance yes

# encryption

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.getUserCryptoManager Get User Encryption Module no[1], can be usedSecurity gatewayReplace

# routing

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.switchTab Jump to tabBar Page, and close all other non tabBar page yes
wx.reLaunch Close all pages and open to a page within the app yes
wx.redirectTo Close the current page and jump to a page within the app yes
[wx.navigateTo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Route/wx.navigateTo .html) Keep the current page and jump to a page within the app yes
[wx.navigateBack ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Route/wx.navigateBack .html) Close the current page, return to the previous page or multi-level page yes

# EventChannel

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
EventChannel.emit Trigger an event yes
EventChannel.off Unlisten to an event yes
EventChannel.on Continuously monitor an event yes
EventChannel.once Listen to an event once, trigger and fail yes

# Jump

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
[wx.openEmbeddedMiniProgram ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/navigate/wx.openEmbeddedMiniProgram .html) Open half screen Mini Program no[4]
[wx.navigateToMiniProgram ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/navigate/wx.navigateToMiniProgram .html) Open another Mini Program no[4]
[wx.navigateBackMiniProgram ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/navigate/wx.navigateBackMiniProgram .html) Return to the previous Mini Program no[4]
[wx.exitMiniProgram ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/navigate/wx.exitMiniProgram .html) Exit the current Mini Program no[4]

# Forward

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.updateShareMenu Update forwarding properties no[4]
wx.showShareMenu Display the forward button for the current page no[4]
wx.showShareImageMenu Open the Share Picture pop-up window, you can send pictures to friends, favorites or download no[4]
wx.shareVideoMessage Forward Video to Chat no[1]
wx.shareFileMessage Forward file to chat no[1]
wx.onCopyUrl Listening to the user click on the top right menu of theCopy linkThe event that is triggered when the button is no[4]
wx.offCopyUrl Remove the user clicking on the top right menuCopy linkThe listener function for the event that is triggered when the button is no[4]
wx.hideShareMenu Hide the forward button for the current page no[4]
wx.getShareInfo Get Forwarding Details no[4]
wx.authPrivateMessage Verify private messages no[4]

# interface

# interactive

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.showToast Display message prompt box yes
wx.showModal Show modal dialog box yes
wx.showLoading display Loading Prompt Box yes
wx.showActionSheet Display Action Menu yes
wx.hideToast Hide message prompt box yes
wx.hideLoading hide Loading Prompt Box yes
wx.enableAlertBeforeUnload Open the app page and go back to the inquiry dialog box yes
wx.disableAlertBeforeUnload Close the app page and go back to the inquiry dialog box yes
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.showNavigationBarLoading Display navigation bar on current page Load animation yes
wx.setNavigationBarTitle Dynamically set the title of the current page yes
wx.setNavigationBarColor Set the page navigation bar color yes
wx.hideNavigationBarLoading Hide navigation bar on current page Load animation yes
wx.hideHomeButton Hide Back Home Button yes

# background

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.setBackgroundTextStyle Dynamic settings drop down background font, loading Style of Graph yes
wx.setBackgroundColor Dynamically set the background color of the window yes

# Tab Bar

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.showTabBarRedDot display tabBar The red dot in the upper right corner of an item yes
wx.showTabBar display tabBar yes
[wx.setTabBarStyle ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/ui/tab-bar/wx.setTabBarStyle .html) Dynamic setting tabBar The overall style of yes
wx.setTabBarItem Dynamic setting tabBar The content of a particular item,2.7.0 Image support for temporary files and network files yes
wx.setTabBarBadge for tabBar Add text to the top-right corner of an item yes
wx.removeTabBarBadge to remove tabBar Text in the upper right corner of an item yes
wx.hideTabBarRedDot hide tabBar The red dot in the upper right corner of an item yes
wx.hideTabBar hide tabBar

# Typeface

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.loadFontFace Dynamically load network fonts, file address needs to be the download type yes
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopPullDownRefresh Stop the current page drop down refresh yes
wx.startPullDownRefresh Start Drop Down Refresh yes

# Roll

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.pageScrollTo Scroll the page to the target position, support selector and scroll distance two ways to position yes

# ScrollViewContext

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
ScrollViewContext.scrollIntoView Scroll to the specified location yes
ScrollViewContext.scrollTo Scroll to the specified location yes

# animation

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.createAnimation Create an animation instance animation(Animation yes

# to sticky

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.setTopBarText Dynamically set tab text content no[5]

# Custom Components

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
[wx.nextTick ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/ui/custom-component/wx.nextTick .html) Delay a part of the operation to the next time slice yes
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect Get the layout location information for the menu button (the capsule button in the upper right corner) yes[2], The capsule logo is no longer presented in the app, and the interface still returns the relevant coordinate information to facilitate multi-terminal compatibility for developers.

# window

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
[wx.setWindowSize ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/ui/window/wx.setWindowSize .html) Sets the window size, the interface is only available for PC platform no[6]
wx.onWindowResize Monitor window size change event no[6]
wx.offWindowResize Removes a listener for window size change events no[6]

# worklet animation

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
[wx.worklet](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/ui/window/wx.setWindowSize .html) Obtain worklet object no[2]

# network

# Initiate a request

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.request initiate HTTPS Network request yes

# to download

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.downloadFile Download file resources to local yes[2], the maximum file allowed to download has been adjusted to 2G

# upload

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.uploadFile Upload local resources to the server yes

# WebSocket

  • Below WebSocket Related JSAPI Dependent extension SDK "Network SDK" Developers need to be in the project. project.miniapp.json Configuration check the corresponding SDK May enter into force
  • Note: Android and iOS The expansion of SDK Make a difference, see details project.miniapp.json
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.sendSocketMessage adopt WebSocket Connect to send data yes
[wx.onSocketOpen ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/network/WebSocket/wx.onSocketOpen .html) to monitor WebSocket ConnectionOpenEvent yes
wx.onSocketMessage to monitor WebSocket Message events received to the server yes
wx.onSocketError to monitor WebSocket Error event yes
wx.onSocketClose to monitor WebSocket Connection Close Event yes
wx.connectSocket Creating a WebSocket Connect yes
wx.closeSocket Stop WebSocket Connect yes

# mDNS

  • Below mDNS Related JSAPI Dependent extension SDK "Network SDK" Developers need to be in the project. project.miniapp.json Configuration check the corresponding SDK May enter into force
  • Note: Android and iOS The expansion of SDK Make a difference, see details project.miniapp.json
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopLocalServiceDiscovery Stop searching. mDNS service yes
wx.startLocalServiceDiscovery Start searching the local area network mDNS service yes
wx.onLocalServiceResolveFail to monitor mDNS Service Resolution Failed Event yes
wx.onLocalServiceLost to monitor mDNS The event of service departure yes
wx.onLocalServiceFound to monitor mDNS Service Discovery Events yes
[wx.onLocalServiceDiscoveryStop ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/network/mdns/wx.onLocalServiceDiscoveryStop .html) to monitor mDNS The event that the service stops searching yes
wx.offLocalServiceResolveFail Cancel the wire. mDNS Service Resolution Failed Event yes
wx.offLocalServiceLost Cancel the wire. mDNS The event of service departure yes
wx.offLocalServiceFound Cancel the wire. mDNS Service Discovery Events yes
wx.offLocalServiceDiscoveryStop Cancel the wire. mDNS The event that the service stops searching yes

# TCP Signal communication

  • Below TCP Communication-related JSAPI Dependent extension SDK "Network SDK" Developers need to be in the project. project.miniapp.json Configuration check the corresponding SDK May enter into force
  • Note: Android and iOS The expansion of SDK Make a difference, see details project.miniapp.json
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.createTCPSocket Creating a TCP Socket Example Support

# UDP Signal communication

  • Below UDP Communication-related JSAPI Dependent extension SDK Network SDK Developers need to be in the project. project.miniapp.json Configuration check the corresponding SDK May enter into force
  • Note: Android and iOS The expansion of SDK Make a difference, see details project.miniapp.json
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.createUDPSocket Creating a UDP Socket Example Support

# Pay

  • Need to use wx.miniapp.requestPayment
  • iOS Part of the scene, you need to use the apple purchase IAP(In-App Purchase), details can be viewedwx.miniapp.IAP
  • If it is iOS , is required in the project. project.miniapp.json Configuration check OpenFuns SDK (with payment) This expansion SDK
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.requestPluginPayment Initiate a payment in the plug-in no[1]
wx.requestPayment Launch WeChat Payment no[1]
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.miniapp.registOpenURL Listening through Scheme/UniversalLink Events into the App yes

# Data cache

  • In multiterminal application mode, wx.setStorage The limitations of a single key The maximum data length allowed to be stored is 10MB, all data storage is limited to 20MB
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
[wx.setStorageSync ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/storage/wx.setStorageSync .html) Store the data in a local cache specified by the key in Support
wx.setStorage Store the data in a local cache specified by the key in Support
wx.revokeBufferURL according to URL Destroy data stored in memory Support
[wx.removeStorageSync ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/storage/wx.removeStorageSync .html) wx.removeStorage The synchronized version of the Support
wx.removeStorage Removes the specified name from the local cache key Support
[wx.getStorageSync ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/storage/wx.getStorageSync .html) Synchronize the fetch from the local cache key The content of the Support
[wx.getStorageInfoSync ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/storage/wx.getStorageInfoSync .html) [wx.getStorageInfo ]((wx.getStorageInfo )) The synchronized version of the Support
[wx.getStorageInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/storage/wx.getStorageInfo .html) Asynchronously retrieves information about the current storage Support
wx.getStorage Gets the specified asynchronously from the local cache key The content of the Support
wx.createBufferURL According to the incoming buffer Create a unique URL Exists in memory Support
wx.clearStorageSync wx.clearStorage The synchronized version of the Support
wx.clearStorage Clean up local data cache Support
[wx.batchSetStorageSync ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/storage/wx.batchSetStorageSync .html) Store the data in bulk in a local cache specified by the key in Support
wx.batchSetStorage Store the data in bulk in a local cache specified by the key in Support
[wx.batchGetStorageSync ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/storage/wx.batchGetStorageSync .html) Synchronizes batch fetching from local cache key The content of the Support
wx.batchGetStorage Gets the specified asynchronously in bulk from the local cache key The content of the Support

# Periodic updates

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.setBackgroundFetchToken Set up a custom login state, which is brought when the data is pulled periodically, so that the third-party server can verify the legitimacy of the request no[2]
wx.onBackgroundFetchData Wiretap received backgroundFetch Data Events no[2]
[wx.getBackgroundFetchToken ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/storage/background-fetch/wx.getBackgroundFetchToken .html) Get the custom login state set no[2]
wx.getBackgroundFetchData Pull backgroundFetch Client cache data no[2]

# Cache manager

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.createCacheManager Create a cache manager no[2]

# Data analysis

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.reportMonitor Custom service data monitoring and reporting interface no[2]
wx.reportEvent Incident report no[2]
[wx.reportAnalytics ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/data-analysis/wx.reportAnalytics .html) Custom Analytical Data Reporting Interface no[2]
wx.getExptInfoSync Given an array of experimental parameters, get the corresponding experimental parameter values no[2]

# canvas

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.createOffscreenCanvas Create Off Screen canvas Example yes
wx.createCanvasContext create canvas The drawing context of the CanvasContext(CanvasContext object yes
wx.canvasToTempFilePath Export the contents of the specified area of the current canvas to generate a picture of the given size yes
wx.canvasPutImageData Draw pixel data to a canvas yes
wx.canvasGetImageData Obtain canvas Pixel Data Implied by Region yes

# Media

# map

  • Map-related interface capabilities supported as follows, need to be configured LBS SDK , and need to go to Tencent location services platform to register a developer account and create an application Key, details can be viewedLocation Service Usage Guide
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.createMapContext create mapcontext MapContextobject yes[2]

# MapContext

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
MapContext.addArc Add an arc, the passing point and the angle must be set with a yes
MapContext.addCustomLayer Add a Personalized Layer yes
MapContext.addGroundOverlay Create a custom picture layer, the picture will be scaled as the map is scaled yes
MapContext.addMarkers Add to marker yes
MapContext.addVisualLayer Adding Visual Layers yes
MapContext.fromScreenLocation Gets the latitude and longitude of the point on the screen, with the origin of coordinates in the upper left corner yes
MapContext.getCenterLocation Get the latitude and longitude of the center of the current map yes
MapContext.getRegion Get the field of view of the current map yes
MapContext.getRotate Gets the angle of swing of the current yes
MapContext.getScale Gets the zoom level of the current map yes
MapContext.getSkew Gets the angle of inclination of the current yes
MapContext.includePoints Zoom View Show all longitude and latitude yes
MapContext.initMarkerCluster Configuration for initialization point aggregation, with default configuration when not called yes
MapContext.moveAlong Move along the specified path marker, for scenes such as track playback yes
MapContext.moveToLocation To move the center of the map to the current anchor point, the map component needs to be set show-location For true yes
MapContext.on Listening Map Event yes
MapContext.openMapApp Pull up the map app and select navigation no[2]
MapContext.removeArc Delete arc yes
MapContext.removeCustomLayer Remove Personalization Layer yes
MapContext.removeGroundOverlay Remove Custom Picture Layer yes
MapContext.removeMarkers to remove marker yes
MapContext.removeVisualLayer Remove Visual Layer yes
MapContext.setBoundary Limit the display area of the map yes
[MapContext.setCenterOffset ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Media/map/MapContext.setCenterOffset .html) Set the center of the map offset, backward down for growth, screen scale range(0.250.75), the default offset is[0.5, 0.5] yes
MapContext.setLocMarkerIcon Set anchor point icon, support network path, local path, code package path yes
MapContext.toScreenLocation Gets the screen coordinates of latitude and longitude, with the origin of coordinates being the upper left corner yes
MapContext.translateMarker Pan marker with animation yes
MapContext.updateGroundOverlay Update Custom Picture Layer yes

# picture

  • Pictures, audio and video, cameras, photo albums, recordings and other multimedia related JSAPI Dependent extension SDK "Media SDK" Developers need to be in the project. project.miniapp.json Configuration check the corresponding SDK May enter into force
  • Note: In iOS SDK >= 1.3.11 as well as Developer Tools Version >= 1.06.2405102,iOS Media SDK Has been split into: Audio SDK、Video SDK、Image SDK、Camera SDK, the developer needs to check the box on demand
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum Save image to system album yes
wx.previewMedia Preview Pictures and Videos no[2]
wx.previewImage Preview images in full screen in a new page yes[2], Long press recognition function is not supported for the time being
wx.getImageInfo Get Picture Information yes
wx.editImage Edit Picture Interface no[2]
wx.cropImage Crop Picture Interface no[2]
wx.compressImage Compressed image interface, optional compression quality yes
wx.chooseMessageFile Select a file from a client session no[4], can be usedwx.miniapp.chooseFilereplace
wx.chooseImage Choose a picture from your local album or take a photo with your camera Yes, no longer maintainedSuggest wx.chooseMedia

# video

  • Pictures, audio and video, cameras, photo albums, recordings and other multimedia related JSAPI Dependent extension SDK "Media SDK" Developers need to be in the project. project.miniapp.json Configuration check the corresponding SDK May enter into force
  • Note: In iOS SDK >= 1.3.11 as well as Developer Tools Version >= 1.06.2405102,iOS Media SDK Has been split into: Audio SDK、Video SDK、Image SDK、Camera SDK, the developer needs to check the box on demand
  • Added: iOS. In the application, if you use thewx.chooseMedia Must be checked. Video SDK
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.saveVideoToPhotosAlbum Save video to system album yes
wx.getVideoInfo Get Video Details yes
wx.createVideoContext create video(VideoContext VideoContext(VideoContext object yes
wx.compressVideo Compressed video interface yes
wx.chooseVideo Shoot video or select video from your phone album yes
wx.chooseMedia Capture or select a picture or video from your phone album (you need to view the interface document for permission configuration) yes[2]

# audio frequency

  • Pictures, audio and video, cameras, photo albums, recordings and other multimedia related JSAPI Dependent extension SDK "Media SDK" Developers need to be in the project. project.miniapp.json Configuration check the corresponding SDK May enter into force
  • Note: In iOS SDK >= 1.3.11 as well as Developer Tools Version >= 1.06.2405102,iOS Media SDK Has been split into: Audio SDK、Video SDK、Image SDK、Camera SDK, the developer needs to check the box on demand
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopVoice End Play Voice yes
wx.setInnerAudioOption Set up InnerAudioContext Playback options for yes
wx.playVoice Start playing voice yes
wx.pauseVoice Pause the voice that is playing yes
[wx.getAvailableAudioSources ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Media/audio/wx.getAvailableAudioSources .html) Get the currently supported audio input source yes
wx.createWebAudioContext create WebAudioContext yes
wx.createMediaAudioPlayer Create a Media Audio Player object MediaAudioPlayer Object that can be used to play a video decoder [VideoDecoder](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Media/Video Decoder/VideoDecoder.html) Audio output yes
wx.createInnerAudioContext Creating Internal audio context InnerAudioContext object yes
wx.createAudioContext create audio context AudioContext object yes

# Background audio

  • Pictures, audio and video, cameras, photo albums, recordings and other multimedia related JSAPI Dependent extension SDK "Media SDK" Developers need to be in the project. project.miniapp.json Configuration check the corresponding SDK May enter into force
  • Note: In iOS SDK >= 1.3.11 as well as Developer Tools Version >= 1.06.2405102,iOS Media SDK Has been split into: Audio SDK、Video SDK、Image SDK、Camera SDK, the developer needs to check the box on demand
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopBackgroundAudio Stop playing music. yes
wx.seekBackgroundAudio Control the progress of music yes
wx.playBackgroundAudio Play music with the background player yes
wx.pauseBackgroundAudio Pause music yes
wx.onBackgroundAudioStop Monitor Music Stop Event yes
wx.onBackgroundAudioPlay Monitor music playback events yes
wx.onBackgroundAudioPause Listen Music Pause Events yes
wx.getBackgroundAudioPlayerState Get background music playback status yes
wx.getBackgroundAudioManager ObtainGlobally uniqueofBackground Audio Manager yes

# Real-time audio and video

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.createLivePusherContext create live-pusher context LivePusherContext object no[4]
wx.createLivePlayerContext create live-player context LivePlayerContext object no[4]

# Sound recording

  • Pictures, audio and video, cameras, photo albums, recordings and other multimedia related JSAPI Dependent extension SDK "Media SDK" Developers need to be in the project. project.miniapp.json Configuration check the corresponding "Media SDK" May enter into force
  • RecorderManager The relevant interface also needs to be project.miniapp.json Configure the following permissions to take effect
    • Android:Android Permission Description Configuration -> Allows the app to record audio
    • iOS:Privacy Issue Information Access Permission Description -> microphone
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopRecord Stop recording. yes
wx.startRecord Start recording. yes
wx.getRecorderManager ObtainGlobally uniqueRecording Manager for RecorderManager yes

# camera

  • Pictures, audio and video, cameras, photo albums, recordings and other multimedia related JSAPI Dependent extension SDK "Media SDK" Developers need to be in the project. project.miniapp.json Configuration check the corresponding SDK May enter into force
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.createCameraContext create Camera context CameraContext object yes

# Rich text

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
EditorContext EditorContext Example yes

# EditorContext

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
EditorContext.blur The editor is out of focus, while the keyboard is put away yes
EditorContext.clear Clear the editor content yes
EditorContext.format Modify the style yes
EditorContext.getContents Get Editor Content yes
EditorContext.getSelectionText Gets the plain text content in the selected area of the editor yes
EditorContext.insertDivider Insert divider line yes
EditorContext.insertImage Insert picture yes
EditorContext.insertText Overrides the current selection, sets a piece of text yes
EditorContext.redo restore yes
EditorContext.removeFormat Clear the style of the current selection yes
EditorContext.scrollIntoView Causes the editor cursor to scroll to the viewable area of the window yes
EditorContext.setContents Initialize the content of the compiler, only delta works when html and delta exist at the same time yes
EditorContext.undo Revoke yes

# Audio and video synthesis

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.createMediaContainer createAudio and video processing containerEventually, the tracks in the container can be combined into a video no[2]

# Real-time voice

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.updateVoIPChatMuteConfig Update real-time voice mute settings no[4]
wx.subscribeVoIPVideoMembers Subscribe to Video Picture Members no[4]
wx.setEnable1v1Chat Open a two-person call. no[4]
wx.onVoIPVideoMembersChanged Monitor real-time voice call member visual change of state no[4]
wx.onVoIPChatStateChanged Monitor change of state of the room no[4]
wx.onVoIPChatSpeakersChanged Monitor the change of state of real-time voice communication members no[4]
wx.onVoIPChatMembersChanged Monitor real-time voice communication member online change of state no[4]
wx.onVoIPChatInterrupted Listen for Passive Disconnect Live Voice Call Events no[4]
wx.offVoIPVideoMembersChanged Remove listener for real-time voice call member visual change of state no[4]
wx.offVoIPChatStateChanged Remove listener for room change of state no[4]
wx.offVoIPChatSpeakersChanged Monitor to remove the change of state of real-time voice communication members no[4]
wx.offVoIPChatMembersChanged Removed monitor for change of state of live voice members no[4]
wx.offVoIPChatInterrupted Remove the listener function that passively disconnects real-time voice call events no[4]
wx.joinVoIPChat join (create) Real-time voice calls no[4]
wx.join1v1Chat Join (create) a two-person call no[4]
wx.exitVoIPChat Exit (destroy) real-time voice call no[4]

# Picture recorder

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.createMediaRecorder create WebGL Picture recorder, frame by frame can be recorded in the WebGL On the rendered picture and export the video file no[2]

# Video decoder

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
[wx.createVideoDecoder](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Media/Video Decoder/wx.createVideoDecoder.html) create[Video decoder](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/Media/Video Decoder/VideoDecoder.html), decoded data can be obtained frame by frame no[2]

# position

  • The following location-dependent interface capabilities are supported, configured LBS SDK , and need to go to Tencent location services platform to register a developer account and create an application Key, details can be viewedLocation Service Usage Guide
  • wx.startLocationUpdateBackground in iOS Before use in the application, go to the project.miniapp.json open Location updates of Background Modes, and also need to fill in the corresponding privacy information permission description, as shown below
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopLocationUpdate Turn off listening for real-time position changes, and both front and rear stations stop receiving messages yes
wx.startLocationUpdateBackground Open Mini Program into the background before receiving location messages, need to guide the user to openTo grant authorization yes
wx.startLocationUpdate Open the Mini Program to receive location messages when it enters the foreground yes
wx.openLocation Use WeChat's built-in map to view your location yes
wx.onLocationChangeError Monitor Persistent Location Interface Return Fails Trigger yes
wx.onLocationChange Monitor real-time geo-location changes in combination with wx.startLocationUpdateBackground、wx.startLocationUpdate use yes
wx.offLocationChangeError Remove persistent location interface Triggered when return fails yes
wx.offLocationChange Remove the listener function for real-time geolocation change events yes
wx.getLocation Get the current location, speed yes
wx.getFuzzyLocation Get the current fuzzy geographic location no[2]
wx.choosePoi Open the POI list to select the location, support fuzzy positioning (accurate to the market) and precise positioning mixed selection no[2]
wx.chooseLocation Open Map Select Location yes[2]

# file

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.saveFileToDisk Save the file system files to the user disk, only after the PC End support yes
wx.openDocument New page Open document yes
wx.getFileSystemManager Gets the globally uniqueFile Manager yes
wx.saveFile Save the file locally. wx.saveFile About to be abandoned, please use wx.getFileSystemManager().saveFile yes
wx.removeSavedFile Delete the local cache file. wx.removeSavedFile About to be abandoned, please use wx.getFileSystemManager().removeSavedFile yes
wx.getSavedFileList Gets a list of local cache files that have been saved under this Mini Program. wx.getSavedFileList About to be abandoned, please use [wx.getFileSystemManager().getSavedFileList](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/File/FileSystemManager.getSavedFileList .html) yes
wx.getSavedFileInfo Gets file information for the local file. wx.getSavedFileInfo About to be abandoned, please use wx.getFileSystemManager().getFileInfo yes
wx.getFileInfo Get file information. wx.getFileInfo About to be abandoned, please use wx.getFileSystemManager().getFileInfo yes

# Bluetooth - General

  • Bluetooth related JSAPI Dependent extension SDK "Bluetooth SDK" Developers need to be in the project. project.miniapp.json Configuration check the corresponding SDK May enter into force

  • System requirements, the phone needs to open the geographical location permission before you can search to the Bluetooth

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery Stop searching for nearby Bluetooth peripheral equipment yes
wx.startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery Start searching for nearby Bluetooth peripheral equipment. yes
wx.openBluetoothAdapter Initialize the Bluetooth module yes
wx.onBluetoothDeviceFound Listen for events that search for new devices yes
wx.onBluetoothAdapterStateChange Monitor Bluetooth adapter change of state yes
wx.offBluetoothDeviceFound Removes the listener function for events that are searched to a new device yes
[wx.offBluetoothAdapterStateChange ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/device/bluetooth/wx.offBluetoothAdapterStateChange .html) Remove Bluetooth adapter change of state listener yes
wx.makeBluetoothPair Bluetooth pairing interface, Android only yes
wx.isBluetoothDevicePaired Check if the Bluetooth device is paired, Android only support yes
wx.getConnectedBluetoothDevices According to the main service UUID Get a connected Bluetooth device yes
wx.getBluetoothDevices Get all searched Bluetooth devices during the Bluetooth module is in effect yes
[wx.getBluetoothAdapterState ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/device/bluetooth/wx.getBluetoothAdapterState .html) Get Native Bluetooth Adapter Status yes
wx.closeBluetoothAdapter Turn off the Bluetooth module yes

# Bluetooth - Low Energy Center Device

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.writeBLECharacteristicValue Writing binary numbers to Bluetooth low power device eigenvalues yes
wx.setBLEMTU Negotiate setting the maximum transmission unit for Bluetooth Low Energy (Maximum Transmission Unit, MTU) yes
wx.readBLECharacteristicValue Read the binary number of Bluetooth low-power devices yes
wx.onBLEMTUChange Monitor Bluetooth Low Energy Max Transfer Unit Change Event (Android Trigger Only) yes
wx.onBLEConnectionStateChange Listen for Bluetooth Low Energy Connection State Change Events yes
wx.onBLECharacteristicValueChange Listening for Eigenvalue Change Events of Bluetooth Low Energy Devices yes
wx.offBLEMTUChange Remove the listener function for Bluetooth Low Energy maximum transmission unit change events yes
wx.offBLEConnectionStateChange Remove Listener Function for Bluetooth Low Energy Connection State Change Events yes
wx.offBLECharacteristicValueChange A listener function to remove eigenvalue change events from a Bluetooth Low Energy device yes
wx.notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange Enable Bluetooth Low Energy device when eigenvalue changes notify Features, Subscription Features yes
wx.getBLEMTU Get the maximum transmission unit for Bluetooth Low Energy yes
wx.getBLEDeviceServices Get Bluetooth Low Energy Devices All Services (service) yes
wx.getBLEDeviceRSSI Get the signal strength of a Bluetooth Low Energy device (Received Signal Strength Indication, RSSI) yes
wx.getBLEDeviceCharacteristics Get all the features of a Bluetooth Low Energy device in a service (characteristic) yes
wx.createBLEConnection Connecting Bluetooth Low Energy Devices yes
wx.closeBLEConnection Disconnect from Bluetooth Low Energy devices yes

# Bluetooth - low power peripheral equipment

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.onBLEPeripheralConnectionStateChanged Monitor the current peripheral equipment to be connected or disconnected yes
wx.offBLEPeripheralConnectionStateChanged Remove listener for current peripheral equipment to be connected or disconnected yes
wx.createBLEPeripheralServer Establishing Local AsServer of bluetooth low power peripheral equipment, can create multiple yes

# Bluetooth-beacon(Beacon)

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopBeaconDiscovery Stop searching for nearby Beacon equipment yes
wx.startBeaconDiscovery Start a search for nearby Beacon equipment yes
[wx.onBeaconUpdate ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/device/ibeacon/wx.onBeaconUpdate .html) to monitor Beacon Device update event, only one listener can be registered yes
wx.onBeaconServiceChange to monitor Beacon Only one listener can be registered for change of state yes
[wx.offBeaconUpdate ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/device/ibeacon/wx.offBeaconUpdate .html) to remove Beacon Listener function for device update events yes
[wx.offBeaconServiceChange ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/device/ibeacon/wx.offBeaconServiceChange .html) to remove Beacon Listener for change of state yes
wx.getBeacons Get all the searched Beacon equipment yes
BeaconInfo Beacon equipment yes

# Near field communication (NFC)

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.getNFCAdapter Obtain NFC Example no[2]

# Wi-Fi

  • Below WIFI Related JSAPI Dependent extension SDK "Network SDK" Developers need to be in the project. project.miniapp.json Configuration check the corresponding SDK May enter into force
  • Note: Android and iOS The expansion of SDK Make a difference, see details project.miniapp.json
  • Note: iOS. System 13 and above, access to the current connection Wi-Fi information requires access to the system location permissions, so in iOS, 13 and above to use this interface, you need to call thewx.getLocation, trigger the location permission application pop-up window, until the user authorization can be obtained normally Wifi information
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopWifi Stop Wi-Fi Modular yes
wx.startWifi to initialize Wi-Fi Modular yes
wx.setWifiList Set up wifiList in AP The relevant information of the yes
wx.onWifiConnected Listen to the connection Wi-Fi The events of yes
wx.offWifiConnected Remove the connection Wi-Fi The listener function for the event of yes
wx.onGetWifiList The wiretap has acquired Wi-Fi List Data Events yes
wx.offGetWifiList Remove the file that gets the Wi-Fi Listener function for list data events yes
wx.onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo Listen to the connection Wi-Fi The events of no[2]
wx.offWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo Remove the connection Wi-Fi The listener function for the event of no[2]
wx.getWifiList Request to obtain Wi-Fi list yes
wx.getConnectedWifi Gets the connection in the Wi-Fi information yes
wx.connectWifi Connect Wi-Fi yes
[WifiInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/device/Wifi/WifiInfo .html) Wifi information yes

# calendar

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.addPhoneRepeatCalendar Adding Duplicate Events to the System Calendar yes
[wx.addPhoneCalendar ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/device/calendar/wx.addPhoneCalendar .html) Add an event to the system calendar yes

# Contacts

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.chooseContact Pull up your phone's address book and select a contact yes
wx.addPhoneContact Add Phone Contacts yes

# Accessibility

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.checkIsOpenAccessibility Detect whether visual accessibility is enabled no[4]

# Electric quantity

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.getBatteryInfoSync wx.getBatteryInfo The synchronized version of the yes
[wx.getBatteryInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/device/battery/wx.getBatteryInfo .html) Get Equipment Power yes

# clipboard

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.setClipboardData Set the contents of the system clipboard yes
wx.getClipboardData Get the contents of the system clipboard yes

# NFC Host Card Simulation

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopHCE Stop NFC Modular no[2]
wx.startHCE to initialize NFC Modular no[2]
wx.sendHCEMessage send NFC news no[2]
wx.onHCEMessage Listening and receiving NFC Device Message Event no[2]
wx.offHCEMessage Remove Receive NFC Listener function for device message events no[2]
wx.getHCEState Determine if the current device supports HCE ability no[2]

# network

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.onNetworkWeakChange Monitor weak network change of state yes
wx.onNetworkStatusChange Monitor change of state yes
wx.offNetworkWeakChange Remove the listener for weak network change of state yes
wx.offNetworkStatusChange Remove listener for change of state yes
wx.getNetworkType Get Network Type yes
wx.getLocalIPAddress Get local network IP address no[2]

# encryption

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.getRandomValues Get Cryptographic Security Random Numbers yes

# screen

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.setVisualEffectOnCapture Set up a screenshot/Screen display when recording, support only in Android End call no[2]
wx.setScreenBrightness Set screen brightness yes
wx.setKeepScreenOn Setting whether to maintain constant brightness yes
wx.onUserCaptureScreen Monitor user active screenshot events no[2]
wx.onScreenRecordingStateChanged Monitor user recording events yes
wx.offUserCaptureScreen User Active Screenshot Event no[2]
wx.offScreenRecordingStateChanged Remove the listener function for user recording events no[2]
wx.getScreenRecordingState Query whether the user is recording screen yes
wx.getScreenBrightness Get Screen Brightness yes

# keyboard

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.onKeyboardHeightChange Monitor keyboard height change event yes
wx.offKeyboardHeightChange Remove the listener function for keyboard height change events yes
wx.hideKeyboard Manually call this interface to close the keyboard after input, textarea, etc. focus pulls up the keyboard yes
wx.getSelectedTextRange After the focus of input, textarea, etc., gets the cursor position of the input box yes

# telephone

Note: This interface is used in iOS Multiple applications that require access toproject.miniapp.jsonTickOthers SDK

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.makePhoneCall Make a call yes

# Accelerometer

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopAccelerometer Stop listening to acceleration data yes
wx.startAccelerometer Start listening for acceleration data. yes
wx.onAccelerometerChange Monitoring acceleration data events yes
wx.offAccelerometerChange Remove listener function for acceleration data events yes

# Luopan

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopCompass Stop listening to compass data yes
wx.startCompass Start monitoring compass data. yes
wx.onCompassChange Monitor compass data change event yes
wx.offCompassChange Remove the listener function for compass data change events yes

# Direction of equipment

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopDeviceMotionListening Stop listening for changes in the direction of the device yes
[wx.startDeviceMotionListening ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/device/motion/wx.startDeviceMotionListening .html) Start listening for changes in the direction of the device yes
wx.onDeviceMotionChange Listening device direction change event yes
wx.offDeviceMotionChange Remove the listener function for device direction change events yes

# Memory

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.onMemoryWarning Listen for Out of Memory Alert Events yes
wx.offMemoryWarning Removes a listener function for an out-of-memory alarm event yes

# gyroscope

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopGyroscope Stop listening to gyroscope data yes
wx.startGyroscope Start listening to the gyro data. yes
wx.onGyroscopeChange Monitor gyro data change event yes

# Scan code


  • This interface is used in iOS To use in multiterminal applications go to project.miniapagejsonOthers SDK
  • In the case of iOS, configure "NS Camera Usage Description" in project.miniapagejson
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.scanCode Switch up the client scan interface to scan the code yes

# text message

  • This interface is used in iOS To use in multiterminal applications go to project.miniapagejsonOthers SDK
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.sendSms Pull up the phone to send SMS interface Support

# vibration

Note: This interface is used in iOS To use in multiterminal applications go to project.miniapagejsonOthers SDK

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.vibrateShort Causing the phone to vibrate for a shorter period of time (15 ms) yes
wx.vibrateLong Make the phone vibrate for a longer period of time (400 ms) yes

# AI

# Vision algorithm

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.isVKSupport Judgment Support Version no[4]
wx.createVKSession create vision kit Session object no[4]

# Face detection

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.stopFaceDetect Stop face detection no[4]
wx.initFaceDetect Initialize face detection no[4]
wx.faceDetect Face detection, which needs to be passed before use wx.initFaceDetect For one initialization, it is recommended to use the frame data returned by the camera interface no[4]

# Worker

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
[wx.createWorker ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/worker/wx.createWorker .html) Creating a Worker Thread yes


wx.createSelectorQuery in Android should be used. project.miniapp.json TickXWEB SDK

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.createSelectorQuery Return a SelectorQuery Object instance yes
wx.createIntersectionObserver Create and return a IntersectionObserver Object instance yes

# Third-Party Platforms

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.getExtConfigSync wx.getExtConfig The synchronized version of the no[2]
[wx.getExtConfig ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/ext/wx.getExtConfig .html) Obtain ext.json Custom Data Fields no[2]

# Advertising

# Open interface

# log in

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support Remarks
wx.pluginLogin The interface is callable only in the Mini Program plug-in, Call the interface to get the plug-in user flag credentials (code) no[2]
wx.login Call interface to get login credentials (code) yes[2] Need to replace the new interface,Click for Interface Details
wx.checkSession Check if the login state has expired no[1] Using Multiterminal Identity Management

# Account information

  • In development, coming soon to support
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
[wx.getAccountInfoSync ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/open-api/account-info/wx.getAccountInfoSync .html) Get current account information no[2]

# User Information

  • in App Chinese developers can access the user's WeChat profile picture and nickname through the interface of "WeChat Login," details can be viewedwx.miniapp.login
name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
[wx.getUserProfile ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/open-api/user-info/wx.getUserProfile .html) Get User Information no[2]
[wx.getUserInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/open-api/user-info/wx.getUserInfo .html) ObtainUser Information no[2]

# To grant authorization

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.authorizeForMiniProgram This interface can only be called in the Mini Program plug-in, Usage Same wx.authorize no[4]
wx.authorize Initiate authorization requests to users in advance no[4]

# Set up

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.openSetting Adjust the client Mini Program setting interface, return the user set the operation results no[4]
wx.getSetting Get the user's current settings no[4]
AuthSetting User Authorization Settings Information, Details Refer toJurisdiction no[4]
SubscriptionsSetting Subscription Message Settings no[4]

# Shipping address

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.chooseAddress Get the user shipping address no[4]

# Card coupon

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.openCard Check the vouchers in the WeChat Card Pack no[4]
wx.addCard Batch Add Card Coupons no[4]

# invoice

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.chooseInvoiceTitle Select the user's invoice header no[4]
wx.chooseInvoice Select the user's existing invoice no[4]

# Biometric authentication

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.startSoterAuthentication start SOTER Biometric authentication no[4]
wx.checkIsSupportSoterAuthentication Get the natively supported SOTER Biometric authentication method no[4]
wx.checkIsSoterEnrolledInDevice Interface to obtain whether biometric information such as fingerprints is entered in the device no[4]

# WeRun

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
[wx.shareToWeRun](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/open-api/Werun /wx.shareToWeRun.html) Share Data to WeRun Campaign no[4]
[wx.getWeRunData](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/open-api/Werun /wx.getWeRunData.html) Get the user's last 30 days of the number of steps on WeRun no[4]

# Subscribe Message

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.requestSubscribeMessage Adjust the client Mini Program subscription message interface, return the user subscription message operation results no[4]
wx.requestSubscribeDeviceMessage After the subscription device message API is called, an authorization box will pop up, and the developer will be allowed to send the subscription template message to the user after the user agrees no[4]

# WeChat red envelope

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.showRedPackage Pull h5 to receive the red envelope cover page no[4]

# Collection

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.addVideoToFavorites Collection Video no[4]
wx.addFileToFavorites Collection of documents no[4]

# license plate

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.chooseLicensePlate Select License Plate Number no[4]

# WeChat Channels

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.reserveChannelsLive Book a WeChat Channels Live Stream no[4]
wx.openChannelsUserProfile Open the WeChat Channels homepage no[4]
wx.openChannelsLive Open WeChat Channels Live no[4]
wx.openChannelsEvent Open the WeChat Channels event page no[4]
wx.openChannelsActivity Open WeChat Channels Video no[4]
wx.getChannelsShareKey Get WeChat Channels Live Cards/The sharing source of the video card, only if the card carries the sharing information, and the user has authorized the Mini Program to obtain the sharing information of WeChat Channels and the starting scene value is 1177、1184、1195、1208 When available no[4]
[wx.getChannelsLiveNoticeInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/open-api/channels/wx.getChannelsLiveNoticeInfo .html) Get live preview information on WeChat Channels no[4]
[wx.getChannelsLiveInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/open-api/channels/wx.getChannelsLiveInfo .html) Get live feeds on WeChat Channels no[4]

# WeChat group

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
[wx.getGroupEnterInfo ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/open-api/group/wx.getGroupEnterInfo .html) Get the Mini Program start information under the WeChat group chat scene Not support

# WeChat customer service

name Function Dxplaination Whether to support
wx.openCustomerServiceChat Open the WeChat customer service, the page generates a click event (for example button on bindtap In the callback) before calling the Not supportCan be used wx.miniapp.openCustomerServiceChat Replace