# WeChat mobile application capability initialization

Use WeChat open platform to transfer application capabilities in multi-terminal applications, such as WeChat login, WeChat sharing, App To pull up Mini Programs and other capabilities, developers need to first complete the mobile application account creation, and bind the mobile application to the multi-terminal application, the relevant initialization steps are as follows:

# I. Creating Mobile Apps

# II. Binding Mobile Applications

  • Once the mobile app is created, you need to go to Donut platform - Multiterminal application - In details, the mobile application account is bound to the multi-terminal application, details can be seen[Multiterminal Application Management Operational Guidelines](https://dev.weixin.qq.com/docs/framework/Guideline/web/application_create.html#_3% E3%80%81%E7%BB%91%E5%AE%9A%E7%A7%BB%E5%8A%A8%E5%BA%94%E7%94%A8%E5%B8%90%E5%8F%B7)

Open ability based on WeChat Opensdk, associated with WeChat Application id for the open platform. The user identity data obtained by the developer calling the relevant interface. If you need to associate Mini Program data, you need to get a unionID to associate the migration application with the Mini Program application.

name Function Dxplaination
WeChat Login Officially provided wx.login and wx.miniapp.login as well as [wx.getMiniProgramCode ](https://dev.weixin.qq.com/docs/framework/dev/jsapi/auth/Weixin/wx.getMiniProgramCode .html) and [wx.weixinMiniProgramLogin ](https://dev.weixin.qq.com/docs/framework/dev/jsapi/auth/Weixin/wx.weixinMiniProgramLogin .html) this 4 API, see details.WeChat Login
wx.miniapp.login WeChat Login
wx.miniapp.requestPayment WeChat Pay
[wx.miniapp.hasWechatInstall ](https://dev.weixin.qq.com/docs/framework/dev/jsapi/miniapp/hasWechatInstall .html) Determine whether to install WeChat
wx.miniapp.launchMiniProgram Jump WeChat Mini Program
wx.miniapp.shareTextMessage Share text to WeChat
wx.miniapp.shareImageMessage Share pictures on WeChat
wx.miniapp.shareVideoMessage Share video to WeChat
wx.miniapp.shareMiniProgramMessage Share Mini programs to WeChat
wx.miniapp.shareWebPageMessage Share web pages to WeChat
wx.miniapp.requestSubscribeMessage Request a one-time subscription from WeChat
wx.miniapp.openCustomerServiceChat WeChat customer service
wx.miniapp.onOpensdkLog Listening log
  • If there is a WeChat pop-up prompt "Because the application package signature information verification is not passed, can not share to WeChat," similar to the following error, you can refer to the document to check the signature problem
  • Create WeChat Open Platform Mobile App Android autograph
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