# Open third party App
- The developer can pass wx.miniapp.openUrl Interface to open third party App, but need to jump to the target App Need to be configured in the multi-terminal console, the related instructions are as follows.
- If the developer is through webview Embedded H5, in H5 It involves jumping third parties. App, then the target that needs to jump App It also needs to be configured in a multi-terminal console
- Added: Open browsers are supported by default, that is App Can also be accessed through the wx.miniapp.openUrl Interface to the system browser to open, do not need to do related configuration in the console

# I. Instructions for Use
- Adoption wx.miniapp.openUrl Open third party App Or by webview Embedded H5 Ways to Open Third Parties App, you need to configure a third party in the multi-terminal application control console App of Scheme, while currently only support is provided to open the App store Third-party apps on the shelf
Other additions:
- This is the third party app. App Store, that is, if you want to jump the App No shelves. App Store, you cannot configure
- This does not mean that many developers App To be on the shelves App store Ha
- Once configured, Android Multiterminal applications can also use this interface to open third parties App
Other considerations:
- use wx.miniapp.openUrl When required to configure the latest documentation requirements SDK And Developer Tools
# II. Operational Guidelines
- Add App, Configure Third Parties App of URL Scheme

2, application download address: currently only support to fill in the App The download address of the application on the store shelf, and the format should be strictly in accordance with the “https://apps.apple.com/CN /app/%E5%BE%AE%E4%BF%A1/id414478124"
3, how to get the format download address, you can[View Guide](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/oplatform/Mobile_App/Guideline/Getioslink .html)
4, filled in. URL Scheme Need to follow the form “weixin://” Otherwise, it cannot be submitted successfully.
5、URL After Scheme is configured, you can call the wx.miniapp.openUrl Open third party App , the interface's url Parameter Scheme Must match the prefix configured in the console