# Component overview

# View container

name Function Dxplaination Remarks
cover-image Picture views overlaid on top of native components Abandoned
cover-view Text view overlaid on top of native components Support
match-media Media query Match detection node Support
movable-area movable-viewThe movable area of the Support
movable-view A movable view container that can be dragged and slid across the page Support
page-container Page Container Support
root-portal Detach the entire subtree from the page, similar to the one in the CSS Used in fixed position The effect of Support
scroll-view Scrollable view area Support
share-element Shared elements Support
swiper Slider View Container Support
swiper-item Can only be placed in theswiperComponent, the width and height is automatically set to 100% Support
view View container Support

# Basic content

name Function Dxplaination Remarks
icon Icon Component Support
progress Progress bar Support
rich-text Rich text Support
text text Support

# Form component

name Function Dxplaination Remarks
button Button Support, but open-type Of the WeChat open capabilities involved, only support open-type=share
checkbox Multiple Choice Project Support
checkbox-group Multiple selector, which is internally composed of a plurality ofcheckboxcomposition Support
editor Rich text editor, you can picture, text editing Support
form form Support
input Input Box Support
keyboard-accessory Set up input / texting Focus on the top of the keyboard cover-view / cover-image Toolbar View Not yet supported
label To improve the usability of form components Support
picker Scroll selector that pops up from the bottom Support
picker-view Scroll selector for embedded pages Support
picker-view-column Scrolling selector child Support
Radio Single item Support
radio-group A single selector that is internally composed of a plurality of Radiocomposition Support
slider Slide selector Support
switch Switch selector Support
[texting ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/texting .html) Multi-line input box Support
name Function Dxplaination Remarks
functional-page-navigator Valid only in plugins for jumping to the plugin features page Not support
navigator Page Links Support

# Media Components

  • Note: In Android End-use Camera Components, which need to beXWeb Embed SDKorXWeb SDKHook on
name Function Dxplaination Remarks
audio audio frequency Abandoned
Camera System camera Support
image picture Yes, but long press recognition is not yet supported
live-player Real-time audio and video playback (v2.9.1 Support from[Same layer rendering](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/native-component#Native component same layer rendering.html)) Android Supported, SDK need 1.2.9
live-pusher Real-time audio and video recording (v2.9.1 Support from[Same layer rendering](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/native-component#Native component same layer rendering.html)) Android Supported, SDK need 1.2.10
video Video (v2.4.0 Support from[Same layer rendering](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/native-component#Native component same layer rendering.html) ) Support
voip-room Multiplayer Audio and Video Dialogue Not yet supported

# map

  • Dxplaination: Map Components, to be configured LBS SDK , and need to go to Tencent location services platform to register a developer account and create an application Key, details can be viewedLocation Service Usage Guide
name Function Dxplaination Remarks
map Map (v2.7.0 Support from[Same layer rendering](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/native-component#Native component same layer rendering.html)) Support

# canvas

name Function Dxplaination Remarks
canvas canvas Support

# Open ability

name Function Dxplaination Remarks
web-view A container that hosts a web page Support without domain name configuration and validation
ad Banner Advertising Not yet supported
ad-custom Native templates Advertising Not yet supported
official-account Official Account message template Not yet supported
open-data Data used to show WeChat open Not yet supported

# Native Component Dxplaination

name Function Dxplaination Remarks
native-component Some of the components in the Mini Program are native components created by the client Support

# Accessibility

name Function Dxplaination Remarks
[aria - component ](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/component/aria - component .html) Meet the needs of visually impaired people for access to Mini programs Not yet supported
name Function Dxplaination Remarks
navigation-bar Page navigation bar configuration node that specifies some properties of the navigation bar Support

# Page Properties Configuration Node

name Function Dxplaination Remarks
page-meta Page property configuration node, used to specify some properties of the page, listen for page events Support