# iOS Signature Certificate Management
iOS The application scenarios for signing certificates are as follows:
- The WeChat Developer Tool runs on iOS Certificate Required Before Simulator and Real Machine Project Information
- Build in Weixin DevTools IPA When you need to configure the certificate project information
When using the above features, you will first appear iOS Signature certificate management, and later if you need to modify the signature can betoolbar - Selecting equipment - iOS Signature Certificate ManagementTo administer

# I. Introduction to Signature
# 1. Provisional signature
A provisional signature means the adoption of Apple Automatic Account Management Signing Certificates and Profile (mobileprovision) The manner in which files such as files are generated and used:
- Applies to Free Apple account
- if Apple AppID (Bundle ID) Not registered yet, will automatically register Apple AppID (Bundle ID) To the Apple account
- Apple AppID (Bundle ID) Will not open any capability(Some capability They do not support free accounts. AppID(Bundle ID), Such as Apple Pay and In-App Purchase Etc.)
- Need to be passed through USB will iPhone The phone is connected to the computer end, it automatically registers the device as the Apple Account Trust Device
- Signing certificates are automatically created
- Automatic generation Development of Profile。 If the Apple AppID (Bundle ID) Previously created. Profile, you will continue to use the old
- The number of devices per application is limited to 100 platform
- You can only create one application per account.
- Generated IPA Can't get on the shelves to App Store
# 2. Certificate Signature
Certificate signing refers to the manual creation of the management Apple Signature Certificate and Profile (mobileprovision) Files, and use those files to sign the way:
- Applies to Apple Personal Accounts (charges apply)/Company Account (charge)
- Can follow thefileregistered Apple AppID (Bundle ID)Create a certificate and generate Profile(mobileprovision) Documents, etc.
- Adopt Apple Development and Ad-hoc The product of the certificate build can be used to develop test
- Products built with Apple Distribution Certificates can be used toShelves App Store
# II. Operating Instructions
- In this action panel, only the type of certificate is configured, and does not involve filling out the specific information needed to generate the certificate
- Added, caches can also be cleared in this panel
- Configuration occurs the first time you run it in a simulator or a real machineProvisional signatureorCertificate signaturepop-up windowIf it is not the first time, it depends on whether you choose to remember the account password. If you choose to remember the account, the developer will click on Run again and no popup will appear.However, developers can still reconfigure the certificate information by clearing the cache of the signed certificate
- Or in the construction of IPA Fill in the relevant information in the panel, click OK to appearProvisional signatureorCertificate signaturepop-up window
# 1. Creating a Temporary Signature
- If the developer is setting up for the first time iOS Sign the certificate, then in Developer Tools clickrunAfter appearing below the pop-up window, and fill in your iPhone Apple account and password for the device (non-Apple developer account)
- Developers can choose whether to remember the account, if you choose to remember the account, the next run clickrunNo more pop-ups mentioned aboveConversely, each clickto constructWill appear.
# 2. Generate Certificate Signature
- If the developer is setting up for the first time iOS Sign the certificate, then in Developer Tools clickrunAfter the lower pop-up window appears, and then select p12 file
- Supplement, profile The document refers to Provisioning Profile , whose suffixed name .mobileprovisionOn how to generate p12 File can be viewed by clickinggenerate iOS Certificates and Provisioning Profile
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