# Introduction to Multifunction Applications

In order to make it easier for developers to complete all stages of application development, debugging, testing and release, the platform provides a development platform, developer tools and mobile application assistant. App Such complete product components for developers to use, full-link to enhance the efficiency and experience of developers to build multi-terminal applications.

To get a better understanding of the multi-terminal framework as a whole, developers can review this document for the relevant product names and features.

# Noun explanation

noun Introductions
space &bull Developers are available atDevelopment platformcreatespace, can be used for the separation of resources and services based on the agent, so that developers can flexibly develop multi-terminal applications for different enterprises in different spaces.
Multiterminal application &bull Refers to the WeChat Developer Tool based on WeChat Mini Program Android and iOS application
&bull Developers are available atDevelopment platformofspaceCreate multi-terminal application account and manage operation
Mobile applications &bull Refers to the fact that inWeChat Open PlatformMobile app account created
&bull After binding the mobile application account with the multi-terminal application account, the multi-terminal application can call the WeChat open ability(Such as WeChat login, WeChat sharing, etc.)
&bull In addition, after binding the mobile application account to the multi-terminal application, the multi-terminal application will synchronize the mobile application account from the WeChat open platform. Bundle ID、Universal Links、Package Name And other information is used to verify the legitimacy of multiterminal application initialization startup
Weixin DevTools &bull Developers are available atWeixin DevTools Switch toMultiterminal application modeDevelop, debug, and build multiple applications
Move App Assistant App &bull For developers to preview, real machine debugging Android Application, Easy for developers to debug
APK and IPA &bull APK Refers to the Android The application's installation package, the Mini Program is built as Android The product of the application is APK , developers can install it to the phone for debugging and to the application market for release
&bull IPA Refers to the iOS The application's installation package, the Mini Program is built as iOS The product of the application is IPA, developers can install it to the phone for debugging and shelves to App Store To publish
Application shelves &bull Refers to submitting an app to an app store (such as Apple's App Store, Tencent's app treasure, etc.) to allow users to search, browse, download and install applications in the app store

# Product features

# Development platform

  • Create Space: Developers are available atDevelopment platformcreatespace, can be used for the separation of resources and services based on the agent, so that developers can flexibly develop multi-terminal applications for different enterprises in different spaces.
  • Space subject authentication: After the space completes the authentication, it can identify which subject owns the space.Current support for reuse has been certified Official Account message template and Mini Program account information configuration as the subject of space, but also support through real-name certification as a personal subject
  • Member management: The administrator of a space can invite other members to join the space for collaboration

# Multiterminal application console

The main features provided by the Multiterminal Application Console are as follows:

noun Introductions
Create a multi-application account &bull Multiple applications can be generated after creation ID, Application Secret, and SdkKey and SdkKeySecret
&bull application ID And Applications Secret Can be used to generate access_Token The server side for calling a multiterminal application API
&bull SdkKey and SdkKeySecret Security validation at startup for multiterminal application initialization
Application management &bull Changes can be made to the app's name, icon, profile, etc.And reset the application Secret, etc.
Binding Mini Program account &bull After the Mini Program account is bound to the multi-terminal application, the project created based on the Mini Program account can be upgraded to a multi-terminal project in the WeChat developer tool, so as to carry out the development and debugging of multi-terminal applications.
Binding Mobile App Account &bull After binding the mobile application account of WeChat open platform to multi-terminal applications, the multi-terminal applications can use WeChat open capabilities, such as WeChat login, WeChat sharing, etc.
Plugin Management &bull Multiple plugins are used by developers to use Android or iOS Native language development and access to third parties SDK, to implement a multi-end framework built on the App Access to third parties SDK 。
&bull Currently, a multi-terminal application only supports the creation of one multi-terminal plug-in, if you need to create multiple multi-terminal plug-ins, please contactLittle helperApply
&bull In addition, the current multi-terminal plug-in only supports being referenced by the current multi-terminal application, and does not support opening up to other multi-terminal applications.
Closed Beta Distribution &bull Developers can build in Weixin DevTools IPA The platform will automatically generate a download link and a two-dimensional code. By scanning the two-dimensional code on the mobile phone, users can install the application to the mobile phone and other devices for testing.
Resource Package Management &bull It refers to the version management of the resource package of multi-terminal applications, which is in the internal testing stage, and you can contact if you need to participate in the internal testingLittle helperApply
Identity management &bull Multi-terminal identity management provides multi-terminal developers with out-of-the-box login solution, and provides smooth migration of login functions (WeChat login, SMS verification code login, Apple Login). Mini Program developers do not need complex configuration, only need to call the interface in the original Mini Program code, you can achieve multi-terminal within hours App Multiple login functions in.
Third Party App Management &bull The developer can pass wx.miniapp.openUrl Interface to open third party App, but need to jump to the target App Required inMultiterminal console - Third-party appsTo configure
&bull Default support to open the browser and open WeChat, no need to configure here

# WeChat Open Platform

  • Developers can complete the registration of open platform account and developer qualification certification in WeChat open platform
  • Mobile app accounts can be created in an open platform and submitted for reviewAfter the approval, you can bind the mobile application account to the multi-terminal application.

# Weixin DevTools

noun Introductions
Quick preview of multi-terminal applications &bull In the Mini Program mode of developer tools, the developer has not yet created a multi-terminal application account.preview Build a preview version of the multi-terminal application, and use the mobile application assistant to scan the code experience
Upgrade to a Multiterminal Project &bull When the Mini Program is already bound to a multiterminal application, you can upgrade the Mini Program project to a multiterminal project and switch toMultiterminal application modeFor development and debugging
Development and commissioning &bull inMultiterminal application modeProvides developers with the ability to build development and official multiterminal applications that support hot updates and remote debugging.
&bull And support for Android and iOS Simulator and real machine debugging based on
Build the installation package &bull Developer Tools Support Build Android Applied Packing (APK) and iOS Applied Packing (IPA))
Upload Resource Pack &bull Multi-terminal application accounts that have been opened for version management, support for uploading resource packs in developer tools for version management in the multi-terminal application console, and support for SourceMap The download of

# Mobile App Assistant

In order to help developers in the early development experience phase, you can quickly experience the real machine to build multi-terminal applications from Mini programs. The developer can help. App Experience multiple applications directly on the real machine

this App The core functions are:

  • Scan code: scan code pull up multi-terminal applications for real machine experience
  • Click to pull up: In App shows recent developers to build a list of multi-end applications, developers can click on the way to pull up multi-end applications for real machine experience
  • Set up standalone mode for multi-terminal apps: Once set, developers access the assistant App Will go directly to the multiterminal application interface (for example, a developer can put X Mall multi-terminal application set to run independently mode, set, the developer re-enter the App It's a direct visit. X Mall, is no longer the entry into the App The default home page)This feature allows developers to more immersive real machine experience testing