# Send SMS verification code

iOS >= 0.7.13 Support, Android >= 0.7.5 Support.

adopt button Component Specification open-type for sendPhoneSms, can trigger sending a mobile phone verification code to a specified mobile phone number.

Note: Before using the SMS verification code function, you need to complete the SMS signature requirement real name system for registration, otherwise you will not be able to send SMS.Click here to submit the reporting materials

# button Component parameter

attribute type Default value Required Introductions
phoneNumber string yes Phone number
open-type string yes sendPhoneSms To send mobile phone verification code
sms-type number 0 no Type of Sending Mobile Phone Verification Code
bindsendphonesms Function no Get the user phone number callback, open-type = sendPhoneSms valid

# sms-type

value Introductions
0 Act as wx.phoneSmsLogin The Front Flow of
1 Act as wx.miniapp.bindPhone The Front Flow of

# bindsendphonesms Callback parameter

# Object res

attribute type Introductions
errCode number Error code
errMsg string Error message

# sample code

<input bindinput="onPhoneNumberChange"  value="{{phoneNumber}}"/>
<button type="primary" open-type="sendPhoneSms" sms-type="{{0}}" bindsendphonesms="onHandleLogin"  phoneNumber="{{phoneNumber}}">Send verification code</button>
<input bindinput="onVerifyCodeChange" value="{{verifyCode}}"/>
<button bindtap="login" >log in</button>
  data: {
    phoneNumber: '',
    verifyCode: ''
  onVerifyCodeChange(e) {
    this.setData({ verifyCode: e.detail.value })
  onPhoneNumberChange (e) {
    this.setData({ phoneNumber: e.detail.value })
  onHandleLogin (e) {
    const detail = e.detail
    console.log('sendphonesms errCode', detail.errCode)
  Login() {
      phoneNumber: this.data.phoneNumber,
      verifyCode: this.data.verifyCode,
      success (res) {
        if (res.code) {
          //Initiate a network request
            url: 'https://example.com/onLogin',
            data: {
              code: res.code
        } else {
          console.log('Login failed! ' + res.errMsg )