# upload SDK Run log

In order to better position information about SDK Of the abnormal feedback that we provide by using the SDK The menu bar will SDK The ability to upload the running logs to the official backend. Developers can provide feedback based on this ability, and can also customize the entrance to the App User use.


[Android Upload Log Steps](#Android- Upload Log Steps)

[iOS Upload Log Steps](#IOS - Upload Log Steps)

[call API Custom Upload Entry](#Call -api-custom upload entry)

# Preconditio

  • iOS SDK >= 1.0.3,Android SDK >= 1.0.1

  • openBuilt-in menu evoke configuration, defaults to OnOpen, then the corresponding gesture can be used in the App End Evoke Related Menu

# Android Upload Log Steps

  1. arouse SDK menu bar

    for Android Devices, evoking SDK The menu bar gesture is:Three clicks five times

  1. to hitUpload log, Get the Log ID

  2. Will log ID and Multiple application account information is fed back to the official technical staff (contactLittle helperJoin the Official Technical Exchange Group)

# iOS Upload Log Steps

  1. in project.miniapp.json open enableDebugLog
  • open enableDebugLog, helps the official get a more detailed SDK Running logs to better locate the problem, but at the same time will increase the storage space occupied by the logs, such as worrying about the App Performance impact that can be turned on in the development phase and turned off in the online phase

  • open enableDebugLog, will not affect the VConsole Normal use

  1. arouse SDK menu bar

    for iOS Devices, evoking SDK The menu bar gesture is:Three fingers for five seconds.

  1. to hitUpload log, Get the Log ID

  2. Will log ID and Multiple application account information is fed back to the official technical staff (contactLittle helperJoin the Official Technical Exchange Group)

# call API Custom Upload Entry

Developers can also call wx.miniapp.openSaaAActionSheet Custom in your own Mini Program codeLog uploadThe entrance is easy to check. App Problems of users.

# Code Examples

    success: (res) => {
        console.log('openSaaAActionSheet success:', res)