# generate Android Signature and Public Key
Developers can use this tool to generate Android Signature as a WeChat open platform mobile application Android Of the signature, and a public key can be generated for App For the record.
Note: You need to use the latest nightly Developer ToolsThat is, if your developer tools do not have this feature, you will need to upgrade the developer tools to the latest nightly
# I. Generation Android Signature and Public Key
- Go to Weixin DevTools - toolbar - run - Signature Certificate Management - Android Signature and Public Key

- Selection APK Used to generate Android Signature and Public Key

- to hitgenerateSignature and public key can be generated at the same time

# II. Will Android Sign in the WeChat open platform mobile application
- such APK Using the WeChat open capabilities (such as WeChat sharing, WeChat login, WeChat pay, etc.), then the signature of the mobile application bound by this multi-terminal application needs to be configured and steps 1 Otherwise, the following error occurs

- May be added Android Signature to the WeChat Open Platform Mobile App to ensure that the configuration on both sides is consistent

# Be careful
- Different certificates used will result in different signatures generatedDevelopers need to save the signature certificate information, do not lose
# III. Will Android Signature and public key App Filing platform
according to[Notice of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Conducting the Recordation of Mobile Internet Applications](https://www.miit.gov.cn/zwgk/zcwj/wjfb/tz/art/2023/art_920db564162e4312916a01bed6540ad8 .html), From September 1, 2023, the application market will be listed after the completion of the filing procedures. And conduct Android App The filing process needs to beApp Feature informationFill in to the filing platform, which involvesPlatform public key and signature MD5 valueIs to follow the steps 1 Generated Android Signature and public key.
- With Tencent CloudAPP Required for filing APP Feature Information Fill Reference SpecificationFor example, the guide provides a detailed step-by-step description of how to obtainiOS System acquisition Bundle ID, platform public key, signature MD5 valueAnd how to getAndroid System to obtain the package name, platform public key, signature MD5 value。
- The text is adoptedjadx-gui Tools to get relevant information, for example, while for a multi-tiered framework built APK, then you can follow the steps 1 Using the WeChat developer tool, you can quickly generate signatures and public keys.

# Added: iOS. Keep on record
- With Tencent CloudAPP Required for filing APP Feature Information Fill Reference SpecificationFor example, the guide provides a detailed step-by-step description of how to obtainiOS System acquisition Bundle ID, platform public key, signature MD5 value,iOS App Filing may refer to the document above
In addition, for more App The relevant guidelines for filing can be viewed:
- APP Filing related FAQ
- A picture to read APP Keep on record
- APP Content Catalog of Filing Services
- After the approval of the audit can be passedRecord management systemView Filing Results
- More guides are available atTencent CloudTo view