# Experience multiple applications quickly
In order to facilitate developers to quickly experience multiple applications, product capabilities supportExperience first and register, the developer can be found in the Developer Tools'Mini Program modeNext, quickly build previews of multiple apps with the help of the mobile app assistant App You can experience it quickly. Details can be found in the guidelines below:
# I. Download and install the developer tools
Download and install supportMultiterminal application modeThe corresponding version requirements are as follows
- Version number 1.06.2306272 ofDevelopment Developer Tools
It is recommended to use the latest development version of the developer tools for multi-terminal application development and debugging
# II. Rapid Build Preview Multiterminal Applications
- In the Developer ToolsMini Program modeDown, clickpreview, When the portal to quickly build a multiterminal application appears, clickdetailsQuickly build preview multiplayer apps

- Wait a moment, and when the build is complete, you can use theMobile App Assistant AppScan Code Experience

Dxplaination: If the current Mini Program is already bound to a multiterminal application, it will no longer appeardetailsEntrance, the developer can click on the menu bartool - Upgrade Multiterminal ProjectsAfter upgrading the Mini Program to a multi-terminal project, build a preview version to experience
# III. Download Mobile App Assistant App
- Download and install Mobile App Assistant App, you can quickly experience the effect of building Mini Programs as multi-terminal applications
- If it is Android, scan the code to download and installOr go toMobile App Assistant Update Logto download
- If it is IOS, in accordance with theReal Machine Connection Guidelineswill IPA Install to your phone to experience
Additional Notes: The steps described in this section are non-essential steps, developers can also directly build multi-terminal application installation packages for experience testing, details can be viewedBuild your first application