# wx.chooseMedia

Shoot or select pictures or videos from your phone album.

# Note

  • iOS SDK Version required 1.0.18
  • Android SDK Version required 1.0.10
  • Before using this interface capability, you need to check the WeChat Developer Tool project.miniapp.json Check inMedia SDK
  • Before using this interface capability, you need to check the WeChat Developer Tool project.miniapp.json In ConfigurationPrivacy Issue Information Access Permission DescriptionLicense descriptions for the album read, camera, and microphone. That is, the interface needs to obtain album reading, camera and microphone permissions before it can be invoked.
  • Added: If Android of targetsdkversion Matched 33 And above are required in project.miniapp.json Add the following three permission descriptions (if your developer tools do not have the following three configurations after opening, please upgrade the developer tools to the latest version) nightly Edition)

# parameter

# Object object

attribute type Default value Required Introductions
count number 9 no The maximum number of files that can be selected, up to 9 files before 2.25.0 and up to 20 files after 2.25.0
mediaType Array.< string> ['image', 'video'] no File type
Legal value Introductions
image Can only take pictures or select pictures from the album
video Only shoot videos or select videos from albums
mix Video and pictures can appear, but not both.
sourceType Array.< string> ['album', 'camera'] no The source of the picture and video selection
Legal value Introductions
album Select from the album
Camera Shooting with a Camera
maxDuration number 10 no Maximum video capture time in seconds. The time frame is 3s to 60s Between. Do not limit the album.
sizeType Array.< string> ['original', 'compressed'] no Whether to compress the selected file, only for mediaType for image Effective when
Camera string 'back' no Only in sourceType for Camera Take effect when using the front or rear camera
Legal value Introductions
back Use the rear camera
front Use the front camera
success function no Interface calls a successful callback function
fail function no Interface to call a failed callback function
complete function no The callback function at the end of the interface call (the call is executed on success or failure)

# object.success callback

# parameter
# Object res
attribute type Introductions
tempFiles Array.< Object> Local Temporary File List
Structural properties type Introductions
tempFilePath string Local Temporary File Path (Local path )
Size number Local Temporary File Size, Unit B
duration number The length of the video
height number The height of the video
width number The width of the video
thumbTempFilePath string Video Thumbnail Temporary File Path
fileType string File type
Legal value Introductions
image picture
video video
type string File type, the valid values have image 、video、mix

# sample code

  count: 9,
  mediaType: ['image','video'],
  sourceType: ['album', 'camera'],
  maxDuration: 30,
  camera: 'back',
  success(res) {
    console.log(res.tempFiles [0].tempFilePath)
    console.log(res.tempFiles [0].size)