# Donut Multiterminal SDK Beta Personal Information Protection Rules
Updated: 2024-02-19
Effective Date: 2024-02-19
# Update instructions
We are interested in Donut. Multiterminal SDK Beta The Personal Information Protection Rules have been updated, mainly as follows:
- Added the distinction between basic and extended functions of the SDK product, as well as the necessity of collecting relevant personal information.
# Introduction
Donut Multiterminal SDK Beta (Hereinafter referred to as "SDK Products")Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited(Hereinafter referred to as "we")Development, The company is registered in Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Street, Ma Ling Community Science and Technology Road, Tencent Building 35.
《Donut Multiterminal SDK Beta Personal Information Protection Rules》(Hereinafter referred to as "these Rules")Primarily to developers and their end users("End Users")Inform the circumstances in which the SDK Product collects, uses and processes end user personal information in order to implement the functions of the SDK Product.
Before registering, accessing, using Donut Multiterminal SDK Beta products and/Developers and end users are requested to read these rules carefully before using the related services. If you are a developer, please confirm that you fully understand and agree to these rules before integrating the SDK product, and should make these rules publicly available to end users. To enable end users to use products that you have developed and adapted to, integrated with, and loaded with this SDK Product and/Or related services, be able to read and understand these rules carefully. If you do not agree to these rules and fulfill the corresponding obligations of user personal information protection in accordance with these rules, you should immediately stop accessing and using the SDK products.At the same time, you should integrate the SDK products and process the end user's personal information only with the end user's consent.
Special note:
If you are a developer, you should:
1. Collect, use and process end users' personal information in compliance with laws and regulations; Including, but not limited to, the development and publication of privacy policies related to the protection of personal information
2. Ensure clear and truthful disclosure of multi-end SDKs to users in a manner that complies with legal and regulatory requirements Beta Personal information processing, prompting customers to read the rules and consent to the user. At the same time, your app will not launch or use the SDK product until you have the consent of the user in accordance with the law and the user actively uses it.
3. Make sure that the above disclosures are consistent with these Rules, otherwise we have the right to ask you to revise your relevant disclosure documents, and if negative events such as user complaints arising from your false or incorrect disclosures, we have the power to stop providing SDK products to you and to reimburse you for any damages caused to Tencent.
4. Without obtaining the consent of the end user, no personal information of any end user shall be collected unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.
5. Provide end users with a user rights implementation mechanism that is easy to operate and meets the requirements of laws and regulations; And inform end users how to access, copy, modify, delete personal information, Withdrawal of consent, And restrictions on personal information processing, transfer of personal information, access to copies of personal information and cancellation of accounts
6. Comply with the requirements of this rule.
If developers and end users have any questions or suggestions about the content of these Rules, You may contact us at any time through the means provided in Article 8 of these Rules.
# 1. Information we collect and how we use it
# (one) Personal Information Collected Necessary to Implement SDK Product Features
SDK The product includes basic functions and extended functions. The personal information processing involved in the basic functions, unless explicitly selected by this rule, is necessary for the SDK product to provide the functional services.The personal information processing involved in the extended function is optional personal information, except for the personal information necessary for the operation of the basic function.The SDK uses introductory linksGuidelines for configuration and declaration.
1. Personal information collected to implement the basic functionality of the SDK product
As necessary to provide SDK services, we will collect information from end users about device models and operating system versions to address the compatibility of SDK products across different devices and operating systems.
When there is a problem in the service process of the application of the integrated SDK product, in order to ensure that the end user can use our service and the application normally, To maintain the normal operation of the service, we may request log information from you (including only the fault records, technical data and other necessary system information during the selected period of time, and no other information) and collect it after you actively upload it. If you refuse to provide it, it will not affect the services provided by you using the SDK product.
2. Personal information collected in order to implement the extended functionality of the SDK product
In order to implement the corresponding functions of the SDK product, we will embed other SDKs in the SDK product, Information about other SDKs is as follows:

When developers provide services to end users, they may use various interfaces provided by us and obtain other personal information in addition to the above information through the SDK products (the types of interfaces we provide include:https://dev.weixin.qq.com/docs/framework/dev/jsapi/total.html)。
If the developer obtains the end user's personal information through various interfaces provided by us, it shall obtain the express consent of the end user. With the express consent of the end user, the information is made available to the developer through the SDK product to the extent that the end user agrees to in the interactive page. The SDK product does not store this information after providing it to the developer.
# (two) In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, the following are exceptions with the consent of the user:
. Necessary for the formation and performance of contracts with end users
. Necessary to fulfill our legal obligations
. In response to public health emergencies, Or is necessary in an emergency to protect the life, health and property of end users
. Conducting news reports and public opinion supervision in the public interest; Processing end users' personal information within reasonable
. In accordance with the provisions of this Law, handle within a reasonable scope the personal information disclosed by end users themselves or other personal information that has been legally disclosed
. Other circumstances prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.
Special Note: If the information we collect is not personally identifiable to end users, either alone or in combination with other information, It is not personal information in the legal sense.
# II. Third Party Data Processing and Public Disclosure of Information
We do not share this information with our affiliates, partners and third parties.("Recipient")Personal information of end users.
We do not transfer end users' personal information to any company, organization or individual. Except for the following:
Inform end users in advance of the type, purpose, means and scope of the transfer of personal information, and obtain individual consent from end users
If it is necessary to transfer personal information due to merger, division, dissolution, bankruptcy, etc., We will inform the end user of the recipient's name or name and contact details, And require the recipient to continue to perform personal information processing obligations. The recipient changes the original purpose and method of processing, We will ask the recipient to regain the end-user's consent.
We do not publicly disclose personal information about our end users. Except for the following:
After informing the end user of the type, purpose, manner and scope of the personal information publicly disclosed and obtaining the individual consent of the end user
In the case of laws and regulations, legal procedures, litigation or mandatory requirements by the competent government authorities.
# III. How End Users Manage Their Information
We attach great importance to the rights of end users to the management of their personal information. And strive to help end users manage personal information, including personal information access, copy, delete, log off account and set privacy functions, etc. Protecting the rights of end users. If you are a developer, you should provide end users with the means to access, copy, modify, delete personal information, withdraw consent and cancel account.
Personal information processing activities based on the consent of the end user, The end user has the right to withdraw such consent. If you are the end user, please understand that certain business functions or services require you to provide the information required for the service to be completed, and when you withdraw your consent, we can no longer provide you with the corresponding functions or service and no longer process your corresponding personal information. Your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect our prior personal information processing based on your authority.
# (one) Where information is stored
We comply with the provisions of laws and regulations and store personal information collected and generated within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
# (two) Duration of storage of information
In general, we only retain the personal information of end users for the shortest period of time necessary to achieve the purpose, except in the following cases:
In order to comply with applicable laws and regulations and other relevant provisions
To comply with the provisions of a court judgment, order or other legal process
To comply with the law enforcement requirements of the relevant government agencies.
# V. Information security
We provide appropriate security for end users' personal information to prevent the loss, improper use, unauthorized access or disclosure of information.
We strictly abide by laws and regulations to protect the personal information of end users.
We will use safeguards at a reasonable level of safety to keep our data safe. For example, we use encryption technology, anonymization and other means to protect the personal information of end users.
We establish strict control system, process and organization to ensure information security. For example, we strictly limit the number of people who have access to information, require them to comply with confidentiality obligations, and conduct reviews.
In the event of a security incident such as personal information disclosure, we will launch an emergency response plan to prevent the expansion of the security incident, and inform the developer in the form of push notifications and announcements.
We attach great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, if you are under the age of 18, you are using the multi-terminal SDK. Beta Prior written consent of your parent or legal guardian should be obtained before the relevant function. If you are the guardian of a minor, when you have questions about the personal information of the minor under your guardianship, please contact us through the contact information in Article 8.
In particular, if you are a child under the age of 14, we have developedChildren's Privacy Protection Statement , children and their guardians should also carefully read the Children's Privacy Protection Statement specially formulated by Tencent before completing the account registration for children under the age of 14. Children under the age of 14 may use WeChat services only after obtaining the consent of their guardian to the Children's Privacy Protection Statement.
We will amend these rules in due course.
If the amendment to these Rules will result in substantial derogation from the rights of end users under these Rules, we will notify the changes by means such as a website announcement before they take effect. If you are a developer, when these updated Rules change the handling of end user personal information, you should update the Privacy Policy in due course and notify the end user in a pop-up form and obtain their consent. If the end user does not agree to accept these Rules, Please stop integrating SDK products.
We have set up a special personal information protection team and a personal information protection officer. If the developer and/Or end users have any questions or complaints or suggestions about these Rules or matters related to the protection of personal information, You can contact us in the following ways: (i)adopt https://kf.qq.com/Get in touch with us(ii)Send the question to Dataprivacy@tencent.com(iii)Send a letter to: Tencent Marina Building, 33 Haitian II Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China Department of Data Privacy Protection(collect)Postal code: 518054。 We will examine the issues involved as soon as possible. And give feedback within 15 working days or the deadline stipulated by laws and regulations.