# wx.miniapp.shareFile

This interface is used to share any files to other apps (such as WeChat)

Android SDK >= 1.3.24iOS SDK >= 1.3.26

# Dxplaination of conditions

  • Other App: It has been implemented.Select another application to open the fileFunctional App
  • Arbitrary file: refers to the implementation of theSelect another application to open the fileFunctional App Supported file types are configured

For example, a App Support not yet availableSelect another application to open the file, then your App Generated the PDF File, you cannot select a App Open it.

# Interface details

# parameter

attribute type Default value Required Introductions
filePath string yes Support local path only.
success function yes Successful callback after getting

# Return parameter

attribute type Introductions
Errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message

# JSAPI Examples of code

    url: 'https://dldir1.qq.com/WechatWebDev/test/redhood/test.docx',
    filePath:  wx.env.USER _DATA_PATH + '/test.docx',
    success(res) {
        console.log('download File success', res)
        console.log('share file')
            filePath:  res.filePath, 
            success(res) {
                console.log('share File success', res)
            fail(res) {
                console.log('share File fail', res)
    fail(res) {
        console.log('download File fail', res)