# wx.miniapp.openUrl

iOS >= 1.0.30,Android >= 1.0.19

To jump to third-party apps, you need to make relevant configurations on the multi-terminal application console before using the interface to jump. For details, please refer to[Operating Guide](https://dev.weixin.qq.com/docs/framework/Guideline/devtools/ThirdApp .html)。

  • Dxplaination: url if it is Https is turned on using the system's default browser and does not need to be configured in the multiterminal application console

# parameter

attribute type Default value Required Introductions
url string yes The goal of the jump App Path, the parameter of the Scheme Must match the prefix configured in the multiterminal application console

# JSAPI Examples of code

wx.miniapp.openUrl ({
    url: "weixin://dl/moments",
    success(res) {
        console.log(' wx.miniapp.openUrl  success', res)
    fail(err) {
        console.log(' wx.miniapp.openUrl  fail', err)