# wx.miniapp.openUrl
iOS >= 1.0.30,Android >= 1.0.19
To jump to third-party apps, you need to make relevant configurations on the multi-terminal application console before using the interface to jump. For details, please refer to[Operating Guide](https://dev.weixin.qq.com/docs/framework/Guideline/devtools/ThirdApp .html)。
- Dxplaination: url if it is Https is turned on using the system's default browser and does not need to be configured in the multiterminal application console
# parameter
attribute | type | Default value | Required | Introductions |
url | string | yes | The goal of the jump App Path, the parameter of the Scheme Must match the prefix configured in the multiterminal application console |
# JSAPI Examples of code
wx.miniapp.openUrl ({
url: "weixin://dl/moments",
success(res) {
console.log(' wx.miniapp.openUrl success', res)
fail(err) {
console.log(' wx.miniapp.openUrl fail', err)