# wx.miniapp.jumpToAppStore

This interface is used to jump to the current App of AppStore Download page and Rating Review page

iOS SDK >= 1.3.3

Added: The interface may be combined with [wx.getAppBaseInfo ](https://dev.weixin.qq.com/docs/framework/dev/jsapi/diffapi/getAppBaseInfo .html) Gets the currently applied appVersion A new version can be used. wx.miniapp.jumpToAppStore Interface to guide the user to the AppStore Download page

# Preconditio

1, the current multi-application needs to be on the shelf AppStore

2, the multi-terminal application has been bound mobile application account must beApproval ApprovedAnd has been configured toListed, and the mobile application configured the "AppStore Download Address” Compliance with the specification, details can be viewed[Obtain AppStore Download Address Guide](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/oplatform/Mobile_App/Guideline/Getioslink .html)

3, the interface does not support theDeveloper ToolsandMobile App AssistantDebugging, developers need to build IPA Install to the phone for debugging

# Interface details

# parameter

attribute type Default value Required Introductions
action string no You can only fill in "write-review," which means you go to the comment page.If you don't pass the action value, you go to the download page.
success function yes Successful callback after getting

# Return parameter

attribute type Introductions
Errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message

# Error code

errCode Error message Introductions
10002401 The multiplayer application is not yet available Please go to the Open Platform Settings app to be listed
10002402 AppStore Download Address Not Approved Please go to the open platform to resubmit for review
10002403 AppStore underload address failed to verify AppStore download address does not match BundleID
10002404 The app distributes the app for business Business distribution app does not support the jump to the AppStore
-700100 Jump failed, unknown error Unknown error, go to community feedback
-700101 Jump failed, system version is too low IOS version too low

# JSAPI Examples of code

wx.miniapp.jumpToAppStore ({
    success: (res) => {
        console.log(JumpToAppStore  success:', res)
    fail: (res) {
        console.log(JumpToAppStore  fail:',  res)

# Go to Review Rating Page

wx.miniapp.jumpToAppStore ({
      action: "write-review"