# wx.miniapp.installApp
Install the application (only available for Android), to install the Apk The package name must be the same as the current application, the certificate that generated the signature must be the same, and the application version number must not be smaller than the current application.
Android >= 1.0.13
Added: The interface may be combined with [wx.getAppBaseInfo ](https://dev.weixin.qq.com/docs/framework/dev/jsapi/diffapi/getAppBaseInfo .html) Gets the currently applied appVersion
A new version can be used. wx.miniapp.installApp
Prompts the user to download and install within the app Apk To update.
Note: Required inproject.miniapp.json
Tick install SDK

# parameter
attribute | type | Default value | Required | Introductions |
filePath | string | yes | Application's user directory |
# JSAPI Examples of code
// Login
url: 'http://xxxx/Package name.apk ',
success(res) {
console.log('download Apk success', res)
wx.miniapp.installApp ({
filePath: res.tempFilePath,
success(res) {
console.log('install app success', res)
fail(res) {
console.log('install app fail', res)
fail(res) {
console.log('download Apk fail', res)