# Privacy Policy Policy
iOS >= 0.8.1 Support, Android >= 0.8.2 Support.
- According to the requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on carrying out special rectification of APP infringement on user rights and interests, App Submit to the app market must meet the conditions: When the app starts to run to pop up a privacy policy agreement, indicating that the app collects user data
- This article will detail how to configure the pop-up "Privacy Agreement and Policy" prompt box
- If you need to configure multiple languages for the privacy policy prompt box, you can view iOS Multilingual adaptation
- In addition, Android Privacy Policy Tip Box Configuration Supported ConfigurationBrowsing modeSee below for details
# I. Style Dxplaination
- Configured through the templatePrivacy Policy Contact UsAs shown below:
# II. Explanation of Prompt Box Behavior
- The prompt box appears only if the configuration is correct and the user never confirms it. Whether the user confirms that the information exists App Local, Uninstall App After reinstallation will be treated as if the user is not confirmed
- After the user clicks on the confirmation, they will enter the App home page
- After the user clicks cancel, the app Will automatically exit
# III. How to configure
# 1, check the use of privacy policy prompt box
Open in Developer Tools project.miniapp.json
, To configure Android and iOS DownPrivacy Policy Policy
- Privacy Enable: Checking the box will determine whether to enable the Privacy Policy prompt.
- Privacy Template: Select the pop-up content profile. (File Format Reference[Popup Content Configuration](#Popup Content Configuration))
# 2, prompt box content configuration
- The developer can create a new json File to configure privacy pop-up related information, such as creating a
Of the reference example is as follows:
"title": "Privacy Policy Agreement,"
"confirm": "agree and accept,"
"cancel": "for the time being,"
"message": " Please be sure to read and fully understand the terms of the Service Agreement and the Privacy Policy carefully, including, but not limited to, that in order to better provide services to you, we need to collect information such as your device identifiers and operating logs for analysis and optimization of application performance.__a____b__For details. If you agree, please click the button below to begin accepting our services. Please be sure to read and fully understand the terms of the Service Agreement and the Privacy Policy carefully, including, but not limited to, that in order to better provide services to you, we need to collect information such as your device identifiers and operating logs for analysis and optimization of application performance.__a____b__For details. If you agree, please click the button below to begin accepting our services. Please be sure to read and fully understand the terms of the Service Agreement and the Privacy Policy carefully, including, but not limited to, that in order to better provide services to you, we need to collect information such as your device identifiers and operating logs for analysis and optimization of application performance.__a____b__For details. If you agree, please click the button below to begin accepting our services. Please be sure to read and fully understand the terms of the Service Agreement and the Privacy Policy carefully, including, but not limited to, that in order to better provide services to you, we need to collect information such as your device identifiers and operating logs for analysis and optimization of application performance.__a__For details. If you agree, please click the button below to begin accepting our services. " ,
"messageLinks": {
"__a__": {
"text": "Service Agreement,"
"url": "https://dev.weixin.qq.com/docs/donut/"
"__b__": {
"text": "Privacy Policy,"
"url": "https://dev.weixin.qq.com/docs/auth/"
"styles": {
"title": {
"color": "#000000"
"confirmButton": {
"color": "#000000"
"cancelButton": {
"color": "#000000"
"message": {
"color": "#000000"
"messageLinks": {
"color": "#0000ff"
# title / message / confirm / cancel The following configuration is supported
"title": { // title / message / cancelButton / cancelButton
"color": "#111111", // Font color
"top": 25, // Distance from the top of the popup
"left": 50, // Distance to the left of the popup
"width": 100, // width
"height": 50, // height
"backgroundColor": "#ffffff", // Background color
"borderRadius": 18 // Fillet
# styles
"styles": {
"borderRadius": 16, // Fillet
"backgroundColor": "#ffffff", // Background color
"showLine": false, // Whether to show button cutting line
"width": 300, // width
"height": 500, // height
"top": 25, // Distance from the top of the screen
"left": 50, // Distance from the left side of the screen
"title": {...},
"message": {...},
"cancelButton": {...},
"confirmButton": {...}
# 3, prompt box background picture configuration
You can set the background image of popups and buttons.
Note: There is no width set in Android/height, The size of the picture will stretch the popup and the button size.

# 4, prompt box content path configuration
- Complete the content of the JSON After the file configuration, you need to add the configuration file by setting the "Privacy pop-up content profile path."

# a) Field Dxplaination
field | Introductions |
title | - Refers to the title at the top of this pop-up. |
confirm | - Refers to the copy of the confirmation button on this pop-up. |
cancel | - Refers to the copy of the cancel button on this pop-up. |
message | - Refers to the copy in the content section of this pop-up. |
messageLinks | - Refers to the popup content area outside the chain configuration key value pair. Key: A placeholder for the content area. Value: text Is a placeholder replacement copy.url yes https url, Developers can do this. url Details of the Deposit Agreement |
styles | - Font color support for configuration copy |
# 5、Android Browse mode configuration
- Browsing mode means that users do not exit the application if they do not agree with the privacy policy, but can continue to access the application, but cannot use it. openSDK Related WeChat capabilities, such as WeChat login, etc.In addition, developers also need to operationally implement the ability to disable user access to personal information in browsing mode.
- To make it easier for developers to implement the above features, the platform provides
Respectively for queriesWhether the user has agreed to the Privacy Agreementas well asUser agrees to the Privacy Policy
Examples of Use:
1, after the user enters the application, the developer needs to callwx.miniapp.getPrivacySetting
queryWhether the user has agreed to the Privacy Agreement, if you do not agree, that is, the user has chosen the browsing mode, then the developer needs to ensure that in the browsing mode will not invoke any interface capabilities related to personal information.
2, and in the use of certain functions, such as WeChat login, access to geographical location, photo albums and other scenarios, developers need to customize pop-up prompts to use these capabilities need to agree to the privacy agreement, the user can click on the consent of the developer to callwx.miniapp.agreePrivacyAuthorization
Subsequently, the interface ability involving personal information can be normally invoked
- Interface View in detail:[wx.miniapp.getPrivacySetting](https://dev.weixin.qq.com/docs/framework/dev/jsapi/miniapp/getPrivacySetting .html)、wx.miniapp.agreePrivacyAuthorization