# RealtimeTagLogManager

Start from base library version 2.16.0. Please remaining backward compatible.

For a live log manager instance of a given tag, you can RealtimeLogManager.tag Interface acquisition, currently only supported in plug-in use.

# method

# RealtimeTagLogManager.info(string key, Object|Array.&ltany&gt|number|string value)

write info journal

# RealtimeTagLogManager.warn(string key, Object|Array.&ltany&gt|number|string value)

write warn journal

# RealtimeTagLogManager.error(string key, Object|Array.&ltany&gt|number|string value)

write error journal

# RealtimeTagLogManager.setFilterMsg(string msg)

Set filter keywords

# RealtimeTagLogManager.addFilterMsg(string msg)

Add filter keywords

# Instructions

RealtimeTagLogManager Function and RealtimeLogManager Similar, but with stricter formatting requirements to make the output real-time logs easier to analyze.
RealtimeTagLogManager When using the need to pass in the tag, call the instance of the log output will be collected under the corresponding tag, and the instance log only supports key-value Format for output.