# PeriodicWaveNode WebAudioContext.createPeriodicWave(Float32Array real, Float32Array imag, object constraints)

with Promise style call: Not supported

Mini Program plugin: Not supported

Create a Periodic Wave Node

# parameter

# Float32Array real

A set of cosine terms(Traditionally, Item A)

# Float32Array imag

A set of cosine terms(Traditionally, Item A)

# object constraints

A dictionary object that specifies whether canonicalization should be disabled(Enable normalization by default)

attribute type Default values Required Introductions
disableNormalization boolean no If true disables normalization, default is false

# Return value

# PeriodicWaveNode

# Be careful

realandimagThe array must have the same length, otherwise an error is thrown

const real = new Float32Array(2)
const imag = new Float32Array(2)
real[0] = 0
imag[0] = 0
real[1] = 1
imag[1] = 0

const waveNode = audioContext.createPeriodicWave(real, imag, {disableNormalization: true})