# IntersectionObserver.observe(string targetSelector, function callback)

with Promise style call: Not supported

Mini Program plugin: Support

Specify the target node and start listening for changes in the intersection state

# parameter

# string targetSelector


# function callback

A callback function that listens for intersecting state changes

# parameter

# Object res
attribute type Introductions
id string node ID
dataset Record.&ltstring, any&gt Node Custom Data Properties
intersectionRatio number Intersecting proportion
intersectionRect Object Boundary of intersecting region
boundingClientRect Object Target boundary
relativeRect Object Boundary of reference area
time number Time Stamp for Intersection Detection

res.intersectionRect Structure

attribute type Introductions
left number Left boundary
right number Right boundary
top number Upper boundary
bottom number Lower boundary
width number width
height number height

res.boundingClientRect Structure

attribute type Introductions
left number Left boundary
right number Right boundary
top number Upper boundary
bottom number Lower boundary
width number width
height number height

res.relativeRect Structure

attribute type Introductions
left number Left boundary
right number Right boundary
top number Upper boundary
bottom number Lower boundary